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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. I’ve had my spats with Hap, but Hap is one of the most (if not the most) informed posters on this forum. Especially when it comes to COVID issues. Rarely will Hap give an opinion unless it’s very reasonable and backed by facts. Those facts are usually even cited.
  2. Don’t get me started on DISH. Left DIRECTV for Sling TV (owned by Dish). Then Dish enters a contract dispute with NFL so I have no NFL network and potentially no NFL Redzone. I’m now looking at FUBOTV. Has anyone ever mentioned that “unbundling” and “cutting the cord” is actually worse than what DIRECTV was?
  3. Someone mentioned there are new rules for streaming only plans. So I immediately googled it. Was very disappointed to see what you saw, it’s the same rules it has always been. If you can’t get a signal you can sign up for streaming only plan.
  4. They were definitely on my radar as well. I wouldn’t do either of them for late 1sts for sure.
  5. Definitely less excited than normal. Just feels different this year, and it will be. I’ll also watch religiously as usual.
  6. I don’t think there’s a player on this team other than Allen that I don’t think long and hard about trading for 2 1sts and a 3rd
  7. One thing I never understood is why these guys have social media at all? Then they engage fans in addition to that? I just don’t see a point.
  8. I wonder if they have language in the new CBA where if that happens your contract slides? And I’m certain you wouldn’t get the 150k advance, not like that matters for big time players though.
  9. Also need a solid control group to create an effective study, which there certainly has not been to this date. There are no long term studies on COVID, despite what some people will attempt to peddle.
  10. This is exactly the type of player Lamar Jackson needs in his locker room. Great character guy and has no quit.
  11. The real question everyone wants to know... can Booger go back into his magic carpet analyst booth ?
  12. I feel like this should probably be moved to the politics forum or, at the very least, off the wall?
  13. I agree. How is that man not a unanimous number one? I don’t even need to think twice if I’m given the choice between Mahomes or Jackson. It’s not even a discussion.
  14. It’s not true at all. It’s pure false. Proven false. Show me the source that mentions no post infection Covid immunity.
  15. There are very few viruses that offer infinite immunity. People who think of post virus immunity in terms of forever are simply misinformed.
  16. I don’t subscribe to the herd immunity theory. I give no credence to it when it’s mentioned. I was simply replying to people who want to imply this virus provides no post infection immunity. That statement is just blatantly false.
  17. I don’t agree with the herd immunity theory, but I have to adamantly disagree with the bolded part. I hear some people spouting this off. I haven’t seen one legitimate source that says this coronavirus offers no immunity. The one study I’ve seen done states that immunity lasts a minimum of 3 months (might be 2, but I’m working on the source). This would also be discounting the fact that this is NOT the first coronavirus. It’s naive to think this is the coronavirus to break all the rules of past coronavirus’. MERS and SARS both have degrees of immunity varying from 6 months to 2 years. Edit: source https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/07/study-covid-19-antibodies-decay-quickly-after-mild-illness It seems to be the only study that’s been published to date. The key word is immunity antibodies “BEGIN to decrease after 2-3 months”. Keep in mind this is for a mild illness. Of course, logically, your body wouldn’t produce as many antibodies for mild illness. However, a much larger study is needed to determine the true immunity status post positive. I would bet it ends up being in 4-8 month range based on initial results and past coronavirus antibody studies. There is pretty much zero chance it ends up being anything less than a couple of months.
  18. Probably just better to wait a few months for the vaccine if that’s the solution they were going to pursue.
  19. The thing is, how in the hell are you an NFL GM and make this mistake? If this is true and your sold on Russel Wilson, you take a WR two picks before he ends up being drafted? QB’s are over drafted all the time. If you like one in the 3rd you better be prepared to take him in the 2nd. Horrific GM duties if this is true.
  20. Not trying to be an a**, but what would starting in October instead of September do? If anything, I would think a start around March would be best. Let the first round of vaccines make their rounds. Assuming all goes well with them.
  21. Two 1sts+ for a safety. I wouldn’t be too happy with that as a Seattle fan but what do I know, I’m just some guy on a message board.
  22. The same reason you are thinking of moving is why it’s tough for me to consider selling! We have owned 10 years and replaced the furnace, AC unit, roof, plumbing, old hot water tank with tankless, old sump pump with new one and water backup in case of power outage. We want more space, but are leaning towards just building onto our current house because of how much we have invested so far. It’s tough to walk away no matter the money we could sell for.
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