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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Definitely better to give up 15 yards than the 35 yard reception
  2. I always hated these type of calls. The basis of the penalty itself is idiotic. Your supposed to let the player catch the ball? Your going over there to hit the guy, not tap him on the shoulder. If your only play is level the guy or allow a catch, you level the guy.
  3. I’m not sure he is available. But there’s definitely something going on with Thomas in New Orleans.
  4. I’d like to see him get a shot as the second or first TE, given what is ahead of him currently.
  5. Watching Cleveland Hard Knocks one could see that Gregg Williams is the leader that tries to lead by fear and intimidation. If I recall correctly he ended his defensive meetings with “come get some, B word” or something along those lines. Just a terrible person and coach. No idea how he kept getting NFL chances. But it’s very easy to see how someone with his personality failed.
  6. I agree with both of these meriting revision. The standing up like the defensive lineman somehow shook you. If you legit react, fine. But standing up slowly and pointing isn’t a reflex reaction.
  7. Put the fire sale on hold, Eagles are so powerful they are leading the division.
  8. Found the rule. Section 3 of the NFL rule book. Five yards isn’t specifically mentioned. But there is obvious leeway given to the judgement of the covering official. Item 2. Illegally Downfield. An ineligible offensive player is illegally downfield if: (a) he moves more than one yard beyond the line of scrimmage without contacting an opponent (b) after losing contact with an opponent within one yard of the line of scrimmage, he advances more than one yard beyond the line of scrimmage (c) after losing contact with an opponent more than one yard beyond the line of scrimmage, he continues to move toward his opponent’s goal line.
  9. Is the rule really 5 yards? I’m looking it up now and will edit back, but I feel like that’s quite a bit of leeway to give a professional NFL player. Little league where they don’t know the rules, fine.
  10. Desean Jackson, comes back for a game, goes out indefinitely again.
  11. I’m glad I’m not the only one. I feel like Flacco has that ability to get hot and have a one off game. I don’t get that same feeling from Darnold. *Cue the Darnold 400 yard game
  12. Terribly coached team. Giants had the gunner completely uncovered. Easy first down, just toss it to him.
  13. Homer alert, but give me Allen. Second choice was close between Murray, Burrow and Herbert. Went with Murray because he is slightly more proven at this point.
  14. Given what they traded FOR Yannick, I would have been happier as a Vikings fan if they just let him walk at the end of the season rather than trade him for nothing. Couldn’t they have even received a comp pick by letting him walk? So the downside of keeping him would be limited.
  15. Leaning towards 1 because she didn’t come out guns blasting. And when face to face with the intruder she says “don’t shoot me, my son is here?”
  16. Do they actually pay New York taxes when playing for the Jets? Considering it’s actually in New Jersey, I would think they pay Jersey state taxes?
  17. good for Fitz. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind in this idiotic decision.
  18. Crowder and Perine are the two to be worried about on the Jets. Crowder burnt us for over 100 week one and Perine should start getting a chance to shine. Perine is an unknown behind a garbage line, but our defensive front 7 is equally garbage. Wouldn’t surprise me if he got 100 yards. Tre should be on Crowder, that will neutralize him most likely. Stop the run, win the game; that simple.
  19. Came here to post this. I was impressed by that stat.
  20. What I find impressive is that Dak still leads the league in passing. And he hasn’t played in a game and a half.
  21. However, they are lucky enough to own Houston’s first and second round picks. Which is surely going to be top 10 and likely top 5.
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