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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. First thing I saw. How is that not a penalty? That’s a penalty for any other QB.
  2. Is there golf on today? I had no idea. I would have thought it would have been more so Golf being scared of the NFL than the other way around.
  3. How did they make a schedule that has this many late versus early games.
  4. Either that or they both have a ball, and they use McKenzie to scramble and when the ball is ready to be thrown they have Barkley throw the pass from the backfield.
  5. Every time I see this commercial, it irks me beyond belief. So much wrong with this commercial. 1. Unless you got extremely lucky, you probably aren’t overly stupid with the size of that house. Intelligent people don’t get convinced to buy a car by a Black Friday commercial. 2. If you live in a house that size, you are probably driving a Ferrari, Land Rover, Maserati, private helicopter. 3. Probably aren’t buying a car without consulting your significant other. 4. You aren’t settling for the car you didn’t want because she “loves” your car. 5. Who are they even advertising to?! As someone said, 99% of the population doesn’t have a spare 100k to go drop on two cars on a whim. And I have never, ever heard of someone buying a car as a Christmas present, or buying a car because of a Black Friday sale, or buying a car because of a Black Friday commercial.
  6. Yeah that was a phantom call. Not much more annoying in a game than those.
  7. Is the Cardinals fan base really that much larger than the Bills? I feel the Cardinals fan base is not nearly as devoted as the Bills. But that could also just be my fan bias showing.
  8. This is exactly where my confusion lies. How many minority head coaches does the NFL want? What is the goal? Other than “more”. Like you said, minority head coaching jobs are not that far off of the percentage of the population. 3/32 is 9%. 4/32 would be 12.5%, which is nearly the exact percentage of the population who are African American.
  9. I Moreso think the team who does the hiring should get the picks, rather than the “developing team”. And it should apply to those who develop one internally and promote him to HC. Basically, if they really want to do this right, the team doing the hiring should get the comp picks. Not saying I agree or disagree with the initiative, but it’s idiotic as written. No surprise from the NFL.
  10. Wow, learn something new everyday. My ignorance is showing. I thought senate districts were divided. Just learned that every member of the state votes for both senators 🤦‍♂️ In that case, yes, Atlanta needs to turn out.
  11. I can’t seem to find the Georgia Congressional Map, but did they really divide Atlanta? I would have thought that Atlanta only votes for one of the two senate districts.
  12. I only watch ESPN for Monday Night Football. Their football coverage is, IMO, garbage. They have nonexistent hockey coverage. I think they are doomed to fail because they aren’t the best at anything they do. If I want football news, I have NFL network, NHL has NHL Network, MLB and NBA also have their own networks which are far better at their respective coverages.
  13. Words the NFL doesn’t live by with officiating “just because it’s ugly doesn’t mean it’s illegal”
  14. I don’t think he actually ended up hitting cams helmet? Looked like shoulder from the replay.
  15. Oh well. At least Cam got leveled. Is it just me or did it not look like they got his helmet.
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