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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Is there a worse pre-game show than NFL network? Steve Smith and Joe Thomas are so bad
  2. Steve Smith belongs no where near my television. This guy is horrendous.
  3. I just can’t see this happening without a massive revolt of a very large percentage of the population.
  4. I don’t even mind missing out on the first round bye. As long as they can rest the starters in week 17. Make it like a preseason game.
  5. I’m not sure about that. The NHL has a lottery system and its horrendous. I guess the NFL could devise a better way to handle it. But given the choice between an NHL type lottery or the NFL’s system, I take the NFL all day.
  6. I like the sound of that. I also don’t see them winning another game. Hopefully the Jets can steal a victory somewhere.
  7. Anyone know who has the tiebreaker between the Jets and Jaguars? If the Jets would get 2nd overall and it comes down to that last game, I wouldn’t put it past Bill to actually give the Jets a chance to win.
  8. This is Buffalo, in the WINTER. Everyone has ten layers of clothes on and balaclava’s. Seems like it would be safe, no?
  9. Oh good, Jac Colinsworth. The guy who is completely qualified for his job and definitely didn’t get it because of his father.
  10. Oh good, Jac Colinsworth. The guy who is completely qualified for his job and definitely didn’t get it because of his father.
  11. Absolutely. Imagine how annoying it would be as a Pitt fan when it’s not working.
  12. I think Doug Pederson is a horrendous coach. They should have kept Reich.
  13. The Jets are the worst football team I’ve ever seen
  14. Seattle over the Jets or Tennessee over Jacksonville today? I’m heavily leaning Tenn over Jacksonville due to future value. I don’t see myself loving picking the Titans in the coming weeks. I can see myself taking Seattle.
  15. I also liked that proposal very much. They could tie it into the stimulus bill they already plan on working on. I thought it was a very clever idea when I saw it. You’d get 90+% compliance nearly overnight.
  16. Heading in the right direction then at least. I also wonder how many people will actually make a doctors appointment and go in for these two shots. It’s one thing to say you will, but people are also inherently lazy and, as we have seen, quite selfish.
  17. I’d say the bigger hold up is that the bulk of the population doesn’t seem to want it, more so than vaccine availability. Latest poll numbers I’ve seen show a 50/50 split and that number has done nothing but drop over the months of this pandemic. I’m not sure how much a public education campaign can help, but that’s where the feds and local DOH are certainly going to need to start.
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