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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. I hate when all you ever hear about is “best ever, best ever”. Definitely want to see them get knocked down.
  2. Really hope Cleveland can take down the Chiefs. They are on Patriot level hatred for me at this point.
  3. Absolutely. When you have a passing attack, poor weather is never an advantage for you.
  4. I agree. The Pack should be representing the NFC in the super bowl this year. Solid all around.
  5. I’m not sure why you even take that head coaching job. You know, 99% chance your gone very very quickly. I guess if you demand a multi year contract at least you’ll be getting paid after they fire you. I’m sure he would, after/if Philly cuts him outright. Otherwise it would be heavy compensation coming from Philly to get someone to take that contract.
  6. I think with Williams,Milano and Feliciano any cap space is well on its way to gone.
  7. Had to have that if you were the Rams. Do the pack get the ball after the half? I missed the start.
  8. I’m not sure. I’m not the expert. That’s why I asked you
  9. It would make sense to assume the defensive side of the ball would be his strength, no?
  10. Would love to see Saleh in New York. Would much prefer them to be a good defense than a good offense. You can get by in this league with a bottom barrel defense if you have a good offense, the reverse is not true IMO. I’d like to see Pederson in NY too just because I feel he’s a horrible coach.
  11. I feel Baker is in a really good negotiating spot. Most TD passes of the “big 3” from that draft, just broke the playoff drought, fought for a W as an underdog. I don’t think Cleveland can let him go under any circumstance.
  12. Allen without a doubt. Unless he takes a hometown discount. I can see Baker raking Cleveland over the coals. The city would riot if they let Baker walk after breaking the playoff drought and getting a W. Lamar I feel gets a big extension and then falls apart as the team around him falls apart (due to salary complications).
  13. Maintain lane discipline and do absolutely everything to keep Lamar in the pocket. If he’s a pocket passer, the Ravens lose. I’ll give him all the time in the world in the pocket, he will make a poor throw or mistake resulting in an INT. I have never been on the Lamar hype train as a QB and never will. When your QB’s strength isn’t throwing the ball, you have a problem IMO. Make him be a QB and you win.
  14. I was thinking the only reason he pulled that stunt during the final game was because they told him he’s safe another year. Given he wasn’t safe, I truly don’t know what he was doing. Unless he just really had a grudge against the Giants.
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