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Everything posted by PetermansRedemption

  1. Crimes against Tyrod Taylor. Allegedly Miller went to help him up, but didn’t actually help him up. Years long investigation. *I really don’t know either 😂
  2. I’m a big fan of this rule. While winning the game in the final minute shouldn’t be likely, it also should be impossible. Id also argue there’s far more luck than skill involved in the current onside kick format. Changing it to 4th and 15 shifts the needle closer to skill. But the reason of the rule would be to make it less impossible than an onside kick, not more. 4th and 25 and you might as well keep the current format. They didn’t arbitrarily pull the 15 yards out of thin air. It has very similar conversion percentages of the old onside kick I believe.
  3. I saw they were still closed last time I was downtown. Was a bit surprised they aren’t re-opening. I think restaurants can have 50% capacity now? Their rent has to be sky high, you would think they want to make at least some of it back.
  4. Not to mention the additional $150 for a rapid test. So you end up spending around $220 for a ticket. I can’t imagine many people will be jumping at that opportunity.
  5. This made me laugh out loud when I was watching it today. Hilarious side effect of the virtual age.
  6. So all the news that has been reported as him being drunk... are guilty of slander?
  7. Is there any statistical correlation to back this up? I would bet it’s patently false logic, but I haven’t seen statistics to back it up one way or the other.
  8. Guess he wasn’t a fan of David Culley 😂 I instantly discount anything Stephen A Smith says. He has the worst hot takes I’ve ever seen.
  9. That’s what kills me about the Chiefs. They strut with the arrogance of gods gift to football. There seemingly isn’t a humble guy on that team. At least not with the skilled positions. They have one Super Bowl ring and act like they have the Patriots dynasty. I very much hope they can get smacked down a peg on Super Bowl Sunday.
  10. You do realize that the tuck rule was a legit rule? In the nfl rule book, and implemented verbatim? I feel a lot of people have this misconception that it was some rule the NFL made up on the spot. It was the correct call 100%. It even took many years post “tuck rule call” for the NFL to change the rule. It was a case of implementing a rule properly. If Buffalo sports fans want one to actually steam over, the foot in the crease call is far more suspect.
  11. Too bad we convert the first onside kick since 2014 when it doesn’t matter at all
  12. Absolutely. Dynasties are terrible for the league. For any league. Take them down.
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