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Matty the Dustmop

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Everything posted by Matty the Dustmop

  1. The needle and spoon and a trip to moon!!
  2. Everyone including McBeane and McClappy loves them some Peterman.
  3. Go to the Notre Dame Cathedral climb up in the bell tower and he can tell you directions to the bar
  4. He would be great teamed up with brickhands Foster. We then would have qb who could throw the ball deep and no one to catch it.
  5. A tie for the Bills this season would be better than a L
  6. Love isnt going in the 1st round with the ankle issues....Bills did that once before with Willis s knee.
  7. Steriods arent good ....anyone remember what happened to the guy from Shittsburg...Steriods will do it to you in the long run.
  8. Wow pretty demanding there. FYI Beane wasnt even around yet and it was McClappy and the Whales pick, ones no longer around and McClappys on the clock.
  9. I myself never bashed Peterman thought he had potential and still do he was tossed in the fire early also, but he wasnt gonna learn anything from TT. Pretty sure the Peterman bashers will be all over this one.The Bills overacheived last season IMO and the some of the Monday morning qbs missed that one..New regime and theres a learning curve , as the old saying go s Rome wasnt built in a day probably going to take till atleast 2020 to see results.
  10. Give the kid a break hes still learning...funny how all the comments change by the game....Love all the so called experts and Monday morning QBs in these forums.
  11. Why have instant replay when it clearly showed Allens knee down and then the ball comes out, many missed holding calls and a facemask or two
  12. McClappy can catch but not sure if WRs could even catch the Clap.....
  13. They havent played anyone with winning record yet two one and two teams and a 0 and 3 Raider team !@#$ the Dolphins...and there half empty stadium
  14. Umm correct me if Im wrong wasnt Ralph Wilson the owner in the 70s when this team was terrible and was as cheap as cheap could be?
  15. He told coach it was part of the process...his exact words were "coach you gotta trust the process".....
  16. You forgot Larry and his brother Darryl and his other brother Darryl
  17. I would call the office to give my notice, I would tell them did you notice that I am not there.....I !@#$ing quit......
  18. Maybe its time for Mr Rogers and King Friday to come out also?
  19. What about the ghost of Dennis Shaw or Dan Darragh?
  20. Like the part where she said you could !@#$ somebody in the head. My observation of it is shes !@#$ed up in the head.
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