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Matty the Dustmop

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Everything posted by Matty the Dustmop

  1. They should of revoked EJs passport and left him in london
  2. Hes a heck of lot better IMO than the other cowboy qb analyst
  3. Was that Mellisa Ethridge or the Michlien tire man?
  4. Gotta turn the sound off Jim Nantz has gotta be the crappiest play by play man
  5. Im sure will see some funny biz in the AFC game favoring that B word Brady
  6. So if the profit was 270 the bet would have to be 200 to won 470
  7. You only win 270 where do you get 470 from you only bet the 200 ...not sure what kind of bookie you have but if I remember correctly you lose you the pay the 200 plus the juice
  8. While he certainly has had a great season lets not get ahead of the game...what happens if he gets hurt or turns out to be a one year or two year wonder?
  9. Not sure its a butter face or it was beat with an ugly stick.....
  10. Mount it in your pick up truck and fill it with baseball bats and axe handles
  11. I got hundreds in my high school yearbooks unfortunely none ever became famous....
  12. Shots of fireball and jager for McSlappy oh I mean McClappy
  13. Jim Plunkett to Randy Vahatta
  14. Ex Gamecocks suck Cooper, Dimarco,Gilmore shall I name more? As a matter of fact the whole Gamecock football program s never won squat....But now you ll tell me how great they were under Spurrier? Theyve never won anything except one SEC East title to then get blown out by Cam Newton and Auburn.....Tell me what did DiMarco ever do at Carolina...What did Cooper ever do? Wasted a 1st round pick on Gilmore the man when in Buffalo couldnt cover a dead man with a sheet....
  15. White sure hasnt looked like no lock down corner the last 2 games against ***** receivers
  16. Get rid of the 5yd automatic first down crap.
  17. Mr. McClappy is so happy...
  18. I feel with my hands and see with my eyes and dont think McPegula will Fire McClappy.....
  19. He told McClappy that he does not trust the process therefor McClappy has sent him packing
  20. Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thorton.
  21. Sacrifice the worst poster on TBD and the curse shall be lifted or if Mclappy can clap 1500 times in a minute all will be well.
  22. The Sabres are doing great credit to Coach McClappy selling the process to Coach Phil.
  23. Put $5000. on if you know something no one else at TBD knows.
  24. So how the hell is that trestle still standing? Seems like after all those hits its gotta be like a boxer who's a little punch drunk.
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