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Everything posted by CaliBills

  1. what? bad analogy. Try again Its more like your wife asking if you are ok and you say nothing. She can assume you are upset even if you are not, you just might be focused. Silence isn't always a negative association when asked a question.
  2. Maybe they wanted to focus on winning a game this week instead of giving into the BS that some hack wrote...... Stop reaching....
  3. And like i said in multiple posts in this thread, we don't know anything about what goes on behind closed doors or the relationship McD has with the players and the players owe us nothing when it comes to how they feel about anything put out there. It is ones fault for expecting anything then forming conclusions on the lack there of.
  4. I saw a lot of assuming, not questioning but saying its damning evidence that so and so hasn't said anything to the media, and so what if so and so said they had his back, it isn't Allen or Diggs or someone else.. It was all to fit their narrative and they would argue they know things based off of one opinion based hit piece.
  5. Soooo for all those questioning whether or not the players had his back I would love to hear your rebuttal to the proof that is now displayed before you that you all had no idea what you were talking about. Oh here is Allen talking about it....
  6. Just going to leave this here for those thinking the players don't have this mans back.
  7. That is the issue, you are reading into it to fit your narrative. I am simply stating we do not know and since they tend to keep it in house, we won't know.
  8. That is your opinion. Maybe they don't care about the outside noise and just want to focus on winning a damn game.
  9. And if that happens then all of this would be forgotten and for nothing. I am not defending McD, i just don't care about this specifically and do feel the article is an attack as the author did the same with Aaron Rogers in 2019.
  10. The problem I see is you are expecting something out of the players that frankly, I don't believe they owe you anything. Maybe they didn't make themselves available to the media, maybe they just don't want to discuss what they deem an in house thing. Maybe we as fans have zero clue of what really goes on behind close doors and what type of relationships McD has with the players. The Bills have been known to keep things in house. Look at the Diggs garbage that the media blew out of proportion in the beginning of the year. Players eventually felt pressured by the media to say something. I would say the same thing is happening with this. They do not want to talk about it and why do they owe any of us anything. They don't
  11. Well good luck trying to prove yourself right be careful up there, falling from that high horse might hurt.
  12. maybe…. The players don’t give a s*** about something that was said 4 years ago and think it is stupid they are being asked about it and just say no comment. but sure keep reaching
  13. Some of you all are reaching Pretty sure you are wrong on the offense players not supporting. https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/sean-mcdermott-says-support-from-bills-players-was-clear-and-much-appreciated/article_ce393a6c-95ee-11ee-8ef2-cf6d8ef748f6.html some of you all are reaching so hard surprised you still have arms attached.
  14. I served during 9/11. Lets keep it real.. I was talking about someone putting out info 4 years after it happened.
  15. I hate when people put out an article 4 F'ing years after it happened.... It is a personal vendetta against McD. I could care less about this.
  16. Well I hope you lose that $100 lol
  17. Make up call lol
  18. I would say the league making violent contact basically a Flag every time is the reason the sport is being killed. Defenders basically can't hit offensive players with violence, so many split second decisions for defenders to hit someone hard as F*** without getting a flag or fined.
  19. Then why is Dodson in there spying hurts? Throw in the speedier rookie and let him spy hurts. That again is on the HC.
  20. I get it, trust me, I have felt the same for a long time. But..... We cannot sit here and just accept that there is an inability of the defense to stop offenses every time the game comes down to them and be fine with it. Only 1 game I remember against a quality opponent that they stopped them. (KC last year, giants this year does not count because they got lucky and they are a bad team) If the offense scores a FG in overtime, then as a defensive minded HC (supposedly a good one), you should be able to win that game.
  21. Defense was better under Frazier than McD.
  22. I am not one to kick and scream. but.... this is ALL on the Defense and McDermott. Time to move on. Get Frazier back as DC and get an Offensive minded HC
  23. Selah getting fired after this game?
  24. Cause they haven't been there much lately lol
  25. Hyde, Tre, Poyer are difficult to replace 2 years ago. Last year/this year it is definitely easier due to age/injury
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