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Everything posted by CaliBills

  1. High level business meetings? I am partying with Dr.Gonzo
  2. Eh! Eh! Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! lol yeah i sounded it out loud here at work lol. I know a guy from Dunkirk who knows a guy too!!!!
  3. What?!??! wth are you talking about. My post was a joke. And to answer your question........ not sure why I am even..... But no, I don't want any player rushed back or not right just to play. If he is cleared, then let him play. If doctors say no, then he sits. Its simple.
  4. Yeah I get it. I honestly believe first thought was concussion all the way. But as they were looking at him (and it might sound ridiculous) that they determined that it was a tweak of a nerve in the neck/spine and not a concussion like originally thought. Which is why they didn't immobilze his neck etc, since he was moving, just wobbling a bit. Just my thoughts.
  5. Any dizziness shown like that which occurs from a player during a play will be always considered a concussion and the player will always be placed in such to determine if it was. They can't simply put a player in it, then immediately take him out regardless of the initial diagnosis. You can call it nonsense all you want, but you, and no one on this board, knows if it was an actual concussion or pinch nerve. The only persons that know are mahomes, the doctors treating him, and certain staff members.
  6. Are a lot of you secretly hoping it was a concussion so he might not play because you are scared to play against him? lol
  7. Look - I get it, it is hard to buy considering a few variables. One is how violent football is in general and how often concussions occur. Two. Mahomes history of concussions. But just because it isn't likely, doesn't mean it isn't possible. Link of Source - this source might explain it as well. Pinch Nerve Link i tried to explain that in my case in the gameday post yesterday, if i turn my head in a awkward way to the right or left - i sometimes can start blacking out a bit and get dizzy. I actually thought it was more blood flow, not a nerve.
  8. So let me ask anyone willing to answer. If Mahomes doctor's come out and say it wasn't a concussion. His head twisted in a way to pinch a nerve causing momentary dizziness and blackout. We put him in concussion protocol to ensure his safety and he passed all the tests in a short period of time and he is good to go. Would you even believe them?
  9. I didn't say it needed to but was responding to the poster about the head hitting the turf, when it didn't. that is all. Thanks for playing
  10. It didn't hit the turf at all. More like bottom of face mask hit his hand/ball but not with crazy force. Watch the 3rd replay in the video.
  11. Thank you! Starting to have clarity of what actually happened.
  12. Eh whatevs... I don't care anymore. People on the net just want to be right about their opinions. Me included. I voiced mine and they voiced theirs. And my take in relations to contorting the neck is just using my own experience to explain something. Guess I am the only one that understands it.
  13. Funny thing is.... When it happened yesterday I posted it almost immediately that it wasn't a concussion (by the definition of concussion of brain hitting the skull) and basically described what the Youtube Doctor did and I was basically thrown under the bus by some posters here about how wrong I was. And When Mahomes was in concussion protocol i had to basically admit I was wrong even though I didn't believe I was. I think the league put him in concussion protocol due to perception. The team could not well know what happened until afterwards and evaluating him. Mahomes will play and will clear protocol quickly. That is just my take.
  14. Winfield jr. I have a feeling will be HOF someday
  15. Alright - i'm wrong. It happens. Luckily my life doesn't change because I make a wrong judgement. Didn't look like a concussion when I saw it. All good in the hood. On to the game
  16. Im not automatically. I looked at the tackle in slow motion and in real time. The defender had his forearm right on Mahomes neck through a lot of the tackle and at the end you see mahomes head turned opposite of his body direction. I put two and two together in my eyes. If i am wrong, i am wrong. But i do not think it was a concussion.
  17. LOL I feel ya. Sometimes it happens to me and Im like woooooaaahhh this is fun, then I come two. But the trainers just grabbed him real quick and got him off the field thinking the worse
  18. Where did his head hit anything? There is no indication his head hit anything. If anything he got chocked out.
  19. Tell me where his head got hit at any point in the tackle? I will wait. If you never had circulation cut off by turning head the wrong way then you can not really understand. But all good. I will wait and see if I was wrong and If I am, then so be it. Just calling it like how I saw it and experienced it myself
  20. Not a concussion. No hit to the head. As i said in an earlier post when it happened that it looks like he had his neck turned to constrict circulation. That happens to me on occasion where i turn my head to much to left or right and I basically black out and when i come back my body is like wtf is happpening and I am a bit out of it/dizzy
  21. Thats not a concusssion. That looks like he had his neck turned wrong to cut off circulation. I have that happen to me occasionally when looking to the right or left to long or a weird position. And it basically puts you to sleep. Edit: It blacks you out and you wake up a little out of it and dizzy.
  22. If we play the Chiefs, which it looks like, our offense will need to come ready to score some points. But, the Bills really need to balance the game plan. Run some draws more offten etc.
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