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Everything posted by CaliBills

  1. Because folks that want him fired do not deserve to celebrate. They need to just sit there and be ***** quiet while the rest of us true fans celebrate an achievement that hasnt been done since the 90's
  2. do you think it was white knuckle for us fans only or do you really think the players ever thought that? I, for one, do not think the players or coaches were nervous. More like, ok, we are the better team lets get our ***** together.
  3. All you #######s wanting McD fired should not be celebrating this victory or the division title. You should go cry in your basement that someone still achieved something regardless of what your armchair coaching thought. just my opinion, but F all you all that wants him fired. I just want to enjoy watching this team be successful Note: I am posting this here so more people see it.
  4. All you #######s wanting McD fired should not be celebrating this victory or the division title. You should go cry in your basement that someone still achieved something regardless of what your armchair coaching thought. just my opinion, but F all you all that wants him fired. I just want to enjoy watching this team be successful
  5. can we just all acknowledge that a lot of fans overreact on a play by play basis. Yes it is exhausting yes it is unrealistic to expect perfection yes it makes watching games tougher but ffs can we please STOP with McDermott has to be fired. The dude is a leader among men. Is he perfect, ***** no, none of us are. but expecting perfection ONLY leads to disappointment. Just enjoy the ride cause it could be another 20 years before this happens again.
  6. everyone is allowed an off day. Davis just didnt have it today...
  7. Im with you. I just opened the extra large bottle of champagne . Either I am going to be celebrating the whole second half. Or I will be too drunk to remember it. Win win
  8. Kick Returned and Punter on the need list this offseason.
  9. Wonder if they told Haack to stay on the field and just practice....
  10. take the points. 3 sec not enough and on the 3 yd line. Not the 1.
  11. oh ok..... good hot take.. bye
  12. is that a picture of you? nice pic. maybe put it on your linkdn. I am sure lots of employers would love a clown like you
  13. can you just stop being a complainer. Its exhausting........ go root for the Patriots..... We were on our own side of the field...... part of football 101
  14. "average"...... ffs go take a walk nancy. You get to negative when you are cranky
  15. You have no idea either....... Just assuming as well as I am.
  16. You are assuming going for it was the plan. But to my eyes, the goal was to try and draw them Offside and call a timeout if they dont move. Prolly told Josh to run the play at 1 sec incase the timeout doesn't get called in time.
  17. Well good thing is you are not the deciding factor. Just enjoy having a good HC for once.
  18. If Frazier leaves for a HC job, I would be so down to grab Fangio as a DC.
  19. Then blame their parents because that is the stem of their work ethic. Work ethic is learned. Look at Josh Allen (hard working father) to Josh Rosen (raised dare I say spoiled?) And just to note, I am not saying young generations don't have issues because they will always . Mainly because parents try to coddle them so they don't have hardships that the parents had. Since the parents couldn't instill work ethic in their own kid, society will give a quick hard lesson in what is required.
  20. These days? Older generations have complained about younger generations since forever ago. The "I used to work 20 hours a day in fields" to "I used to work 10 hours a day in a factory" to "I used to work 8 hours a day in an office" to " I used to work 8 hours a day remotely" to etc, etc, etc. Like the whole, I used to walk to school in 2 ft a snow in -20 degrees. While their grandparents didnt even get a chance to go to school, they had to work since they were capable in either a factory or farm or some manual labor.
  21. I don't know man. I am employed by a company that has a 73 year old CEO who might talk in front of people but really only when the news is good. He hides behind email and or other staff to enforce anything that could be considered negative or strict. So age I do not think is the issue. Technology use is the issue and simply stating younger generations are the one's being effected is a bit narrow. Boomers are using technology just as much as the younger generations. IE See Facebook. Hell my parents (boomers) send text to wish Happy Birthday or even to chat vs just calling. I find myself having to call them. Also, There are many young CEO's that are perfectly fine with talking face to face. Or younger people in general. Technology is the problem and if young kids don't learn how to communicate face to face then that is the result of bad parenting. Just my opinion.
  22. Make em see ghosts coach, make em see those ghosts!!!
  23. I think it was at half time against the Bucs. but I have no inside info, just a gut feeling that Josh took the reigns and started holding his teammates a bit more accountable.
  24. I actually thought the same thing, Like Diggs talking to Allen after dropping the ball that his hands in the end zone saying " hey bro, ease up, these balls feel like they are made of stone right now"
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