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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Just an example.... Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter One league source said he was "95 percent" certain former Eagles HC Andy Reid will wind up coaching the Cardinals. Reading this, people assume someone like Schefters sources are solid. They obviously are not considering Reid never even made it to Arizona for an interview.
  2. I don't think Sullivan is ever free and easy with the facts. He gets grief from people who think he should keep his opinion under wraps and report the facts. That is just not his job. On your second point. These aren't (by reputation) weak writers. These are some of the biggest names in the business posting rumors as a fact.
  3. Jerry Sullivan is a columnist (meaning he's paid to express his opinion not report facts). This is a much different role that a reporter or true sports journalist.
  4. I Knew that, yeah, me too. I actually just want to say, stupid commercials be damned. I always listen to WGR on the TuneIn App for one main reason- I can pause, rewind and fast forward. I love having someone talk to me and I don't have to get frustrated that I'm missing a great interview. I can pause and then listen in a few minutes.
  5. Its absolutely amazing that these "respected" NFL writers are wrong as often as they are and still deemed "respected". The age of twitter has turned these guys from journalists into rumor mongers trying to scoop the other writers by throwing every guess they have at the wall (twitter wall) as a guarantee or near guarantee. Jason La Canfora, and Adam Shefter really take the cake. I'll give ONE example and you guys can fill in some others. The big report 2 days ago was Reid to the Cards- Done Deal! Yesterday- Talking to Chiefs first, Today- Going to Chiefs, Count on it! I have ABSOLUTELY NO faith in reports that Wisenhut is the Bills first choice and is the "leading candidate". Its just another guess so that someone can say "I said it first". I want to separate John Warrow and Tim Graham from this conversation. They have avoided making ridiculous guesses have only reported what they know to be true. I'm glad to see they still take their roles seriously.
  6. You may be influenced to get a shelter pet by a talking cat whose owner orders Chinese food.
  7. The more reading I do, the more I think you hit it on the head. He is respected around the league and is already "in-house".
  8. I mean, besides being young and from the Pittsburgh org, what are the credentials that make home such a no brainier pick to many of you? Wasn't he part of this mess for the past 3 years?
  9. If you ever have the opportunity to listen to John Clayton on WGR each week, you will realize he does not have the slightest idea about what is happening with the Bills. He offers no more insight than someone reading a message board.
  10. 3 cars in the family My daily driver is a 2011 Jaguar XF- This car is without a doubt the best car I have ever driven. My wife's car is a 2004 Subaru Outback, 5-speed manual. My wife loves it in the snow. Our other car is a toy; a 1969 Red Corvette Convertible. 4- speed manual 350cc/350hp I love to drive.
  11. I have to admit, I did not see the Fitz play.
  12. Brady ran a QB sneak on first and 10 last night and gained 5 yards. He saw the middle of the field open and took the easy yards. With all the things wrong with this team I hardly see this call as an example of what's wrong. It seems like a good heads up call to prevent a sure loss.
  13. Wrong. In his interview he said he came out after the screen catch he had and asked back in after one play. He never asked to come out the rest of the game. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/press-coverage/2012/12/cj-spiller-doesnt-understand-chan-gaileys-winded-comments.html He also explains (CJ) that every player gets winded and subs out. Read the story.
  14. I am totally not kidding in telling you that EVERY time I refresh TBD lately I am hoping for some Bills Coaching breaking news. Unfortunately I am feeling like I am more likely to get "Chan announces Choice and Spiller to split carries" breaking news and not "Chan Canned" breaking news.
  15. And by the way. I respect the way you took the time to voice your opinion in a rather mature email to them. I personally find their show VERY entertaining. I often find myself laughing out loud. Perhaps it would be a different show if we actually had a winning team in this city.
  16. I thought Schoop's response was well thought out, considers the best interest of the show not a single caller and goes out of its way to be polite but factual. You guys are so damned sensitive. They are not required to take calls. I personally call in sometimes, but find most people who call in pretty boring myself.
  17. Russell's is a bit pricey, but the food is great, the atmosphere and staff top notch and the bar is Excellent. You get what you pay for.
  18. I'm just hoping that someday someone will offer me a free flat screen TV
  19. I know I could look it up, but how much do you want to be that the movie's executive producers (the guys putting up the money) are Cage and Cusak!
  20. From Salvatore's website... Joe Salvatore purchased the family business from his father in 2003, and now along with his wife Paula and their three children, Josette, Russell and Nicholas they handle the day to day operations. Regardless, I have not been to Salvatore's since ownership changed and we are now regulars at Russell's
  21. Good for Russ. He's a true supporter of this community. I can tell you that Russell's Steaks, Chops and More (Not to be confused with Salvatore's Italian Gardens which his son owns) is a fantastic restaurant that is truly one of the top steak houses in WNY.
  22. Interesting, that in the 1pm slot, the Buffalo TV area is the only place in the entire country where there will not be an NFL game on television. Oops, I take that back. San Francisco area has no game either.
  23. Murphy is an employee of the Bills not WGR and he is still pretty blunt about the teams prospects. This morning Buddy Nix threatened to end his weekly interview if they didn't stop with the questions about Chan and Fitz. I don't hear much "company line" toting.
  24. He should have moved to East Amherst/Clarence. Lindy, Darcy and half the Sabres live here; they suck and we pretty much ignore them. I see many of them at Wegman's and have never seen anyone pay them any attention. Different breed of folks down there in OP
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