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Posts posted by theesir

  1. Returned from there in March. Don't have any recommendations for eating but be sure to see the Eiffel Tower at night with the lights. It was a fun place to go and the people where nice overall. We used the train and bus system to get around and it was relatively easy. Have a safe trip and enjoy.


    We are having dinner at the Eiffel Tower on Saturday night followed by a cruise on the Saine and a show at the Moulan Rougue. Should be great!!!

  2. I'm sure his wonderlic score of 8(!!!!), is part of the reason. I heard one of the coaches interviewed this summer say something to the effect of him being physicaly talented, but can't remember what we're telling him to do. (Not an exact quote, but the idea is there).

  3. There is no answer. It is more or less a running joke amongst the writers that they have necer idenitified the state. I have an officially licensed Simpson Shirt which actually lists on it all the Springfields in the US.



    "Franks Zappa is my Elvis"-- Matt Groening

  4. Take this for what it is worth and I am not naming names, because I would likely never get information again if I did.  I was told by a !@#$, that Donohoe knew he had a serious problem early in the season on play calling and implored Williams to address the issue but Williams never took control.  Greg was loyal to his assistants.  Dononoe refused to order Williams to do anything because the GM felt that word would get around the NFL that the coach is not allowed to make his own decisions and thus would limit our ability to attract a talented coach the next time around.  It is not Donohoe's style to micromanage (by the way, I believe he is correct).  When Williams did not take action, his fate was sealed but Donohoe saw little value in firing Williams and hiring an interim coach that would have to rebuild our offense past mid-season.  Instead, he played out the string hoping that the coaches would figure it out.  Obviously, they did not.


    This is what I was told by someone at One Bills Drive.


    In so many words Sam said this same thing on the radio. He said that had GW gotten rid of Gilbride, he wouldn't have lost his team (and maybe not his job).

  5. Red shirt, pro hit, cheap shot, it does not matter.  JP should know how to slide when the situation warrants.  It sounds like this was one of those times.  Maybe know he will learn!


    Yeah, this makes a lot of sense :lol:


    If I followed this line of thinking.... My 6 year old son, who knows he shouldn't steal, takes something. I react by slamming his hand hand down on the table. I break his hand in the process. Well at least now he'll remember not to steal again.

  6. They are hot.....  :D And there is a lot of pictures of them touching each others asses on the net. Makes them even hotter.  <_<


    I agree, these girls really "like" each other and sure do hug and roll around with each other a lot. ;)

  7. I've heard three different people who saw the hit state that it looked like Vincent "put his shoulder into Losman" with the intention of knocking him down.

    I in no way think he meant to hurt Losman, but he did mean to give him a pop. REgardless of the result the rule is that quarterbacks aren't hit in practice.


    If some no one or fringe player delivered that hit and broke the leg of a first round draft pick, do you think he would be cut. I do.


    I'm not saying Vincent should be cut or anything like that, so put the flame throwers away!

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