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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Sorry. Did you hear them say that they are both registered at TBD?
  2. What blows for Drew (statistically) is that play counts as a fumble against HIM!
  3. What sucks is that they him to a restricted free agent offer sheet last year to get him from Seattle and gave him (for a kicker) a big signing bonus. They would eat a lot of cap space if they cut him. I'm sure the team would like to be looking in a different direction, but now their stuck.
  4. bumpity bump for those of you that were there and didn't know if those of us in radio land heard you!
  5. I agree about Macahee's burst. On the screen he was up to full speed in an instant. I actually at first didn't think it was him. It was a very encouraging sign. By the way Kelly, it was funny that you identified yourself by your screen name on the radio before the game!
  6. He's not a pass catcher he's a fumble-recoverer.
  7. How many did Jay get????? was it....... NONE!!!!!!
  8. VERY COOL!!!! I drove the vette to work today, first time its been out in about a month in a half. (The weather here in Buffalo this summer has not helped). I am stunned that this summer I have not seen 1 other chrome bumber vette around town.
  9. There is no information about the ESPN braodcast teams anywhere on their website. Doesn't it seem odd that Pat Summerall is brought in to do Play-byPlay and there is NO publicity for it?
  10. I was great listening to the pregame show from Hammer's lot and hearing all the two Bills Drivers (with their nametags on) trying to name Bills players first names as Jeremy White read off a last name. Your performances, for the most part were.... PATHETIC!!!! It was great to hear you all (with your names and cities I was able to figure out who most of you were). An the best part was you guys harrassing Brad and Jeremy at the end of the segment. GOOD STUFF!!!
  11. What happened to the old play by play guy. The entire broadcast seemed so anticeptic. No joking around, no banter. I'm not complaining, it was just different than previous years.
  12. I am gonna win this one easy. My league allows you to keep one player off of last years roster or if you decide not to keep, you get to make a suplemental pick before the draft begins. I kept LT, another, didn't keep, but took Shaun Alexander. You understand... We'll one guy in our league decided to keep a player from last year and forgo the free pick. Who'd he keep........ Tony Gonzolez!!!
  13. Which Danny's are you refering to on Saturday night? Maybe a get together that I can actually make it to.
  14. I called the radio station eatlier today and they confirmed that it was weather related and that Howard would be back tomorrow.
  15. This blows!!!! I may just have to buy a damned cat!
  16. That approach didn't work too well for Rockpile's toilet
  17. This was the kind of solution I was looking for.... Incindiaries and guillotines!!! I'm pissed at the rodent so this seem like the best revenge-based approach!
  18. I'm going to go to the nursery this weekend and look into that. Maybe all of today's rain will drown the little stevestojan out!!!
  19. I've seen the pictures, but WHO ARE Robin and Nick. Is this some poker thing???
  20. I just called the radio station and the show is not on today for weather related reasons (We've had about 5 inches of rain, remnants of Frances, and there was a lot of flooding), it will be back tomorrow.
  21. Another well thought out, time consuming, serious post billsfanone by bad editing.
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