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Everything posted by theesir

  1. This is foolish. You quoted an article stating it was an example of how to cover camp and panned the News for hiding in Mario's bushes. The article you quoted was written a half our before Mark Gaughn wrote a far more detailed coverage of camp for the day. Three hours later you posted your complaint that the News is not covering camp properly. You went BACK to the Espn post to paraphrase it. Then when the complete coverage in the News was pointed out to you, you rationalized by saying you read the other article 3 hours earlier. I don't work for the News and beside reading it online have no relation at all. I just feel if you're going to rip their coverage in error, when its pointed out you were wrong, you could at least say, oops, missed that, I guess they are covering practice as well. You were wrong and I'm pretty bored with pointing that out to you... Continue your crusade against the News if you'd like.
  2. The training camp blog on the News site was posted at 2:22pm, your post 4:37pm. It seems it was there when you posted yours.
  3. Do you mean like this??? http://blogs.buffalonews.com/press-coverage/2013/07/day-3-run-game-emphasized-in-bills-first-practice-with-pads.html Seems like a damned complete report to me. Perhaps a quick look at the news website before bitching about what's not there would be in order.
  4. The best/worst part about this is that it was the same raft he was arrested for "de-felating" (as the article says) in the past. It was a neighbor's raft. After he had sex with the raft, the neighbors KEPT the raft so this guy could get out and have reunion sex with it.
  5. Wow! She made it move a little. Ok, we can have a cheerleader thread as well.
  6. I'm proposing TBD be limited to six threads only: One each about: Coaches Offense Defense The rest of the league Patriots* People Hating WGR
  7. I understand the need for limiting the number of threads on a topic, but there are times someone has a unique insight related to the Byrd matter and it has the potential to sprout its own conversation which is less about Byrd and more about something related; like the thread about teams refusing to play players signed by Parker- a thread that has the potential of a discussion of the roles of agents in team's plans. Should that be buried in a 53 page thread about Jarius Byrd? The idea of having to pick through 53 pages of posts to find those unique insights is rather frustrating. Now that I have said "Byrd" I expect this thread to me merged.
  8. Why isn't WGR breaking into regular programming and covering this wall-to-wall. They hate the Bills!!! Damn them! ...oops sorry, wrong thread.
  9. You've got to be kidding me! They talked about this non stop yesterday from 3-9 and then talked about it this morning 80% of the time while mixing in the EPIC collapse of the Leafs last night, which is more current news than a noon announcement the day before about Nix (one which we all know was coming). Sorry the 10 minutes you decided to listed didn't contain the conversation you wanted to hear.
  10. He was really adament about the fact that he wanted no part of Eason and that the GM basically told him, "opinion noted, now shut up and coach whoever we pick"
  11. Maybe you can make a movie about the quarterbacks of the 1983 draft, because this movie wasn't meant to be that. This was a movie about the FIRST ROUND OF THE 1983 DRAFT!!! Elway and Marino bookended the draft and had the same agent who told the story of the entire round. The movie had nothing to do with the Buffalo Bills Offense! I just watched a rerun of the Cosby Show from 1986, I am not pissed that they didn't talk about the K-gun. Some people are too stupid to watch television.
  12. The documentary wasn'y ABOUT the QBs of the first round. It was about Elway and Marino AND the rest of the first round
  13. I agree, the picture quality is terrible, but in this case, it protected his face AND still worked after getting hit.
  14. Not on topic, but I'm gonna say my piece. I have a Cuisinart coffee maker. I buy a bag of good coffee (Usually Spot Coffee here in Buffalo) every two weeks or so for 12 bucks. I make 2 cups of coffee, 2 scoops, pot filled to the 6 cup mark. Makes me two nice, strong 12oz cups. I drink both before I go to work. That's it. I cannot imagine how a K-cup would work for me or anyone who has two cups a morning and could just do what I do. When I saw how expensive the machines were and how much each cup of coffee is with a K-cup, I flat out could not understand it. I believe it is a marketing sell which is taking in alot of people that have no need to for a 1 cup at a time experience.
  15. Entire Channel 4 Newscast from 1/31/77 Complete with fantastic commercials
  16. If Mrs. Welker's husband hadn't dropped that 3rd down pass that hit him in the chest, she may have been able to be sending a congratulatory tweet to him instead.
  17. Why are they saying all those things during the game?
  18. I have my tix to the opener next Sunday afternoon and am already excited as hell. That video was great. Bring it ON!!!!
  19. Agree on DeHaven and I also read (I think Tim Graham) last week that existing coaches told they were not being considered.
  20. This has not been true the last few games of the season. They never turned the stream off during the game. I have ATT and it simply pauses the app when I use the phone. I do have to hit play again. I never have to close it and reopen. Could this be a Verizon thing?
  21. This is already its own thread in Off The Wall http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/154446-streaming-wgr550-and-commercials/
  22. After every tackle (I may be exaggerating a bit) during the Sugar Bowl last night they kept cutting to Tebow to show his reaction. I was sick of it after the 3rd time. Yet there's a director in a truck yelling "Cut to Tebow!" after every play, and some unlucky camera schmuck who had to spend the entire game with his lens trained on Tebow.
  23. This is where this all becomes such a joke. One person tweets something. 10 people report that "reports say" based on that tweet and now we're up to 11 people are reporting it and it seems more credible.
  24. I think that's the point... if I can't count on an Adam Shefter source, who is 95% certain to even be in the ballpark (Reid never even interviewed with the Cards) than how can I trust any of his speculation. Its the throw it all and then take credit for the stories that stick approach.
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