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Everything posted by theesir

  1. SDS gave papal dispensation for Election talk, this deserves a mention. Over 2000 votes on machines in Philly before the Polls opened. I'm very nervous about the tactics surrounding this election. http://www.drudgereport.com/
  2. I am predicting right now that the Bills will get NOTHING for Travis. I don't mean nothing as a metephor for a 5th or 6th rounder, I mean NOTHING. Every team in the league realizes that the Bills will not keep both Willis and Travis at the end of the season and therefore Travis will have to be cut. At that point he is a Free agent and can be picked up by any team. Any team that traded for him would be getting a player in the last year of a contract and would have to resign him to at least a big a deal as he would get on the open market. No team is going to give away a draft pick (especially a high pick) for a player that will end up getting cut. The rest of the league is in the driver's seat on this one, not Donahoe.
  3. We were in the playoffs!!! That at least puts us in the top 8-10
  4. I believe that to start, JP could be helpful in goal line situations, he would add a dimention down there that Drew does not bring.
  5. I'm going to give Rudy the benefit of the doubt and assume he was being sarcastic in his post........ You WERE being sarcastic weren't you Rudy?
  6. Plus he is still hitting like a jack hammer. I don't think Minnesota is disappointed with what they are getting for thie money.
  7. HE was running full speed, looked to his right and saw he was in line to be buried by a full speed raven if he stayed on the path he was running. I think in that instant his knee exploding flashed in his head and he pulled up. I would have done the same thing and was glad he did.
  8. An it was one hell of an interception at that. Full extension, caught the ball, got up and had a really nice return.
  9. Drew going into Sunday's game was the number 9 QB in the AFC. You don't get more average than that. After that performance he will surely drop to 12 or 13. This is good enough for you!!! I used to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I've runn out of things to defend with him.
  10. He said he was so sure that there would be holding call on Ray Lewis on Josh Reed that he figured he could try to fire it in to Evans because the penalty would give him the play back if it didn't work out. He also said it looks bad on the stat sheet but 3 of the INTs were tipped balls. He falied to mention that 2 of those three tips were because he threw the ball over the receiver's heads.
  11. I added my vote for what its worth... Actually I just wanted my nose picking Ralph under SF Bills Fans messy haired Ralph.
  12. I really enjoy his stuff. This article written by a professed Sox fan is just great. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/writ...ex.html?cnn=yes
  13. Hearing someone say this is the worst part of this whole conversation. There are 3 or 4 "goons" on this board that seem to think they have the right to say whatever they like and treat others any way they wish. In a "real" community, these people would be confronted and held to a standard, here, they type with impunity, and dare I say seem to have the blessing of the powers that be,. By the way RockPile, I did see that you had no problem with Ice's comments. It was others on this board that felt that they had the right to speak for YOU.
  14. I think the time has come to let this topic s L i d e down the board, this much talk of men in tights should be confined to football players. WHat would some visiting Raven fan think
  15. They've ALL been fired, there's no one left to make the announcment.
  16. I was only kidding about the korea thing. No personal offense intended. Kind of a rip on the 4 or 5 regulars on this board that believe he (the Korean) should lose simply because of what country he's from.
  17. He could have "offered" to share the gold. Then he is immediatly off the hook and the IOC or Gymnastic federation is left looking bad. But he NEVER stepped forward and tried to take anything resembling this approach. And again, this is Olympic sport, not the NFL, you can't compare the 2. The Olympics are supposed to (I know its dreaming) represent the ultimate in fair play. I think he's whinny because every time I've seen him interviewed he sounds like my 6 year old (voice wise) and to paraphrase says "mine, mine, mine".
  18. Hey you've got your Koreas mixed up, this was South Korea, their on our side, we should only be unsportsmanlike and unfair to the bad guys.... you know like NORTH Korea and Iran and France and countries like that,
  19. A cohesive and convincing arguement. I now agree with you. I am flip flopping from the point of view of the Koreans should have paid better attention. However any analogy to a team sport of an extended duration such as footbal does not fly. The true "olympic spirit" thing to do would have been for Hamm to offer to share the gold. I guess I just want to see athletes who represent our country represent the best in sportsmanship. As I said earlier, if he would have said" a mistake was made, we are both champions", he would have been considered one of Americas GREATEST Olympic heros. Would that have been the easy thing to do...? No, but that's what would have made him such a hero. Now to me and many others he seems like a whinny child (in tights).
  20. I agree, there is a difference between a blown call and accidently giving a team 2 points for a field goal instead of 3. Winning with honor has been replaced by win whether you deserve it or not.
  21. But your talking about rescoring the routine, this appeal had nothing to do with the routine itself, only the value used to multiply it by. You can't justify this by saying, "ya but his hand slipped anyway so who cares if they screwed him over." I seem to remember some comments that there were little errors in Hamms rountine as well that were'nt deducted either.
  22. The error was that the degree of difficulty of the koreans routine was entered at the wrong value into the calculation. So his score was mulitplied by (for instance) 4.5 instead of 4.6. He lost because the wrong number was used. They use a book that identifies which value should be used and they wrote down the wrong number. The appeals court did not rule on the merits of the case, but refused ONLY because the appeal was filed 2 hours too late. Hamm won by default. Ah the two greatest words in the english language... De fault! , de fault!- Homer Simpson- 1994
  23. There's nothing more pathetic that a 4'2" guy in tights, jumping up and down and yelling (in a squeeky little voice) "MINE, MINE, MINE!!!!" Something for all Americans to be proud of
  24. We're from Buffalo, having thin skin is what we do. You should see what we do when someone says it snows here!
  25. Justice(?) Winning on a math error, something to be proud of. USA, USA!!! This guy could have been considered one of the greatest champions of all time if he would have handed over the gold to the guy who really won it and showed the world that being a great sportsman was more important to him than the medal itself.
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