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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Screw you too, Its pathetic that douchebags spend their day inserting their mindless crap humor into any topic posted, and the people who have a problem with it are the ones who get harrassed. I read all this talk about this board being a family, what the hell kind of family make jokes at the expense of a dead child. In my family, the people making those jokes would be taken out back and have the stevestojan beat out of them. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. These seats are going to be in the back corner of the endzone. Who the hell would pay a premium to sit in a seat where you will be LUCKY to see maybe 25% of the game action. You would end up sitting on the field JUST to watch the game on the Jumbotron. Once the play is outside the 10-15 yard line you wouldn't be able to see stevestojan.
  3. Darin, you seem to be a pretty smart guy. Turkey deep fryers use a jet engine sized propane burner, they are meant to be used OUTSIDE, away from the house. I've cooked about 10 deep fried turkey (including a couple at tailgates) and have yet to burn down anything.
  4. I wish this thread had never been posted. I have a young son and THIS is what has to be on my mind all day. Was this news that really needed to be posted here? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  5. You don't deep fry the inside of the turkey The oil only contacts the skin (which is crispy and awesome. Turkey deep frying is the way to go. We just did one Sunday. We knew we were going to have to go eat a dry oven baked bird on Thursday and figured we'd really enjoy one first. I coat the skin in a cajun rub and inject the turkey with about 2 pints of cajun marinade, 45 minutes in the oil for a 13 or so pound bird. Once you try it, you'll be hooked. I filter the oil afterwards and can usually get 5 uses out of it. I agree, the peanut oil is pretty damned expensive. About 25 dollars for 5 gallons (about what you use to fill the fryer).
  6. When I saw Hickey, the first thought was haggered 38 (but looks like 58) year old waitress at an all night truck stop with nicotine stained lips and a big love bite on the neck, visited by her equally haggered boyfriend who rides up on his bicycle on a 28 degree night because he lost his drivers license after his 3rd DWI. I bet that's what people at work will think when they see your "prize" as well.
  7. I saw that same picture earlier, skipped past it and immediatly went back to it in disbelief!!! I THINK THAT's MY GRANDMOTHER!!!!
  8. I hear the Bills have a job opeing for a quarterback!
  9. Bingo. I said the same thing last night. Bounce passes don't count in this league.
  10. He said next week should be the beginning of the JP era. On the streaming front, Entecom, which owns WGR has a national policy to not stream their stations. Too many rights issues. Brad Riter wrote on this board that it will not be happening.
  11. I want to be the guy who writes the Buffalo News headline for this game... A couple of ideas.... FIASCO IN FOXBORO! A PATRIOTIC PLASTERING Add your own, its fun!
  12. New England is a national story and gets great ratings, why not talk about them and their young MARKETABLE team. What do we have to offer to a national audeince that anyone would care about during play breaks? Maybe another story about our long snapper being an amatuer Magician!!!
  13. At the time of the incident the coaching staff said Vincent barely hit JP when many members of the media saw otherwise, when the media asked to see a video of the hit to back up the coach's contention, the team refused to release the video. That was the first time in training camp that a request for video was denied. Publicly fogged??? NO, owned up to what happened and stood by their Rookie QB.... I say yes.
  14. Why not put in Matthews before the start of the FOURTH QUARTER!!! I think the coaches on this team are scared of hurting feelings, let the win be damned! Did they actually believe that Drew was (after 2 years) miraculously "find himself" in the second half?
  15. I posted this in another thread, but it is completely appropriate here as well. I thought that putting him was disgraceful. He has said he is still not healthy, the coaches have said he is getting a COUPLE of snaps with the offense each week and has said numerous times that he would only come in in an emergancy. Then, with Drew sucking for 55 minutes, they throw JP in to the wolves. What was the point, to show him that the Pats are really good and make him feel sorry for Drew for having to play the rest of the game??? Or was it to make JP look bad so that the fans will stop calling for him,--- Look JP couldn't even do as good as Drew and Drew SUCKS. This is the second purposeful slap in the face to JP by the team and coaches (the first was defending Vincent when he broke JPs leg). Are they TRYING to destroy this kid's confidence??? Since when do we try to convince someone on our own team that they are not as good as they think?
  16. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  17. One thing from our talking to Howard, we asked him about Neil McManus and what he was going to do. Howard told us that he was offered a job at WGR, but he turned it down and has decided to get out of the business all together. So hopefully things will work out fo rhim whatever he decides to do... By the way, Rockpile was taking pictures of Lori coming and in and out of a porta john. He said the photos would be up this week.
  18. My thought for this MNF game is DAMN Bryant Mckinnie got SMOKED on that one sack by Dwight Freeney. Freeney was past him before McKinnie was out of his stance.
  19. http://buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=2906
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