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Everything posted by theesir

  1. The NFL.Com website along with about 10 typos had the starters and reserves listed in seperate columns at first, then the page changed to only listing the selections. Brady was listed as the started, as was Culpepper on the NFC side.
  2. about as much as his 7 fumbles lost and 12 interceptions compared to his 16 total touchdowns
  3. Vick is the 15th rated QB in the NFC behind such stars as Harrington and Rattay. His going to the PB is as much a Joke as Payton not starting in the AFC.
  4. Tony Richardson is going as the Fullback, how long has it been since he has been relevant???
  5. All three Bills are starters in the Pro Bowl. (Per WGR) BRADY is starter, Brees the backup....Manning NUMBER 3!!! Ed Reed not starting. Ray Lewis not starting!
  6. Can there be Legit Breaking News about someone no one has ever heard of?
  7. Now I'm not kidding..... Schobel goes, but Fletcher doesn't???!!??
  8. Fletcher will be the alternate Kick returner for the AFC.
  9. Spikes, McGee, Adams Kinda light representation for such a dominating defense.
  10. I found a site that sells them all, but they are a bit pricey. http://www.girderpanel.com/ForSale.htm I'm looking for the skyscraper sets from the mid 70's so I'll have to keep an eye on ebay for the next couple of months. Thanks for all your help!
  11. After a couple of False alarms, THIS IS IT!!! http://users.rcn.com/ed.ma.ultranet/gphistory.html scroll down and you'll find the ones from the 70's.. These are the ones I remember. Thanks Clayboy!
  12. Erector was bought by anothe company and did away with the metal toys for a while and just recently brought them back. Tinkertoys and Lincoln logs are nothe plastic now . My son has these and has kinda outgrown them in terms of their construction capacity.
  13. I glad at least someone else remembers. Remeber the outside pieces, they were plastic, but looked like panels of glass. I always wanted these as a kid, but never got them. Simon, if you remeber, I'm sure someone else will as well and they'll know the name. Then we can all buy some off ebay to bring to the tailgate
  14. These are cool and I may pursue these, but they are not what we had when I was young. Thanks.
  15. I was watching my 6 year old son playing last night, he was building towers out of anything he could get his hands on and it got me thinking. When I was young, (I am now 35) there were building toys that looked like little metal girders(they were plastic) that you could snap together to build the internal frame of buildings like skyscrapers. Then there were outside pieces that you could put on to make the walls of building. While there is no way I could get something like this for Chrsitmas, his birthday is in March and I think he would love something like that. Can anyone remember this and if so, what was it called? Thanks!
  16. While it may not carry the same level of Malice, it is pointed at a person in order to disparage them based upon race. Therefore I don't think that what I said was inaccurate. Everyone in the world knows that
  17. My wife went to stand in line at the Waldenbooks at the Main Place mall to get (me) a book and get it signed by marv (He was there from 12-2. She got there at 11:30 and after waiting a half hour thought to ask a store representaive she saw walking by if she was going to have the opportunity to buy the book while waiting in line. He told her "we DON'T have any copies of the book!!!!!!!!" Only people who already bought books were getting them signed. What the hell kind of store promotes a book signing by one of the most popular figures in Buffalo sports history and has no copies of the book in stock for the signing! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  18. Cracker- # Offensive. 1. Used as a disparaging term for a poor white person of the rural, especially southeast United States. 2. Used as a disparaging term for a white person. Used in a sentence- Calling a white person a cracker is like using the N word toward a person of color. Nice Kelly, way to get your point across.
  19. Doesn't being a designer actually involve doing some work? Try using a little bit of a mental filter. Christ everytime you have another thought it becomes a new topic. A few mimutes ago you had 7 topics on the first page. The only thing pushing them off the first page is YOU adding more topics. Quality man, not quantity.
  20. Well no wonder you're only making 25000 a year, you have almost 1000 posts in less than 2 months. If you have a job and are doing all this posting at work, you're lucky you're not unemployed!!
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