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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Thanks, I foound this while googling the few lyrics I knew Great song, my wife likes it too, anyone ever heard of this band, is it representative of their other music? The clock's running down The team's losing ground To the opposing defense The young quarterback Waits for the snap When suddenly it all starts to make sense He's got all kinds of time He's got all kinds of time All kinds of time He's got all kinds of time All kinds of time He takes a step back He's under attack But he knows that no one can touch him now He seems so at ease A strange inner peace Is all that he's feeling somehow He's got all kinds of time He's got all kinds of time All kinds of time He's got all kinds of time All kinds of time
  2. The one with all the clips of the quarterbacks, He's got all kinds of time, all kinds of time. Anyone know who sings it? I've looked on the NFL site and found nothing.
  3. Thanks for the picture that describes the regular response to most of my posts!
  4. The search (when turned on) is great, but are you recommending before anyone post, that they search to see if someone else posted about it first? Its not as if your post is still on the front page (or two) and should have been seen before a similar post is created. Personally, I lurk out here every week day and don't remember seeing a Kicker free agent list post.
  5. I just heard this as well. It wasn't merely a name drop. He said it in relation to how easy it was to interview Michael Irvin for an hour. Someone had sent him an email fluffing him for the great interview. He said Irvin is easy, others "I don't wan't to name any names... Willis MaGahee... are th tough ones. Give me credit when I have to ask 20 questions in 4 minutes to a guy who is obviously only here because someone told him he had to be." I don't know the basis for the criticism either, but this was the context of his statement.
  6. This was used as a justification for keeping Bledsoe around for another season in Kilgore's article. (along with being able to throw the ball deep ) So coming up big when called upon once in your career buys you a "get out of Jail Free" card for the REST of your career? The article is okay, but really only deserves the limited response it has received so far.
  7. I know its already been said, but this description is just too much!!!
  8. I feel SO MUCH LESS lame for hanging out on a Bills Board while I'm at work. These people hang around all day talking about who's going to be naked in a magazine next month.
  9. Here in good old Buffalo it got up to(?) Zero before I left for work. Thank God for the remote car starter. I may use a little extra gas in the winter letting the car run, but it is well worth it to get into a warm(er) car. On a side note- I left something in my car after I got to work and I had to run back out and get it from the parking lot. I went out with no jacket, hat gloves or anything... didn't run, walked out got what I needed and walked back in. Once the dead of winter sets in, your REALLY do adjust to the cold. If It was october and 30 degrees out I would have been freezing my ass off running out without a coat.
  10. Ummmmm Country Sweet!!!!! Still there for sure, I try ot hit it when I am in Rochester.
  11. No holiday here, I work for a software company that produces software used by service industries (Plumbing, heating, electrical and such). As long as their working, we're working.
  12. And married to him ta boot for those who may not know. She also use to be in Jerry's band before she shacked up with the Dead.
  13. I'm going to guess... just a guess mind you that you did not grow up at a time when the original Van Halen was releasing music, and those albums were going from the record store to your turntable or cassette deck for a first listening sone after they were released. I flame you not when I say.... You had to be there!.
  14. ME TOO!!! The ribbons cool though too.... I guess.
  15. Dave was definitely a guy who got a LITTLE too caught up in his own act.
  16. <Fonz On> Darin... I agggg I aggrrrrrr I agree. (Whew, its not easy to agree with Darin) Mean Streets may be my favorite VH song from a guitar point of view. GREAT STUFF!!!
  17. I never minded Brent too much, I'm a fan of the Hammond b3 organ sound (but I get the circus reference ). The string of keyboard players in the Dead rivals that of drummers in Spinal Tap, but my favorite, near their end (Jerry dying) was when Bruce Hornsby would sit in and play with them live. It was the PIANO that had been missing since Keith was around
  18. Drop Dead legs, Hot for Teacher, Panama (Popular doesn't make it Pop) all rocked. Top Jimmy and Jump could have been left on the floor in my opinion. Unfortunatly it seems that it was Eddie who ended up pussing out and ruining this band. Question to ponder... Was Valerie Berteneli the Yoko Ono of Van Halen????
  19. Without question, this is the ONE excepable answer to this question. Van Halen went from being the greatest Rock Party band around to a Pop, joke version of themselves. Some of Haggar's stuff was OK, but compared to what they were with Roth, it was bubble gum rock. </Gavel Down> CASE CLOSED!
  20. the images of the essay on the page took a long time to load on my machine.
  21. He still got a 61%!!!!!! "The Greeks invented Anal Sex Lube" Mr. Freeman in his classic essay-"Planes, Trains, and Plantains: The story of Oedipus" This is my conclusion- THE END!
  22. EXACTLY. People go dressed a Bin laden, and many other "evil" figures. It was a COSTUME ball. He didn't join the Nazi Party and run around yelling Seig heil, he wore a costume to a costume ball. Was it a bad choice on his part, Hell Yeah!, but the media is doing their best to MAKE people infuriated. I saw an article that showed that in a poll of Brits, only 37% were upset by his costume, yet the media seems to think that it is their DUTY to convince the other 63% that they are wrong. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  23. The Arab mother refered to the briefcase as the "device". It could actually be a bomb of some sort.
  24. He cleans my house and takes out my garbage.
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