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Everything posted by theesir

  1. How is an end around a trick play??? Is a counter a trick play, I mean blockers go one way and the ball carrier goes another. This entire discussion seems to say that no team has EVER scored 2 times in 2 minutes. Are you seriously saying that maybe the ball carrier should have fallen down short of the goal line so as to not run up the score. I seriously have to question the football knowledge of anyone who thinks trying to get a first down in a championship game, with a 2 score lead is bush league.
  2. Cool!! I mean the password thing not the fact that the NHL season looks as good as dead. The whole thing sucks, but I stand behind the owners. It's their league. If they want to tie what they pay the players to the revenue the league generates, who are the players to say that they can't do that. What's good enough for NFL and NBA players isn't good enough for NHL players??? Brad Riter had a great analogy, the NHL is like a broken ATM machine that keeps spitting out money and the players are happy enough to pick it up. Now the bank owner has realized that the ATM was broken, apitting out money and wants to fix it and the players seem to say that since the ATM used to spit out money it ALWAYS should. (Sorry Brad, I'm not doing you justice).
  3. Can you copy and paste the article do we don't all have to register?
  4. You got it, I guess I'm supposed to say Tag, you're it!
  5. I guess a quote by the crazy hitchhiker in Slacker may have been too much. How about: "That's what I love about those high school girls, I keep getting older and they stay the same age" Another quote, same movie, just for fun...."Watch the leather!"
  6. What TD said yesterday was "a decision will be made about the quarterback position in the next couple of weeks" Take from that what you will.
  7. Sorry, I was at lunch.... This may be a tough one. "Sure I live bad. But at least I don't have to *work* at it" Obscure movie to most If no responses, I'll try an easier one in a bit
  8. All kidding aside, I turned it on last night just to see what they would put on and I ended up leaving it on for over an hour. The "Remembers" program was great and I really was a bit choked up about how great this station was and what we are losing. When did they produce all these "Remembers" programs, is this what they've been doing with the 22 hours a day they weren't broadcasting live?
  9. EXACTLY!!!! I'd tried to put it on the beach and in the surf shack. I never thought to out it in the garbage.
  10. And then when the one sister said the other was 160 pounds on camera and they started yelling at each other. "I'm only 150!, your make me sound like a cow!" Classic The two dudes at the end though.... WoooW! I'd like to perform a song by David Hasselhoff
  11. Did you try calling customer service for the location of a store, you can get a new phone dirt cheap if you resign, maybe even free if you threaten to leave. I thought when I signed up that I got to get a new phone every 2 years for 10 buck or something like that. Call Customer Service
  12. This certainly is "the question". TD however seems to be giving a hint as to his answer with comments like the ones he made this morning.
  13. What a wonderful caring individual you must be in person. Someone tries to do something kind and you can't even just pass it by, but rather have to insult the person for wasting YOUR boardspace? Wouldn't your complaining that this is a waste of board space also constitute a.... waste of board space??
  14. Good God, just go to the Galleria Mall in Cheektowaga, its like a Zubba convention. I have problems with Zubbas in public at all, but I can understand for a game, you know, team spirit and such, but to the mall? Its like going to the mall in your oldest pair of faded pajamas.
  15. I may have believed that a few weeks ago, but listening to TD this morning, he sounded almost... dimissive of Drew. He even made a point of talking about how the veterens will accept a youngster as long as he performs well.
  16. Kinda early in the day, I get nicer as the day goes on.
  17. I know this information has been included in another post, so hold the flames. I just wanted to concentrate on one part of what Donahoe said. Clips of his interview on ESPN Radio earlier today have been played on WGR in the past few minutes "Bills need to decide what direction they want to go in with the quarterback within the next couple of weeks." Also, "Obviously we like JP, thats why we decided to draft him" It seems as if Donahoe is throwing down the gauntlet to Drew. Take the pay cut and accept a possibe backup role or we're moving on. Take it or leave it. The 2 weeks timeframe seems to be setting the Bills up to find another backup (or start searching for one) sooner rather than later if need be,
  18. By the way this was an interview with ESPN radio in the 7am hour. I heard they will make a decision regarding Drew WITHIN 2 WEEKS, not a few weeks. This makes for an interesting couple of weeks.
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