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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Sorry, not a big gambler. So free means no money changes hands? I thought it meant you didn't have to pay to PARTICIPATE in the tournament.
  2. Not to be a stick in the mud, but is it legal for a bar to hold a gambling tournament? Churches have to get special permits to have a "gambling tent" at their lawn fete's and those have very strict limits on level of winnings that are available.
  3. Tim- Theesir 1 Car (Sadly only one person) general parking is fine I can give a ride to anyone who wants to carpool from the northern suburbs (Amherst Area).
  4. That expired a couple of months ago... ....... Just in case anyone doesn't realize it.... I'm kidding!
  5. I'm a bit of a ways away from Ridge Road (I'm in Amherst), but Aussie, you are welcome to come to my house and use the computer if nothing closer presents itself. If nothing closer presents itself let me know or I can do it over the phone for you if you want to give me a call that morining.
  6. Waht's the site that has usernames and passwords to all the Pre-register sites? Fezmid?
  7. That's what was said on the radio this morning (WGR). These are going to be mid 60's throwbacks.
  8. It was stated on the radio this morning that the press conference is to announce the June Championship Celebration weekend and to announce that throwback jerseys will be worn at the home opener and in one road game.
  9. Here is a good definition of Turf toe with a picture of the joint. http://web.ask.com/redir?u=http%3a%2f%2ftm...snip&Complete=1 For those too lazy to click...
  10. Darin, in the article, it says that when a player is tested they must memove their shirt, drop their pants to their knees and go in front of a witness. Talk about pressure So he couldn't even use the "Whizzinator" if he wanted to. Does that mean he's telling the truth (about it not being his) or he was too high during his previous tests and forgot he's not allowed to leave his Jock on
  11. This team which seemed to have a glut of RBs may now have a need..... Cough... Travis.... Cough
  12. My money will be too you by the end of this weekend, I'm waiting to see if my wife will change her mind and join me. Generally she will wait until the moment after I order something to say she want to go too. Looking forward to my first TBD tailgate!!!
  13. http://www.startribune.com/stories/503/5396655.html He says it was for his cousin. This guy has a ton of talent and seems destined to throw away his career so that he can smoke weed.
  14. Yeah, but its more fun when I concentrate ONLY on the most expensive ticket price. If I could get a ticket (even for $100) to see the Stones at the BEacon theater, I would be first in line, but to pay 500 to sit in the front row at RFK or Soldier field is
  15. My point is that even if I could afford it I would NEVER spend this kind of money for THIS event. If I go to a Super Bowl I am seeing athletes competing at the peak of their game, the Stones at this point in their career can in no way be considered at the top of their game.
  16. By the way I just found out that the cost to Join the Rolling Stone Fan Club so that you can buy presale tickets..... $100~!!! I don't care if people will pay it, it doesn't make it right and it doesn't make anyone who would pay it sane.
  17. Top ticket price $450 for venues listed on TM!!!!! Press conference said top price will be $500 in some venues. Presale is available if you are a PAID member of the fan club. Make sure to grab a couple of $75 t-shirts while you're there!! Make no mistake, I love the Stones, but I have the sense to know that when someone asks me to bend over and grab my ankles their not offering to scratch my back.
  18. Caveat-- I love 24 and really enjoy the show. That said, there has been a terrorist planned nuclear meltdown, Air Force One was shot down and the Pres is in a Coma, there is an armed Nuke ready to launch and the Secretary of State thinks its important to allow an investigator from the Chinese Consolate to question CTU agents in the middle of everything so as not to upset the Chinese government. Am I wrong in thinking that if all this was going on and the person with information to stopping it was in the consolate, that the Gov't SHOULD HAVE GONE ON TV and announced that they were raiding the embassy to get the guy if he wasn't handed over in 5 minutes.
  19. are these guys still ALIVE??? I mean really, at this point is it worth paying that much money to see guys in their 60s rocking like its still the 60's??? There were Steel Wheelchair jokes when they went on tour supporting Steel Wheels back in '89, now its 16 years later!!!
  20. Done, hers was one of the least self-serving.
  21. University Inn in Getzville. WGR is sponsoring the event. It is 20 per person and it includes dinner. I've asked my brother in law to go, but am pretty sure he will back out at the last minute. Here's some more info.... http://www.wgr550.com/calendar/peterking.php
  22. So where did you end up deciding to live, north or south of the city.
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