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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Funny thing is, my last name IS McGuire. No relation to the baseball player as his name is spelled McGwire. But a damned funny coincience that you would say that....unless you know who I am from my picture.
  2. My 7 year old son ONLY watches boomerang. He loves the cartoons and I love the fact that there are NO commercials. Superfiends, Scooby Doo, Looney Toons, Flitstones and Jetsons, even that dumb romotic 3 stooges thing. My sons real favorites are Wacky races and Dastardly and Mutly. Good stuff. The cool thing is, having no commercials my son very rarely... OK NEVER asks for toys that he sees on TV. When he asks for something, it is a Lego train or truck or to go to the coin store to add to his coin collection. Man, I'm having a father moment here!!! Click on my screen name and grab a look at my kid in the picture in my profile!!
  3. Chris Elliots comic masterpiece.. Cabin Boy. The best worst movie ever made. "Don't let them give you any of that Flank Steak bullsh--, try the london broil!" "Wanna buy a Monkey?"
  4. I believe that he is in the Hockey Hall of Fame in the Journalist section. He was head of the National Hockey Writers Association for some time. I miss having him around locally. I hope he starts to pop up on Howard Simon's show as the hockey season gets reved up.
  5. I'm signing up now. Two things.... Nick send me your email address so I can list it as the referring email address. and.... I live in Amherst, what local chapter should I join?
  6. Now I see, you have to be using Internet Explorer. I was using Foxfire and all you see is, for the most part, a black screen.
  7. I'm in my profile, with my son at a ride in Disneyworld. Hard to believe the pic is a year and a half old.
  8. The response to this thread (or complete lack of it) is telling... at least to me. I'll probably get flamed for this, but how long has it been since Bruce was relevent?
  9. I'm loathe to say this because I was one that jumped up and down with excitement when Howard came over to WGR, but I have found that I listen to him less and less each morning as well. All the things I loved, the interviews, the broad sports topics, even some of the regualr callers all seem to be gone. When is the last time anyone other than Sullivan or Hamilton was talked to on the air??? This morning the only conversation was whether or not poker is a sport. I turned on 3 seperate times and the same conversation was going on and I left it on for less than a couple of minutes each time. Jeremy, who I used to really enjoy when he was on with Brad, now truly annoys me. I think its his arrogant, know-it-all-ness that seems to have become so pronounced since he moved to the morning. He completely overpowers Howard. I used to listen to NPR when the other 3 were on in the morning and excpet for a few minutes each morning lately I am completely drifting back in that direction. For Buffalo sports radio its very sad.
  10. It looks as if they have already written the synopsis that will appear of the back cover of the DVD as this one bypasses the Theater and goes straight to video.
  11. However can no longer actually see the nails. My super power is to instantly kill any thread in which I post.
  12. I don't think its just gardening, I have this same reaction whenever I'm asked to do work around the house!
  13. Its soo funny to see your avatar saying that chick isn't good enough for him!
  14. Uummm.... I'm going to get a glass of milk.......I'm REALLY feeling an urge for a glass of milk.
  15. Your argument is totally off base! How can you compare a clothesline or facemask to grabbing a buy by the back of the shoulder pads. And if you can, why then is it still OK to grab by the jersey right at the line of the shoulderpad and drag someone down.
  16. A Pill??? I thought you were just supposed to think about baseball?!!?
  17. NEWS FLASH!!!!! At the owners meeting it has been announced that tackling has been banned and replaced with nicely asking the runner to stop and sit down please.
  18. I think they got the reaction they were after, as I was fuming when Logan was taking credit and all the congratulations for stopping the terrorists, when in reality through the whole thing he was damned near wetting his pants.
  19. Perhaps not my place to be answering for erynthered, but we ride each other pretty hard around here in good natured fun. After 23 posts you may not have figured that out, but considering that most of the folks on this board are short 1, maybe 2 brain cells (but all pretty damned big on heart), I think you need to turn down your "take it personal" meter. Live a little, laugh a little.... its just a message board, life is out there behind your chair.
  20. How about this one.... Take your age Add 20 Multiply by 2 Divide by 2 Subtract 20 Answer look familiar... Huh! HUH!!!!
  21. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/beds/bu...rts/4575291.stm All I can say is.....
  22. From the "Bill Bixby walking away-esc" last shot it seems as if he will be coming back as the Incredible Hulk. I thought the last episode rocked. I may be sappy, but, I'm glad things worked out for Michelle and Tony. What a whirlwind day that was. I was trying last night to remember all the characters who bit it since the first hour. The only one I can't remember the fate of was Baruz. I know his mom was killed, but what happened to him? Finally, the person who had the roughest day had to be Audrey, She was kidnapped, watched her estranged husband get tortured, then die and then found out that Jack was dead, all that with no sleep for more than 24 hours (and she still looked pretty good when it was all over ).
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