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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Do what we all know must be done.... delete the thread! You started the thread and have the ability to delete it. Truth be told, if this thread was gone, I would no longer have a link to click on to get to the game. Please, for the sake of my job....DELETE!
  2. Hate to bring this back up, but I got a 19 today. Only 2 came on number 8, and that miss was by inches. I really need to concentrate on work more.
  3. Is the Justin Bannan/Offensive Guard experiment officially over??? I think he makes the team regardless, he has proved to be a TEAM player, willing to do what the coaches ask of him. If he is that coachable, they will find a place for him as a backup. What some people lack in pure talent, they more than make up for in smarts.
  4. The Why Guy and Rueben Brown are the witness signatures on my Organ Donar card!!! Reuben was at a booth about organ donation downtown a couple of years ago and the why guy was doing a piece on it. I signed up while they were there and got them both to be my witnesses.
  5. i agree, they are talking no sports, but rather about meeting celebrities in restaurants.
  6. ...not that there's anything wrong with that!!!
  7. Danny and the Dibella's owner grew up together (or at least their businesses did) in Rochester. Danny felt they were the best subs he ever had, thus the reason he sells them in his stores.... for anyone who cares.
  8. Maybe the "Awesome" aspect was that he was now going to get to tell the whole world that Brett Favre dresses geigh right before their nationally televised scrimmage. He's screwwing with Brett's mind
  9. I'm actually coming around to the thought, that JP noticing WASN'T the weird thing... Farve, doing farm work while wearing tight red short, no shirt and boots when he knows another guy is coming over is the more troubling aspect. Hell JP was just a victim...
  10. Nope, you were the first one... what do you think THAT means!!!
  11. "No... wait, that's not what I meant.... I meant "there's Brett Favre", not that he was cute or anything.... Trey?!! .... I am NOT LOOKING AT YOUR BUTT when taking the exchange!"
  12. perhaps some good news "A Toronto radio station said some passengers were seen climbing from the plane, and that most of the others had been safely evacuated." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5080201333.html
  13. Wrong, I've had aces on both of these. Not consistently, but more than one time on each. By the way, best score, 22, had hole in one on first 13 holes.
  14. Wouldn't your limited online time in this emergancy situation be better spent on google or WebMD as opposed to posting this question while getting your Bills Training camp reports..... wait, that was actually a pretty good use of your limited resources. Nice Job!
  15. I Need 1 Large. Please PM me the payment details Cindy. Thanks, Tim
  16. I just read that while local Adelphia (Buffalo) residents will see the games on MSG, there is still no agreement with DirecTv to carry the Sabres games on MSG. Dish Network doesn't even carry MSG at this time. Here is a link http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050723/1060585.asp
  17. What the hell are you doing when you're not sick??? Are you a porn star??
  18. I say there there is a chance that your thesis is accepted. There is also a chance that it won't be I believe my forecast is 100% accurate!
  19. This advice has made my scores even worse on both 8 and 17!!! Oh and I HATE the Windmill!!! I just got a 34 with a 7(!!!) on the windmill.
  20. Smartass You are 71% Rational, 71% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 71% Arrogant. You are the Smartass! You are rational, extroverted, brutal, and arrogant. You probably consider people who are emotional and gentle to be big pussies who are obviously in lesser stature than you. You have many flaws, despite your seeming intelligence and cool-headedness. For instance, you aren't very nice. In fact, you're probably an A$$ Hole. And you are conceited and self-centered. Not only that, but you are very loud and vocal about all this, seeing as how you are extroverted. There is no better way to describe you than as a "smartass", I'm afraid. Perhaps just "ass" would do, too. But that's a little less literary and descriptive. At any rate, your main personality defect is the fact that you are self-centered, mean, uncaring, and brutally logical. To put it less negatively: 1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted. 3. You are more BRUTAL than gentle. 4. You are more ARROGANT than humble. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Emo Kid. Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Capitalist Pig, the Braggart, and the Sociopath. They've got me pegged. I'm an A$S Hole!!!
  21. They have maybe 1 or 2 of those priced seats on each flight. I just tried to book flights for a weekend in November for my wife, myself and son to Orlando (Listed as low as $118 round trip in their special ad) and the total (Cheapest mind you) was $1198!!! for the 3 of us! I would love to fly Jet Bluemore, but from Buffalo they are seemingly ALWAYS my most expensive option.
  22. Agreed, but even Shane Mathews got a signing bonus! To not even get a couple hundred Thousand or so looks foolish (In the wierd world of pro athletes)
  23. This is unbelivable. He couldn't even get a signing bonus? Either his agent sucks or there is some skeleton in TH's closet that none of know about.
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