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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I will be at Hammer's (Nice and early to help set up) and at the game. I had every intention of going to Danny's as well, but instead we are having a little neighborhood "first week of schools over" party saturday night...... You guys can all come if you want!!!
  2. Best of Luck.... Could anyone explain what a "Solacia Payment" is?
  3. That wasn't Anderson Cooper with the corpse thing, it was that other guy, I think he was on Fox.... Smith? I don't know alot of their names... I don't watch alot of cable news.
  4. I had posted this in another thread and I think it is appropriate here... related to the unorganized response we've seen from FEMA (at least in this example)... <Qoute> As for the convention center... I have been an apologist for the fact that the situation itself is a big reason for the delay in releif efforts. An interview I heard yesterday evening with Mike Brown changed all of that however. He was being interviewed by Robert Segal on All Things Considered. Segal asked him about the fact that at the convention center there were reports of rapes and violence and that there was no one in a position of ANY authority there and that there had been NO deliveries of supplies there even though police in other areas of the city were telling people to go there. Brown got very testy and said he knew nothing of that, and said "i'm not going to come on here and argue about what I'm hearing from my people vs what reporters are telling you". 15 minutes after the interview ended, Robert Segal said they had received a return call from Brown who said was able to confirm all he had just been told about the conditions at the Convention Center and help was on its way. Within an our and half I saw on TV that some supplies of water were dropped off there. It took being confronted about the situation on the radio and even challenging it at first to become aware of it. There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the way things are being handled down there.</qoute>
  5. And pathetically there are just as many out here saying its their own fault and that they are getting what they deserve. For every idiot that stayed and COULD have left I would guess there are 2 or 3 who had no way to leave. I mean the old, sick and yes the poor. People laughed at one guy who stayed and when asked why he responded "I have to work tomorrow". Its funny until you realize that if he left and the worst did not materialize, he more than likely would have been fired for not being there. You can cry bull sh--, but my wife works at a pretty big bank downtown and on those Mandatory "No travel" days that we get here in Buffalo after a bad snow storm, she is EXPECTED at work and must take a sick day of she does not report. Some guy making $7 an hour at the casino or someplace at the port, is probably now out of work if he doesn't show up the next day and the evacuation was unnecessary. You can't judge all decisions with the power of hindsight, some people I'm sure did what they felt they had to.
  6. The talking head thing is silly. He is the HEAD of FEMA, its his job to be sure that those working FOR him are doing THEIR jobs and it is his job to be the face of the Agency. As for the convention center... I have been an apologist for the fact that the situation itself is a big reason for the delay in releif efforts. An interview I heard yesterday evening with Mike Brown changed all of that however. He was being interviewed by Robert Segal on All Things Considered. Segal asked him about the fact that at the convention center there were reports of rapes and violence and that there was no one in a position of ANY authority there and that there had been NO deliveries of supplies there even though police in other areas of the city were telling people to go there. Brown got very testy and said he knew nothing of that, and said "i'm not going to come on here and argue about what I'm hearing from my people vs what reporters are telling you". 15 minutes after the interview ended, Robert Segal said they had received a return call from Brown who said was able to confirm all he had just been told about the conditions at the Convention Center and help was on its way. Within an our and half I saw on TV that some supplies of water were dropped off there. It took being confronted about the situation on the radio and even challenging it at first to become aware of it. There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the way things are being handled down there.
  7. Price Gouging in a disaster area is grounds for arrest and prosecution. Why is it OK then from a distance. .30 cents overnight!!! That gas is already in the ground and paid for. This is consumer rape! Sure the price will go up, but it should take weeks. These fuel station owners or whoever tells them how to price are taking the profit while they have the change. These guys can make 3-4000 extra a day, while the wholesale price change hasn't touched them yet. It makes me furious that this tolerated.
  8. That's the other thread. As a side note, I don't think there is going to be anything happening in NO for weeks, that means neither regular business nor NFL games.
  9. this didn't seem like uproar, but rather disappointment in your choice of when to insert humor. Opinions entitled to are we.
  10. I read an interview with the mayor and he was none too optimistic. He used words like.. The city is devesatated and This COULD BE THE END of the City of New Orleans!!! http://www.bayoubuzz.com/articles.aspx?aid=4864 A major levee has been breached and water in the city is rising an inch every 5 minutes according to the story I read. This is horrible.
  11. Can Anyone help me out with this???? I see Aussie had the same problem in another thread and got no answer. What am I doing wrong?
  12. TD Should have signed Grimmace at Left Tackle!!!
  13. AHHHH!!!!! NOW I REMEMBER, It was definetly on channel 7, I remeber Irv singing it!!!
  14. I did and I get an immediate time out error and it says " I get the same message any day of the week that I try. While processing your request, the following errors were found. Please check the following information: * Picking is Currently Closed The cutoff point for the week has passed. To be eligible for the weeks picks, please have your picks in prior to the cutoff point. The following week is usually open on Tuesday mornings. Weekly cutoffs are usually set to kickoff of the first game Sunday morning, unless special settings are in place. Is this a Mozilla thing???
  15. Maybe they do and I just don't watch. I used to see it because my grandparents would babysit my sister and myself for the weekend and that's what they would be watching. I still don;t remembr the music and #, but I do rememeber that they would read the name of the donors on the air and scroll them at the bottom of the screen, so we would always donate 10 bucks or so, so that we could "be on TV".
  16. Am I missing something. I registered, yet when I go to the Pool I see no where to log in. I have an ID, password and email confirmation, yet can't "play". Please help a newbie out.
  17. Happy Birthday, Miss sign-up-at-a-message-board-and-never-post-a-message....--- <Singing>Reeaall American Genious!</singing>
  18. I agree, 36 year Buffalonian, remembers every annoying jingle from growing up, but this one escapes me.
  19. Can't wait to see it. If the weather permits, perhaps I will bring mine as well.
  20. I guess now we will be seeing you at the tailgate!!
  21. He referenced sundays article in the first line of his column basically stating that it was the reason he was writing THIS column
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