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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Is your dad Dennis Gabryszak or Barry Snyder??? Be a little less cryptic please. Are you saying it is a new build because you have inside knowlwdge or because of the WIVB report?
  2. That article was posted before the news conference, The others, saying it will be at the terminal were posted AFTER the press conference. What am I supposed to believe?
  3. posted a few minutes ago, seem sto confirm exactly what the Buff news story says http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/wbfo/new...TICLE_ID=826181 let me repeat.... THIS STORY IN THE LINK HAS CHANGED! It SAID in the Terminal, now that has been removed.
  4. I just heard them say they bought 9 acres of land around the terminal, what part of the story is wrong?
  5. I felt sorry for him... Doin the Icky Shuffle or whatever he was doing, man boobs a bouncin'. The announcer said he was "realizing his dream", being on TV during MNF. Do you think his dream included them taking away whatever shirt he showed up in (which probably was looser fiiting) and making him wear that rather tight (for him anyway) white snicker Tshirt?? I also doubt his dream included what I am sure are MANY online conversations about his bust size.
  6. No. This thread is for local (Buffalo, WNY) DirecTv customers ONLY! GO AWAY!
  7. Here is the article from TODAY'S paper http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050929/2005079.asp Look about 2/3 down in the article, as a matter of fact I will quote it... The only reason the game is in the guide for next week, is because it is an Islanders game (With Isles pre and post game), notice there are no other Sabres games listed.
  8. Center Ice Would block out the games in Buffalo if they were available on "another local feed" (cable, Dish Netork) even if you do not receive that channel. It states that on the DirectTv website.
  9. I read this as well, it states that the games will be on DirecTv, bu they are still negotiating with Dish Network, then the night that news release came out, the game is on Dish and not on DirecTv. I am reading of people being told by DirecTv that they have no intention of carrying the Sabres games.
  10. This will probably get moved, but I needed to spew this to the largest crowd possible. An agreement for DirecTv to present the games locally was announced weeks ago, negotiations with Dish Network at that time were still ongoing. DirecTv has now backed out of its deal to present Sabres games in WNY on MSG. MSG has reached its agreement with Dish Network, and the game was shown last night. On DirectTv?- A Mets game! Sabres say- Not our fault MSG says- Not our fault DirecTv subscriber (me) says- sh--!!!
  11. Do you see any flippin Sasquatches around here!?
  12. Did everyone see the wedding scene between Napoleaons brother and Lawfanda after the end credits I just happen to leave the movie on as it ended and go the suprise bonus scene. I could see how many could have missed this SWWWEEEEETTTT scene. The rap that his brother sang to Lawfanda was incredible, as was Lawfanda's family squirming as they watched her marry the Oh so white geek.
  13. SCREW THAT!!!! Buying a ticket to a football games gives NO ONE the RIGHT to act like an obnoxious !@#$. You're saying that I and any other parent should have to leave our kids at home because some drunken pussbag feels he has the right to yell WHORE at the top of his lungs, piss on his own leg, pass out and puke on the couple in front of him. I repeat SCREW THAT!!!! I'm an adult and that behavior makes me sick. Should I stay home as well?
  14. That was really my big point, the WM thing. I also found it dubious however that Villarial was "winded" and had to come out on BOTH fourth and short plays, not just the one he "waved off" on.
  15. I don't charge 76000 people $45 bucks to stand over my shoulder and watch me work.
  16. I think that this is a coaching staff that has the ability to be great as well. I too hope that they can get things figured out. But I won't kiss their collective butts when they say/do dumb things. Not having Willis as part of the 3rd down package is dumb. Saying he isn't part of the package so he can rest for the other plays is even dumber. There's a reason they track 3rd down conversion percentage. Its because these are PIVITOL plays. The defense should rise to its best as should the offense. I love Shaud Williams (in a football way, not a MAN way ), but he is not BETTER than Willis. That was the point of my original post.
  17. Wait, your joking right. The coach has stated that his best player (Willis) comes out of the game on 3rd downs so he can "get a breather", and on 4th down plays we replace our starting guard with a rookie because the starter is "winded". Since when do Offensive line men come out for plays in the middle of drives because they are WINDED? What good does keeping Willis rested for 1st and 2nd down do if you DON'T MAKE the 3rd down conversion. Are we playing to win or make our backups feel good about themselves, you know, everyone gets to play a down and we all get a slice of orange at halftime. Last time I checked, you win by playing your best players, not by using regular season games to get your young guys more experience. Regardless, the coach said these guys needed to come out because they basically couldn't handle staying in stamina-wise. If that's true and not some stupid excuse, what kind of championship teams have starting running backs or linemen who aren't in good enough shape to finish a series.
  18. Mike Mularkey has announced that his starters are all winded and will therefore no longer be playing on third down. "I was thinking of playing them, but I thought this was a good time for them to get a "breather". I want to save them for first and second downs in other series' this game and in the weeks to follow " Mularkey was qouted as saying. Mularkey went on to say, "first and second down are more important than third, because there are two of them as opposed to just one third down". Mularkey finished by stating "rest between series' is important, waiting until after 3rd down to come to the bench was leaving too many of our starters with nowhere to sit, forcing them to stand until the next series, getting them out after second down should help resolve that". There was no word from Mularkey on where fourth down fits in this season.
  19. I just email this question to Tom Donahoe on the Ask the GM page, maybe next week he'll give us the answer.
  20. I just heard it alluded to on the radio and then someone called in and confirmed that they were booted from the Ralph for wearing Ron Mexico Jerseys. Can anyone confirm this that was there. This just seems too ridiculous to be true.
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