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Everything posted by theesir

  1. They said they couldn't find their niche in the marketplace. What niche were they looking for, idiots with too much money. I'll give ONE simple example of the pricing structure that caused me to NEVER set foot in that overpriced place. Simpson's 5th Season box set - Months after release... Amazon, Target, and BJs price, about $33. Media play price-- $55!!!!!! And this was how their pricing was on MOST things I looked at. Sorry to hear about a store closing, why would I pay $22 more for something at their store???
  2. I heard late Friday (can't find a link) that one crowd of customers outside a WalMart formed an orderly numbering system which took into account the order in which people arrived. A bit before opening they let the Wal Mart staff know that they had all agreed to the number order and tried to give the list to the employee to use when the store opened. The employees REFUSED and said everything is "first come first serve" and just opened the door, causing the patrons to walmart... I mean stampede.
  3. You can't stiff arm when you turn your back to the line as the first tackler approaches. Damn it Willis! Run Forward!!
  4. I don't think that the Eagles would be FORCED to release him, but they cannot prevent him from coming to the practice facility. I think the speculationis that they would be better off cutting him then having to deal with him showing up in the weight room and in meetings just to spite them. I think they should let him go to the facility, but sectretly tell everyone else on the team that they are practicing and preparing somewhere else.
  5. OK so there are a few to many/not enough Dahs, what can I say, i was blinded by the money Maybe its the theme to Berreta
  6. They're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They're all together ooky, The Addams Family. Dah da-dah Dah Da dah, dah Dah-da dah da Dah d-da-da Dah... Just PM me how you want to send me the $1000
  7. Mid fiftys guy in gets crushed by a 235 pound guy in pads and that's great? Think what you want about refs, but that guy is a human being, his choice of job should not make it cool that he nearly gets killed.
  8. Help me understand, if you write for a publication about the Bills, you are only allowed to pick the Bills. Do you per chance call WGR and complain that they are not trying hard enough to help rally support behind the team?
  9. The biggest issue I have is that you can't (at least I can't) just refresh the site, I actually have to clear my cache to see new information on the front page. Their no good at the internet!
  10. VA, this is kind of an ongoing a$$ reaming we are getting as DirecTv customers here in Buffalo (and the rest of the State). You were probably getting the Isles feed. No such luck for us. http://www.wgrz.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=32091 If I didn't have Sunday Ticket already paid for I would have already left DTV over this. It is inexcusable. Dish, Adelphia and Time Warner already have a deal in place. The market price is set, but DTV refuses to make a deal. They stand to lose a lot of customers over this.
  11. Ding Ding Ding WE HAVE A WINNER http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi...content.14.html She is incredible, what a face!!! I was looking at those yesterday and had to go to the Tampa Web site to find another pic of her. I'm in love
  12. It didn't look right to me either, so I went to word and typed it to get a correction and it didn't show it as a misspelling. syllabol, syllabol, syllabol. Penance completed. It sucks to make a good sarcastic post and have it ruined by a spelling error
  13. Generally in a pronuciation key, letters are capitalized to impart emphasis on a sylabol. In this case, LOSS-man, would be a correct representation of the the pronunciation of his name.
  14. But, Isn't that how his name is pronounced??? I've seen in articles both (Las-man) and (Loss-man) as pronunciations, perhaps you are being a bit too sensitive.
  15. If you have easy access to your Birth Certificate, bring it with you. I have crossed the border hundreds of times and every once in a while get a hard as for whom a drivers license is not good enough. If you have a passport or Birt Cert, bring it just to assure avoiding any hassles.
  16. Stayed at Sandals in St Lucia. Fantastic trip. Advice- stay single
  17. The story from WBFO that I linked to earlier has changed. It now says area near the teminal and that negotiations for the terminal are continuing. I just hope that this all moves forward. Bass Pro, the casino, the Canal thing. I'm so tired of being disappointed by the big promises that end up falling apart. I love this area and would love the area to get its act together and make it worth staying here.
  18. I thought the terminal was a great idea, as it had the infrastructure internally to allow for expansion (upward) as needed. I also love the idea of using/fixing up those classic looking structures. Why do they want to build a new building next to an old terminal?
  19. A number of us have contacted MSG, DirectTv, the Sabres (and I'm sure some Dish Network) only receive responses such as "I don't know what you're talking about (direcTv), Theres nothing we can do (MSG) or my favorite, from the Buffalo Sabres themselves "We have no say in it!!!"""
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