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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Chef doesn't even know the difference between encroachment and off sides. By the way, Matt Stone said Hayes didn't have much of a problem with the episode when he ran to the bank to cash his check.
  2. WGR just reported that the Bills DID NOT meet with Picket today.
  3. WGR just reported that the Bills DID NOT meet with Picket today.
  4. Link http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=41813
  5. Sorry to move away from the Irv Alliterations, but an actual update on the injury....
  6. Not whining about it being moved per say, but it is definetly a Buffalo sports story and things on the Off the Wall board seem to get a lot less attention than the stuff on the main board. I thought it could hang there a while so people could see the news and then let it get moved after its been there a little while.
  7. Holy Cow! It took 11 seconds for this to be moved from the main board. I certainly wouldn't want it to take any attention away from another WGR sucks thread!
  8. http://www.nbcolympics.com/news/5108933/de...html?qs=pt=espn If he blew out his groin again, this could spell bad things for Ottawa's dominance in the east in the last month and a hlaf of the season. I know its still too early to tell, but if Hasek is out for a while, two points behind the Sens looks pretty good.
  9. Where in my entire message did I mention how many songs they played?
  10. I think he meant that Mick sounded like sh--! My insinuation was EVEN my 7 year old could hear it. Loose style of playing is a cop out for playing like crap. The Stones should have retired 15 years ago and maintained some semblance of dignity.
  11. I thought that seeing the Stone's performance validated EVERYTHING I've been saying about them since they announced ticket sales for their past tour. They are way too old to be headlining $300 a ticket shows and most especially shouldn't be headlining the half time of the Super Bowl. My 7 year old commented that Mick wasn't siging the song right (He's heard each of those songs on CD). He was out of breath after doing that little jogging thing he does. And I don't want to hear how they rock for 65 or 68 years old or whatever they are. They are a washed up nostalgia act, with the same jiggly skin on their arms and belly as my grandmother has. Considering this was in Detroit, how about a Motown halftime show? I was scared Mick was going to DIE before the end of their set.
  12. I believe SOMEONE needs to tell Ralph not to talk at the press conferences anymore. I feel so embarrased for a man for which I have so much respect.
  13. Keep in mind when reading an article like this that not all people in buffalo are on TBD, reading the internet rumor sites and listening to talk radio to get the latest news on the Bills. Where else but the daily paper would people hear who the Bills are interviewing. This article gave information about the coaching search that was sussinct and factual to the folks who rely on the paper to find out whats going on.
  14. If it was Manning who took over the play calling and tried to throw on 2nd and 3rd and 2 on the last drive instead of running, getting the first down, and getting the kicker a shorter shot, then Payton ought to be getting a LOT more grief today. Terrible play calling.
  15. Man sues chatroom pals: I was humiliated beyond what 'no man could endure' http://www.courttv.com/news/2006/0112/chatroom_suit_ctv.html Good Lord, half the people on here could form a class action
  16. I personally found the (in jest) comparison of Marv and Ralph to the two old muppets in the theater box, Waldorf and Statler I think, hilarious.... Ralph: Hey Marv, its 3rd and 4, what do you think of play action? Marv: When this team plays, there IS NO action! (Rimshot) If you can't laugh at that (as Marv and Ralph have been laughing at themselves in a self-depricating way) then you, like a muppet, have stick up your a__.
  17. WIVB, now seem sto have removed their story claiming that Gray has resigned. Seems like their "inside info" may be a bit suspect.
  18. I have had WGR on all day and have not heard news even resembling the statement above once.
  19. WGR has been playing the audio of the press conference, he did indeed say "Let the Sail out of our wind"
  20. I damned near threw my remote through the TV when Mularkey faked the field goal and quick punted into the endzone. Were we afraid of Lindell (He's actually been pretty damned consistant this season), were we protecting our vital last spot in the wildcard race (kidding). If your gonna punt, punt, but there's no need to surrender with a trick play.
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