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Everything posted by theesir

  1. The Buffalo News is now showing these logos as the new logos that will be used by the SAbres. I am DEVASTATED! I held off buying a new Jersey until this year because I thought the Blue and Gold would be back. This new logo is a monstrosity. I COULD NOT be more disappointed. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060630/1025590.asp
  2. 40 responses since 2004!!! Not to bad in my opinion, and more than half of those "older" complaints dealt with technology that is no longer used by Direct TV. There is a reason DirecTv has the highest customer rating in the industry.
  3. http://www.realfootball365.com/nfl/article...line160606.html Here's an article about Fowler, but keep in mind its from 365, so if you find it informative or helpful, the parade of people who's only feeback on your question was- They're practicing drinking water and better than the d-line (nothing personal against those posters) will harrass you for reading anything that guy writes
  4. about Melvin Fowler today on Realfootall365. I have seen him in the depth chart and have wanted a bit more info about him. Todays article about him gave me a good idea of his history and what the Bills are expeciting of him. What's wrong with that. Is the issue that he posts the articles on a website??? He's not charging you to read the content like some websites do (Espn.insider). Ma nyof the opinions (and many of the facts) that some of you post out here are faulty to say the least. I think if he is really still a "kid" he does a pretty nice job.
  5. My favorite part of this whole thing..... Was the restaurant shut down??? No! They were issued a WARNING!
  6. Pitt radio is reporting that the driver of the car was a 65 year old woman.
  7. http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/news/9356067/detail.html This SUCKS for him and possibly for the Steelers.
  8. Just saw this on WGRZ.com I have not lost hope. But it sucks
  9. FREEZE!! (Imagine I've struck a kneeling pose and am holding a firearm) DARIN, CLEMENTS step away from your computer. You're under arrest for hijacking every thread about Talinder's arm!!! A thread is being created just for the two of you, step away from any Talinder related threads. Thank You.
  10. FREEZE!! (Imagine I've struck a kneeling pose and am holding a firearm) DARIN, CLEMENTS step away from your computer. You're under arrest for hijacking every thread about Talinder's arm!!! A thread is being created just for the two of you, step away from any Talinder related threads. Thank You.
  11. It no Johnni Coli, but I found this review of last night's show rather funny.. By the way what ever happened to his reviews? Why did they stop?
  12. I heard Paul Hamilton say that Kalinin is still in a walking boot, so the odds of hime coming back anytime soon seem slim.
  13. I believe this would have made him the third highest paid player on the team and he would be sitting in the press box with Rory until someone got hurt. Trading Biron would have even been MORE scary. Marty for an UFA? We have been able to plug in 2 defenseman and a third is coming, but if Miller got hurt and Mika was all we had to drop in, we would be toast. At least Marty would give us a fighting chance.
  14. After the Kotolik goal I shouted SCORE so loud that my dog ran out of the room and spent the rest of the evening in the relaxing confines of the front hallway.
  15. IF I were your age and in your marital (or lack of it) condition. I too would go with Elmwood Ave. Great shops, bars and Buff State is right up the street. The Elmwood Village is a great place to go.
  16. I'll be interested to hear his comments on the reports from the Bills OTAs. So Willis, how does the team look to you from NY?
  17. Good God I forgot all about them
  18. This assumes that their performances tonight actually effect the vote and that those who are willing to vote have not already made their decision.
  19. As much as I am rooting for a Spaz victory, I feel that Mcfunbags is going to steal more of the Elliot vote than he is. They (Kat and Elliot) are close in style to each other and I think they may have split last week's vote.
  20. He just listened to evidence that the pres played a roll in Killing an ex pres, selling nerve gas to terrorists and not for nothing, threatning his wife if she exposed him. I think taking him into custody immediatly so that he could not add to his resume of the day was pretty important. By the way, three things made me think Jack was in for some trouble at the end... 1. He was smiling 2. He RAN up the stairs of the warehouse to get the phone call. 3. After being able to do everything with his cellphone but make toast, a call, out of the blue from his daughter is sent to a land line in an abandonned warehouse He must have been overtired and in despirate need of a bathroom break after the day he had to not see that as a major clue to trouble
  21. I know players on the Super Bowl winning (and losing teams) win money. I think 30k and 15K respectivly, but I've been searching google, ask and even the NHL website and can't find any info about NHLers being paid to win the cup. Anyone know if they are?
  22. Damn, I read the title wrong. I thought it was a Nietzsche dating website. Dinner and a discussion about the existance of God.
  23. Paypal just sent for 2 tix. Theesir and Mrs.theesir will both be there.
  24. I have often found myself slipping refering to her as Mcfunbags and getting either laughs or dirty looks from folks depending upon the company I am in.
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