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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Not yet, they just said "shortly" a few minutes ago. In a Commercial break now.
  2. In case anyone wants to hear. You can listen to the stream on line if not local.
  3. I agree, I think we have seen Troy Vincent play his last down in the NFL.
  4. Wow a college student with Blue Balls... NOW THATS A STORY!!!
  5. Tampa offered him a job a couple of years ago, he decided against taking it becuase he didn't want to move his family to Florida. He just needs an average season to make himself desirable around the league again. Someone (In this case the Isles) just needed to "break the seal". He's paid his penance, He'll be a regular in the league from here on out.
  6. You have to go to ESPN and CNN and read the columns about this signing to say they are scathing is an understatement. Great reads. As for Nolan, now that he's back in the bigs I think he'll be able to get out of there and land a real job within a year or so. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...ning/index.html http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/columns/stor...cott&id=2584726
  7. This is about the fifth time I've seen one of these get me 100000 page views, friends, whatever and my girlfriend will do a threesome, let me have her pooper, or anything else. These are a hoax and rather silly ones at that.
  8. AHHHHH!!!! I kept repeating to myself as I typed, "don't screw anytihng up or you'll never hear the end of it" and what do I do??? SCREW UP!!!!
  9. The internets two most annoying errors (at least to me) resign instead of re-sign and rediculous instead of ridiculous.
  10. Poor Ted Nolan. Finally gets a job in the NHL again and its with these boobs.
  11. The new owner of the Isles (Wang?(not kidding)) is nuts. He hired former/current goalie Garth Snow as his GM and his first big move is to tie up good, but still not battle tested goalie to a 15 year 67.5 million dollar contract. I am under the impression that hockey contracts are GUARANTEED!!! so even if he gets let go in three years, the are responsible for the entire contract. I think the contract Miller got is too much for his level of experience (I love him, but think he got too much for 1 great year), but this is flat our crazy.
  12. My mother and sister took my 8 year old son over the border 2 weeks ago to go to the butterfly conservetory near the Lewiston Queenston bridge. We wrote a note indicating that they had permission to take him. The customs agent asked for a letter and his birth certificate, asked my son who the two people in the car were with him and if he recognized the handwriting in the note (which he identified as his mother's). I was pleased that they were so thorough in looking out for the safety of my son. Whenever we travel over the boarder with our child we bring his birth certificate. We are asked for it more often than not. The border agents are being extra careful about confirming the identity of children as there have been a couple of cases in the past year of children being abducted over the border by estranged parents. You ARE crossing into another country. I know we take it for granted because Canada is so close, but would you complain if you had been entering France, Germany or any other country and had to take 10 minutes to fill out a form?
  13. It was one of the first CDs I loaded on my Ipod... you're not alone.
  14. Agree, I am a regular crosser of the boarder and have been asked for ID beyond my Drivers License at times. They told me the only VALID id is a birth certificate or a passport. Be safe, bring the Birth Certificate with you as they may be tighter with all the people coming over for the game.
  15. Beside the fact we don't need him, the price is too severe. I believe Seattle and whoever the other team he agreed to a contract with offered him a boat load of money. Much more than the Pats expected.
  16. This is the part that bothers me the most. He seems like every stoner I have ever know. They could care less what happens one way or another. Willis seems to like the idea of playing football or being a football player, not being part of this team or about winning. That's my biggest problem with the whole "Miami guys train together in the off season, not with their team" thing. The only "team" they seem to care about is the U. Much more concerned about their individual stats and glory than the role they play on their team.
  17. I love(d) Willis. Only Bill's Jersey I have ever purchased. That said, he is truly starting to worry me. He just does not seem to be "in the game". Three weeks ago he didn't EAT the day of a game and had to leave, today, he doesn't know what down it is. These are just things that are revealed. How many other things are going on with him that we don't know about. Is he sleeping in meetings, reading his playbook? I'm not saying he is, but considering how "devoted" he seems to be to playing, I wouldn't be surprised. PS- Not an Asshat, merely worried that he just doesn't care.
  18. I was impressed (except for the safety of course). He really looked nervous at first, but settled in nicely. How about his first pass. The snap goes over his head, he turns, picks it up on one bounce and then throws a leaping bullet to Reed on the sideline. DAmn, it was a thing of beauty. His third down pass to Evans (before the 4th and 1) with Colvin in his face also showed some poise. He looked in control, he continued to look down field when he had to leave the pocket and even threw a couple away to avoid sacks. I'm not ready to start him on my fantasy team, but, I think we may be seeing the growth of a QB here.
  19. This kick has been overlooked with the losing and all. It was right down the middle and I have to say I was confident it would be even before he kicked it. I like Lindell. I think he got an unfair shake in his first year and has been steady to really good ever since.
  20. Holy crap, reading your first post was like reading hyrogliphics, if you're NOT drunk and just really type that bad, perhaps you should step away from the keyboard and call a radio show or something.
  21. I expect that you will be bringing them to show your seatmates at the tailgate.
  22. Thanks Rock.... I was thinking the same thing... I mean about the rather harsh response to Ding Dong, not about the way I dress See ya in a couple of weeks, MrsTheesir will be joining me this time as well.
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