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Everything posted by theesir

  1. These ARE real clips. The coors light background and microphone are digitally editted
  2. The best part of that commercial is that it begins with her saying "I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't like that!"
  3. I just looked at Thialog's profile and there is a link to his blog, titled "Getting close to Belltower time". My God was this a message that things were getting out of control in his mind. He also has a picture of Conner (his son) there. I almost cried when I saw it. He posted picures of them before. I'm as sick to my stomach now as a was when I read this a couple of hours ago. I can't stop thinking about his kids. Please, everyone pray for those kids.
  4. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=51645
  5. Scott, I thought this was some SICK!, SICK! joke at first. Kelly and I often chatted about our cars (both have vettes) although we never met as he could not make the tailgate last year... I saw his birthday thread and actually didn't post in it for some reason... I'm sick to my stomach right now.
  6. Yes, move on.... These topics about repeat topics are getting as old and unfunny as Crayonz and his affair with the muscular tennis chick/guy.
  7. No, but I won't buy their merchandise, and I imagine that the merchadise sales ($200 for a jersey) is a pretty important source of revenue. The logo and associated Jersey are what we the fans buy and wear to show our love for the team. I would rather wear a piece of paper taped to my back and chest that says "I love the Sabres" than buy one of those jerseys and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  8. I need a puke emoticon. Oh yeah, hate the number on the front of the Jersey. Is that so guys like Connely know who' s about to hit them while skating with their head down...
  9. Here is a website with a live stream of the 9/12 Waters show. No special software needed, it just runs in Media Player or whatever else you use. Sounds great http://lemon2.googlepages.com/
  10. If they released him now (injured) they would have to give him an injury settlement. This way they have to release him when he is healthy and have no financial liability to him (not including his effect on the cap).
  11. Hub Arcush from Pro Football Weekly was on WGR550 to explaing the fact that Vincent was placed on Minor IR. It means that he must be waived as soon as he is healthy and NO MORE than 6 weeks after the injury occured. He can then sign be claimed by any other team in the league. If he is not claimed he becomes a free agent and can sign with any team in the league including the Bills. I can not see him clearing wavers.
  12. I'VE HEARD OF HIM!!! SIGN HIM!!!! Oh wait.... no I haven't..... Never mind.
  13. He just said that he is on a form of IR called "Minor IR" and could return to play after 6 weeks. They asked as follow up "with the Bills?" He said no, with another team. Interesting end of interview.
  14. Q. Helping these guys may have you helping someone to take your job.... A. That's OK thats what the NFL is about. I want to help these kids grow into great players.
  15. Says he talked to the front office and they AGREED that this was the best thing to do. Teammates may be surprised, but they may not be aware of what was going on behind the scenes. They need young legs and I am not fresh. I'm a professional, its my responsibility to help these young men here grow as professionals and show them what it takes to be a professional. He will stay and help in any way the coaches wish, but will always defer to the coaches and ask if the advice he wants to give is OK.
  16. Not angry. Agrees that it is best for the team to bring in young legs at this point. Says it is a reagrivation of an injury he sustained in training camp.
  17. Troy is still not on. Paul Hamilton reported that Vincent asked Jauron if he could stay around and work with the young safetys.
  18. 5pm Now Paul Hamilton is on.... This thread is suspended until Vincent is on. Nothing to see here, move on!
  19. They had played a clip of Spikes in the locker room minutes after the Vincent IR announcement was made. It is now 4:55 or so and Vincent has not called in yet.
  20. Spikes says I guess we're in rebuilding mode. The conversation is about whether he would have used those words if he had a little more time to think about it.
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