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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I hope so... I know I can google, but does anyone know any other who have come back as well as Peterson seems to have?
  2. I just looked up his stats for this year and They offer me hope. Peterson's nmbers look "pre-injury", he has 60 tackles and 8 sacks through 10 games.
  3. Replying to this kinda bums me out, because I love TKO and really want him to be his old self. But, at least at this time he isn't. Achillies injuries are the one injury now that more people don't come back from than those that do. Marino's career was never the same after his. I remember after his injury his calf was about a third the size as the one on his other leg. Sam Cowart is just another example. I'm sorry to say that I think he will be a very good linebacker for a few more years, but he was on his way to being a superstar and I'm afraid that might be gone.
  4. This is like some kind of nausiating deja vu
  5. Guy now admits he contacted and paid the buff, gay prostitute for a massage, but not sex.... because you know all of us fine upstanding hetrosexual men when looking for a massage think "I'll call a gay prostitute"
  6. I just had someone at work point this out... today's date = 10-11-06 now, read that upside down....09-11-01!
  7. LIsten, my intial terrorist comment may have been in bad taste, but the irony of this situation is almost mind boggling. What are there 8million poeple in NYC, and the one that crashes is a Yankee pitcher. And I'm not trying to make light, but again the irony is trumping my better judgement, not just a Yankee, but a Yankee pitcher with control issues. At this point I retire from this topic.
  8. Who'd have thunk... Cory Liddel was a terrorist. See, you can't trust anyone. (Couldn't wait for my 3 day exemption)
  9. If you don't want the actual Dill pickle (which sounds great) try adding some dill pickle juice. There's this little bar at the South end of Skaneattles lake and dill pickle juice was their "secret ingredient" in their oh-so-good bloody marys.
  10. Thanks!!! Maybe if I make it out there I can have your permission to express an opinion again!
  11. I attend 3-4 games a year and could not attend yesterday because we had family in from out of town. I was worried about the game being on TV because I wanted us all to be able to watch it together. I have never CRIED that the games are not on TV. The fact that there are 2000 seats available a couple of days before a game makes my point for me. I sat in the 300 level, at the home opener BOOING the PARADE of people leaving the game with way more than 3 minutes left. Many of the people on this board were sitting around me also watching the VERY early exodus. I will stand by what I said. Many of the people (many more than there used to be) only attend the game for the party and are MUCH less interested in the game. That is why many of them leave early. If the fact I wasn't at THIS weeks game means I am not allowed to express an opinion that with the exception of a hardcore group of fans, that Bills (and Buffalo fans in general) are not a "great" as they make themselves out to be than too bad.
  12. I have to say that the way Andrea Kramer looks in HD is almost enough for me to switch back to the non-HD channel.
  13. HDNEt is picking up about 60 games from Versus in HighDef this year. NONE of those include the Sabres. Since DirectTv does not carry INHD we will indeed be shut out for any Sabes games in HD this year unless they are on NBC or MSG starts having the games in HD (doubt that). Oh Yeah, any cable people about to say "I'll see it"... I watched every NFL game braodcast in HD, in HD... do you?
  14. Rock, You have to travel quite a ways, but I think you would agree for a local, if you didn't indudge in the beer and such you could get away with a couple of people going for $110 or so and that's for 2 people. So for two friends to go, they are looking (again on the only the game plan + parking) at $55 bucks a piece. If anyone responds "what's the game without beer?" then again there is more evidence that that fan is less a Bills fan and more a party at the game fan (which often leads to leaving early as this thread started).
  15. This is the kind of asshat response to a discussion that I believe creates evidence of that fact that the fan of today is not what it used to be. The fact is that there are often many visiting fans at the stadium because tickets can be bought, unlike in their team's home stadiums. Buffalo makes for a good road trip for many of them if they want to see their team play live at all during the season. However pointing that fact out results in the ridiculous "if you don't like it don't show up response".
  16. I don't think I made any such guarantee. I merely stated last week that even when I tried to look for tix, there were many available and the game had not been announced as a sell out. Knowing I could not attend the game in person, I was disappointed that the game appeared as though it would not be televised. Someone in that thread kept trying to tell me that the tix I was pulling up on line would fail if I tried to buy them, but I have tried to buy tickets to games in the past and was simply told no tickets matched my request, I wasn't offered a block of tickets only to have them pulled back when I tried to pay. I watched from the stands in week 3 as tens of THOUSANDS of fans left the game with over 6 minutes left and heard from a friend at the game yesterday that a smaller yet noticible exodus began mid fourth quarter yesterday as well. If the new trend is to leave the game early... I think it says a lot about the type of "fans" that now attend games. Rubeo, not you, when the kids gotta go, YOU gotta go
  17. I in no way claimed that the games did not actually sell out, but rather that the hue and cry that we have such great fans as evidenced by the fact we have sold out 17 of the last 18 or whatever is a fabrication. Fans being so into the team that every seat is sold is different than every seat being sold because the owner bought them and gave them to military families. A sell out is a sell out from the financial point of view, but a sell out as an evidence of "great fans" is a different story. And the whole economy argument to me is bull sh--. Its about choices of what to do with your money. A Bills game is not so expensive that most people can't afford it, many just choose different things to do. The "real fan" base is not as deep as it once was and that's all I was trying to say.
  18. The sad pathetic answer is, that a city that once prided itself on having some of the best fans in the NFL can no longer stake that claim. With the exception of a core of solid "to the death" fans, the majority of fans in the past 5 years or so, whether talking about the Bills or Sabres here in Buffalo have become some of the worst Bandwagoners there are. Hell, it even was like that when the team was bad in the 80's. Only a select core showed up all the time. As soon as the Sabres got good, everyone wanted to be there and now tickets are hot. The Bills need to win a couple more before most fans "remember" that they love the team and have been there with them throught thick and thin. the complete definition of band-wagon fans. And to me the sellout "streak" of the past couple of years is fabricated. How many of those games had their final few thousand tix bought up by local TV radio stations or businesses. I know that still counts, but try to get a ticket in Pittsburgh, Chicago, Denver or multitudes of other cities. There are NONE to be had. No car dealers buying the last couple of thousand the Thursday before the game so the "shut ins" can watch it on TV.
  19. I just read the single seat news as well, but again went to the website, asked for 8 tickets and go section 317 row 28 seats 1-8. There are a hell of a lot of seats available for single seats only game.. . It may well be on TV, but if they consider this a sell out I think they are exagerating to say the least.
  20. I have seen no local media coverage regarding the Bills game being sold out and therefore on TV. I just went to the ticket site and tried to order 8 tickets together and they popped right up. To me that says there are boatloads of seats left. I can't imagine how this game ends up being broadcast locally.
  21. Lori, does that mean you have some grill space and will share some ribs with us? If so, do you need me to bring any charchol or anything? Thanks
  22. I am bringing the wife to her first (and my second) TBD tailgate. We are cooking up some ribs today for tomorrow and I was going to bring a grill to heat them up tomorrow. I was wondering if any of you who plan to have a grill there may have a little grill time available on your grill so I can avoid bringing yet another one just for my two or three slabs of ribs. I will share the ribs and any wine/beer we bring as well. Thanks in advance!!
  23. I'm really starting to get worried about the people on TBD. Is it even safe to go to the tailgate anymore???
  24. Last year and so far this year he has been DEAD ON! Each of the kicks yesterday were down the middle and in no way short on distance. Praise where its due... I wanted him gone a couple of years ago... I have flip flopped!
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