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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I agree! Thats a yardstick plus a couple of inches straight up.... All while weighing 280!!!
  2. Well I just ordered my 1981 Sabres Home White Jersey (2 days ago, instead of the current third Jersey I would have bought). Number 22- Ruff on the back, Captain "C" on the front. Old School with a mix of one of the classiest guys to play on and now coach the team.
  3. And that's probably going to slow down the line even more... It's getting faster to take a bus.
  4. I just want to say that even though I HATE the new Jersey's, there are A LOT of people clamoring to buy them. And what about the third Jersey? I would have bought one of those.., This is probably 100s of thousands in lost revenue for the team by not having these things available for the Holiday Season (and who even knows about the rest of the HOCKEY season)... They've know for over 2 years that they were changing Jerseys and this is the planning they did. For a team that close to the cap and struggling to make a profit with such a high payroll, I think they have blown a MASSIVE chance to make a boatload of money. Is there some explanation that I am not aware of. (Perhaps the third world laborors that make these things have gone on strike).
  5. BLAH BLAH BLAH... I just wanted to be outed as a Gay, Rosie Lover. I am just kidding.
  6. He's living on his past exploits. I in no way question his past greatness or guaranteed future enshrining in the HoF, but the annual Soap Opera of whether or not we get to spend another off season wondering with baited breath to see if we can see him throw more ridiculous interceptions followed by the announcers stating "That's Brett being Brett" , is getting old.
  7. Actually its the Miss USA pagent. I believe the Donald ripped on the fact that the Miss America pagent has been relegated to some "no one watches" cable network in his stiring response to Ms. O' Donnell.
  8. If you're using a local Buffalo address the game will be blacked out for you too!!!! REally though, how do you get the locals without a "foreign" billing address?
  9. CAll me a gay Rosie lover.... actually, please don't, but anyway.... She said Trump was an multiple time adulterer making decisions about morality and that it was basically the pot calling the kettle black.... I think she's right.
  10. I wish Brett Favre would blow an Achilles so he could just go away. I too am sick of the maybe I will, Maybe I won't retirement crap. YOU SUCK! YOU'RE OLD! RETIRE!!! Why the hell that organization cow-taus to him and doesn't move themselves forward I do NOT understand. What has he done for them in the last 7 years?
  11. You're in Alaska, what event would ever be blacked out there. The Iditerod(sp?)?
  12. We're all frustrated at how much money we've spent on Christmas Gifts.
  13. I think that if this game was on the 23rd it would be sold out (or close to it). Lori (or is it Lauri) I think the "corporate sold out" thing could cause many owners not to care, but I have to guess that the money made on concessions... or in this case lost on concessions due to 1/2 to 2/3 empty stadiums has to hurt. This doesn't even take in to consideration parking revenue. (Which I believe the county gets a cut of). I too am stunned that the owners didn't look at the dramatically low attendance numbers in past years (not just in Buffalo, but across the league) when games were held on Christmas Eve and decide to move these games to Saturday. There may be a lot of sell outs this weekend but I think again there will be many half full stadiums.
  14. It sounds as if you and I get the same paycheck....or are you just trying to BE like me?
  15. I don't know, with each new post you seem to be showing how HUGE of a Dick you are...
  16. The only thing preventing me from laughing my ass off at someone sending $180 in CASH to someone they have only met through emails, who asked you to work out of the (safe) ebay process and promised to send the Jersey if you send cash, is my sense of Christmas Spirit... I will return to this thread on December 26th and respond accordingly at that time. Oh God, I just can't help myself.... WALLET INSPECTOR!!! Everyone please hand in your wallets for inspection. They will be returned in a few minutes... I promise.
  17. I want to get this straight. Being 8 years old and believing that there is some magic that surrounds Christmas deserves a beating with a hammer. Yeah that sounds about right. I guess at 8 he should become jaded, and realize that everything we try to teach him about the goodness of people is all crap as well. Perhaps he can grow up and cook puppies in the oven like all those other well adjusted kids out there. Innocence should be cast aside for all the realities of life by 8? Should we stop walking him to the bus stop in the morning? Maybe just send him on his own figuring, what the hell he's 8 he should know by now not to get hit by cars. I treasure every year that my son believes in Santa, and the joy on his face when he sees the gifts under the tree on Christmas morning, thinking the "the magical fat man" again found the gifts that mom and dad said they couldn't. Why the hell would I want to take that away from him? To satisfy some cromuginy ass crack like you?
  18. Pathetically this story was listed first on the AP Headlines website.... I guess Paris and Brittany both remembered to wear underwear today.
  19. If the game is on in HD (which I doubt it will be) and you have SuperFan, the game will not be blacked out. Edit: I just checked and along with Cinci Cleveland, we are the only other game NOT in HD this week, so no, the game will not be on the Ticket.
  20. I just read on ESPN that TO will not be sending a get well card to Donovan McNabb... now THAT'S news! By the way, I'm NOT kidding about the article being there. I just don't feel it merits a link.
  21. While I understand their point, who starts the oil on fire before they put the Turkey in? She said the things we did wrong were, overfill the oil, heat it up too fast, use a partially frozen bird, but no mention of starting the whole thing on fire and then DROP the turkey in. This is anti-turkey deep fry propaganda and I (nor Martha Stewart) will stand for it!
  22. wgr has been reporting as well that every game every week has been sold out so far this season.
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