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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I'm surprised more of these kids have not been gunned down by pissed/jealous husbands. http://www.knoxnews.com/kns/local_news/art...5416031,00.html
  2. Wasn't Jamal Lewis cut last week???
  3. Excellent!!! Thanks for the laughs!
  4. Are you kidding, back in hour 2 or so, Jack was stabbed! and this was after 2 years in a chinese prison being tortured. He looks fine now. Hell if Morris couldn't handle being drilled through the shoulder he should be shot for lack of balls.
  5. CAn this comment be amended to include gathering together with friends/family to watch a game.
  6. I think the 8 was for the potential upside if Bertuzzi comes back versus the rather small amount the Wings gave up to get him. (and almost nothing given up if he doesn't come back).
  7. Actually they gave it a 7.5... The highest score they gave was an 8.5
  8. I recently bought a Vintage 1981 Sabres home Jersey. Name?--- Ruff- Number 22 and the Captain's "C". I figured you could not go wrong with a class guy who represented the team well as a player and even better as a coach. My son turns 9 next month and wants a jersey. In the kids sizes, the big availability is Miller, Briere and Drury. Briere is his fav player, but I may get the Miller just because I'm sure he'll be around next year. By the way, the first real live jersey I ever bought was 2 years ago... A Willis McGahee. (Where's that slap your head emoticon?)
  9. I think we should make this move while Jacksonville isn't looking.... Do you seriously think that they would be willing to trade away a player with so much upside potential for Willis and another draft pick? They could build their offense around Jones-Drew over the next few years. Maybe we could throw in Mike Williams as well.... wait..... never mind.
  10. Rob Ray announced on the post game show that he had lost 10 pounds and was ready to suit up when the call comes from Darcy
  11. That was Howard Simon and Jeremy White pre and post press conference before anyone threadjacks a Schoop sucks rant.
  12. Someone just asked Marv what "cash to the cap" meant. His response, unfortunately was.... They showed me a bunch of charts, and showed me we don't really have a lot of room to spend money. I have to admit I don't really understand how the cap works. I love Marv, but dear God, what was that?
  13. What does "Cash to the Cap" mean? They will spend 105 mil on players, but the cap ramifications may be much less?
  14. I made this announcement to my wife this morning. I did however apologize first.
  15. However, NOT in the Buffalo market. MSGs rights override any national braodcast, so that channel will be dark for us locals during the game.
  16. This is a joke right??!! Your not really confused, but simply making a joke? The Howard Stern that is engaged is the RADIO Howard Stern, not Howard K. Stern, the money grubbing lawyer trying to take Anna Nicole Smith's money.
  17. I don't think real musicians like Prince feel a strong pressure to play their music and especially their solos exactly as they appear on their albums. I think this is a failing of many bands. Too many play their songs live exactly as they are on the album... what's the point of going to a concert?
  18. INCREDIBLE Halftime show. Fantastic in HD and a great 5.1 Audio mix. I had the stereo cranked and the house was Rockin'! People who think that Prince went out of style back in the early 90's are slaves to the radio. Great artists continue to put out great albums even if the pop station you listen to don't play them. As for people saying Prince is gay... if being gay means getting all the smokin' chicks he's had over the years then I want to be gay too!
  19. A little warning for Buffalo locals. Since MSG has exclusive local broadcast rights, the game will be blacked out on HDNET in Buffalo. This happened for the Atlanta game earlier this season that HDNEt carried when the Sabes had the chance to break the consecutive win record. I think the game is rebroadcast on HDnet at 11pm.
  20. Never a full time internship, but worked as a volunteer quite a few hours a week on something called the "Death Penalty Project" which involved researching appeals for death row inmates that (at least the guy who ran the program felt) were more likely than not innocent or at least did not deserve death as their punishment. I did not however actually work in a firm. I did date a couple of legal secretaries.... They have fast fingers
  21. Time to move on- I looked at the money I had left, figured out what I would need to get my certification and did the math. As for my law school time. I just list that I was at Duquesne University Law School from 91-93 and don't list a degree. If they ask i tell them if they don't, I don't bring it up. I think I decided that I just wasn't cut from the cloth of someone who could work 80 hours a week. I blame a short attention span and a love of talking. I wanted to be a litigator, but I think I failed to realize how little of my time would be spent in court and how much would be locked in a law library. It took law school for me to realize that my real skills were in presentation and teaching.
  22. I left Law school in my third year and took the rest of my money and got a teaching certification. I had good grades (3.4 ish) was president of the Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity, but really started to feel I did not want to be a lawyer. I will be paying my law school loans for at least another 10 years, but I got my certification, taught for a few years, moved out of education and now am the Director of Training and Support for a medium sized software company in Buffalo (and have been for the past 5 years.) I have always put my law school experience (incomplete that it is) on my resume. When people ask, I tell them the truth. I realized I didn't want to be a lawyer and thought it best to move forward with what I wanted to do as quickly as possible. School is just exercise for the brain. A degree is worthless without a good person behind it. I would hire an outstanding instructor with no degree over an over-educated bad one any day. You'll be fine. If you we're smart enough to get into law school and are mature enough to know its not what you want to do, you'll have the smarts to work things out.
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