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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Ooops you are correct. I knew that too. I think back fondly to the evenings as kid, after I had been sent to bed by my parents, laying in bed with my little transister AM radio tucked under my ear listening to One-on-One sports.
  2. Dean, I appreciate your posts and Bob is Good, so with that said... I AM slightly arrogant. I get annoyed by dumb people and am not afraid to express that fact. Its the reason I refuse to open any thread written by IEatCrayons. While I have often heard Schoop hang up on people who were "off topic" more often I hear him hang up on people who sound like complete idiots. I am thankful that he is preventing me from having to hear them any longer. Keep in mind, they run on a 7 second delay... seven more seconds for the radio host to hear stupidity coming from a caller that once cut off we the listener never hear.
  3. This is what always kills me.... The Sabres are in first place in the NHL, they have just had one of the most exciting seasons in the teams history, they have scored over 300 goals and have 6 (and maybe 8 by the end of the weekend) 20 goal scorers, yet people are always complaining that the GR cheerleads for the Sabes. If all they did was criticize them (for what?) you would be bitching that they are too hard on the Sabres. THEY ARE RADIO TALK SHOW HOSTS NOT JOURNALISTS!!!! Their whole job is to ENTERTAIN and talk about sports. If you want pure sports "journalism" go read the Hockey News (no Bias there) I grew listening to Stan Baren, followed by John Murphy and then the Buldog on WBEN talking sports on One-On-One Sports. There will never (in this town or anywhere I imagine) be great sports talk like that any more. Is Schoop arrogant? HELL YES. He drives me nuts, I used to really enjoy him on WNSA, but the audience there was different. No offense, but WGR, like most radio stations appeals to the lowest common denominator. Piss people off, they'll listen cause they hate you...make people laugh, they listen because you entertain them. This is a new "flavor" of talk radio (not just sports) and since it sells advertising, its not going to go away. And you do have a choice.... don't listen.... get your sports news from the internet or satelite radio
  4. I defend anyone who needs defendin' I AM................SUPERPOSTER!!!! Just kidding. I just think GR gets ripped here a lot more than they deserve. The people there have a job to do and like many of us are told HOW to do it. There are many people here on the board that know me, and will vouch for the fact that I am just a listener like the rest of you.
  5. Wow, how did I miss this little gem in your original quote. Since you seem to be trying to measure dicks with Jeremy, where is your degree from and where did you grow up, so we can rank you accordingly. You actually sound disgruntled that you both have Journalism degrees, yet he got a job on the radio and you're relegated to bitching about him on a message board.
  6. Considering their "Number one listened to Sports Radio Station in the country" ranking was reported in the Buffalo News, I think they have every right to report, and even brag about it. I find it funny that you are so insecure that you need to point out that the size of the market they work in means they are minor leaguers. I choose to live in this city and I have a great job, are you also insinuating that my success in mitigated by the fact that I live in a "minor league" city and I couldn't cut it somewhere else? Oh and by the way, I don't believe WGR bought out WNSA, when Adelphia folded the Empire Sports Network it also shut down the radio station, so don;t go insinuating that GR bought out the competition.
  7. Wow, thats a pretty serious aggression problem you've got there. Is this the reaction that you have to all arrogant people or just those doing their job on the radio? Do you actually take his arrogance as a personal attack against you? Are you upset because arrogant people get to be on the radio and you don't? I guess I'm trying to understand the mindset of someone who is brought to a violent rage just from hearing someone talk.... as a matter of fact, if you continue to listen and STILL hate Schoop so much, there must be something compelling about him to you and therefore obviously his act must work.
  8. If I got rid of a my couch every time I had "relations" on it. I'd be sitting on the floor watching TV.
  9. Dear God... Did they call their parents to come pick them up. EEeeeewwww there's a girl masterbating on our couch! Where I come from that is the international sign to create a penthouse letters story.
  10. Its funny how a completely aynomous post can make you paranoid for a minute. I left my tax return in the mail box this morning for the mail carrier to pick up, then I read your post and I'm thinking "how did he know where I live...". I need a tin foil hat.
  11. And we complain/harass the French for only working 30 hour weeks!!! (where's the head slapping emoticon???)
  12. I think that provision assumes that the assault happened while the teacher was performing duties persuant to their job. I think walking to work would be a tough stretch to meet that requirement. She was assaulted on a public street by someone who HAPPENED to be a student at the school. Again the situation sucks, but she should have to use her sick days, thats why she has them and the kid should be kicked repeatedly in the nuts and then put in jail to remind him that we a society of people not animals.
  13. The HIGHEST paid teachers, after 20 years of service may be making 70-80 (and after 20 years at the same job you should be making that much), new hires begin in the 30s. The poster claiming that the teachers are all getting rich is making a fool of himself.
  14. This is actually the fight against the Boston Cop. The label for the opponent is bad. If what I understand is correct, after he beat Kimbo, the Boston Cop was given a match in UFC, but lost.
  15. Me too.... I had no clue that AAA was an insurance provider.
  16. I'm not looking for snotty political feedback merely and answer to a question I can't seem to find an answer to.... Why is it a scandal that 9 Federal Prosecutors were fired and that the White House may have encouraged it? I was under the impression that the DAs employment was at the discretion of the Attorney General and since the Attorney General is a political appointee, why wouldn't political decisions come into play in the decision of who to keep. I'm not looking for Its the medias fault or Bush Sucks or its the Libs fault.... I really am trying to understand what is the actual "controversy" here?
  17. I don't punch a clock either and OFTEN work at home after putting in a day at the office. Again I mean no disrespect to the teacher, but what if she was assualted on a Metro bus on her way to school? Would we be expecting workman's comp for that as well?
  18. I feel really bad for her, but I think there is something pretty important to consider here. She was not assaulted while she was at work, but rather while she was on her way to work. Worker's Comp covers you for injuries incurred while at work. If I broke my leg in the parking ramp at work I could not file a workers comp claim. I could sue the garage owner, but workers comp would surely be denied. While this situation sucks, the liability for her injuries lies with the person who assualted her not the state government. Oh, and I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with the teacher's union? She is still being paid, she is using accumulated sick time. Isn't this why sick days are able to be accumulated? Her health insurance is covering her medical expenses. The only real "loss" here (in relation to the Worker's comp situation, no the obvious emotional and physical pain) is that she is being forced to use sick days instead of being paid and being able to keep the sick days to cash in when she retires.
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