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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Hey Numbnuts, if your going to try to discredit me at least try doing it with something with other than Urban Legend! Not everything your drinking friends in college told you is true....
  2. People like this are the flaw in my "rational adult" argument.
  3. How every rational adult on this board does not agree with this is beyond me!
  4. The Story was moved... http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/368141.html
  5. The BPD doesn't issue suppoenas, the DA does. All your post did was make you look retarded
  6. Clark is retiring in a couple of months because he has Lupus. I seriously doubt he is trying to do this get his name in the national press.
  7. I would have to think the Owner and General Manager of a football team would have different knowledge of the "off work" activities of their employees than mine would. I agree, Clark is trying to embarass the team and therefore "encouraging" Lynch and the others into testifying. By not cooperating, Lynch and the team have put themselves in this position. They may have valid knowledge of what happened from conversations with Marshawn and the others involved. Clark has every RIGHT to do this whether we consider it slimy or not. He is trying to get results.
  8. Even if that is true, you have to remember that the crime was not HITTING the woman, it was driving away after it happened. The first part is an accident, it could happen to any of us, the second part, driving away is a choice the driver made.
  9. He CSI man, you need to stop being a FOOTBALL fan long enough to realize these people live in the real world and are subject to the same rules we live by. IF my employer had a security department that knew what I was doing out of work I indeed would expect the police to talk to them.
  10. The team refusing to cooperate when one of its employees runs over a woman on the street and drives away.... JUST AWFUL!
  11. A woman was hit by a car and the perp cowardly drove off with his victim in the street. THe people who know what happened refuse to talk.... It sounds to me like the DA is trying to do his job and hold the people who broke the law responsible. He has said numerous times that if they come in and talk, the thing can be pleaded down and it will go away, but if they continue to refuse to cooperate he will pursue the matter to the full extend to the law. It seems like Marshawn and the Bills have chosen this path.
  12. EXACTLY!! What the hell is Marshawn doing hanging out on the town with 2 rookies and a scrub?
  13. James Hardy Steve Johnson Christian Gaddis Ralph and Russ Brandon also being called to testify as well as the team's head of security, as the TEAM refused to talk to the police. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/368141.html Why did Hardy need to be there?
  14. Thank you! This is the place I was looking for, but didn't know the name. I was calling a different place on Transit. Again your assistance is greatly appreciated!
  15. DirecTv has VOD. Just Saturday night my 10 year old son and I watched Airport '75 together. VOD on DirecTv uses high speed internet to download the program to your DVR. You need to give it a 4-5 minute download headstart (as we did with Airport) and then you can start watching.
  16. The phone number is out of service, but I thought I saw cars there when driving by a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone live in the Lockport area and know if the place (it also had a Bison themed restaurant on property) is still open???
  17. Just check out how many fewer HD channels FIOS have and you'll stay with DirecTv
  18. Wasn't there just an Incredible Hulk movie about 4 years ago with Eric Banna or someone like that? What's the deal, are they doing a do over? Is this a continuation or are they starting all over again???
  19. I think the most telling thing to me is that none of the local TV stations, desperate to get the scoop on the others, have paraded a SINGLE person out who has said "I saw Marshawn at x bar an hour before the accident" or anything like that. IF he WAS there, wouldn't there be people coming out of the woodwork saying that he was?
  20. I'm pretty sure that name was created to be ridiculous on purpose. kinda like saying "You suck at the internets"
  21. I was speaking in a metaphysical sense when referring to "yesterday"
  22. What's even MORE amazing is the fact that Schoop is on VACATION THIS WEEK (!!!) yet people still post messages here posting about how much he sucked yesterday (WHEN HE WASN'T EVEN ON THE AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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