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Everything posted by theesir

  1. GREAT show!!! saw it last night at Shea's. Been a season ticket holder for a few years and this was one of the best performances I have seen. Great stories, great music and let me repeat.... GREAT STORY. I loved the ending. If you have a chance to go, DO IT!
  2. Here is a Link to Gomper's post history http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=S...sult_type=posts 124 posts and I got board counting how many of them are criticisms of WGR or Brad.... I think we have a failed "Rookie Contest" contestant here :thumbsup: Some of my favorite Gomper quotes... Along with his quote at the top of this post, I really love the use of the word "is" I sense a real secret man crush on Brad showing through in these posts... Actually, I think this is Alan Pergament!!!
  3. While on the phone with ME live on the air
  4. I guess that the company made had laws passed that made it illegal to film on the road.
  5. I haven't been to the board, but I can tell what I read. I guess the company that owns the Diamond mines that these trucks would lug things to also "owns" the Ice road. They were not happy with a lot of the publicity that came out of the first season of the Ice Road Truckers. They felt it made the drivers look unsafe and reckless and that made the company look bad, so they told History channel that they no longer had permission to film on their road. Now there may be more to it than that, but that was the story I read.
  6. I hate to speak for Lori, but I think she is saying that Gomper can say that he sucks, because HE does it over and over, and seems to only post when there is a chance to bash WGR or Brad.
  7. I have to agree. He warns people regularly what kind of show he does and says if its not your bag, don't listen. His show is a freeform, stream of consciousness type of thing with sports thrown in as a kind of cohesive... adhesive. The Eclectic Brad Riter Radio Network is on the air. The revolution will not be televised.
  8. We just had a nice basketball related email read on the air by Brad from Dennis in Austin, who mentioned TBD in his email and that he was listening on the web. TBD IN THE HOUSE!!!! So, who is Dennis in Austin?
  9. What he said. WAY to much stock footage (I can't stand that "under the ice" shot anymore). I am a BIG fan of Deadliest Catch and this too is becoming laborious to watch. Again, a lot of contrived controversy (and lately not enough) and stock footage. Sad, it was a compelling show for a couple of years.
  10. Thanks, I'll be doing 2 shows nightly, try the veal
  11. He's a Tranny and was arrested on prostitution charges. He couldn't have been much of a physical menace, they had him sitting in the lobby in a chair, uncuffed. The cop kept saying "hey faggot, get over here to the window, Hey heshe, get over here." To this he responded that my mother did not name me faggot, I will not respond to being called that. That's when the cop walks over, puts on a leather glove, puts the cuff on his hand and proceeds to start punching the guy in the face while the guy continues to sit in the chair. Another cop then comes over and holds the guy in the chair while the original cop punches him a couple of more times. This happened in Memphis if anyone feels like looking it up. I don't. My point in bringing this up was that cops who pull stupid crap like this make the entire force look bad and bring everyone under a heightened sense of scrutiny.
  12. They only do chemistry with no preservatives or pesticides.
  13. I think this is the key thing. For the thousands of cops who do the right thing, there are those who do ridiculous things, that get caught on video and make the entire family of cops look terrible and therefore open to more ridicule. Just yesterday I saw a video of a cop who, again on video, repeatedly punched a prisoner in the face, in the waiting room of the police station. He did this while having his handcuffs wrapped around his hand he was using to do the punching and another officer stopped the victim from getting out of his chair. The justification for the assault??? The prisoner refused to stand up and come over to the booking window, after being called over as "faggot". The prisoner said, my mother did not name me faggot and I will not respond to someone who refers to me that way. For that... a beating. One incident like that screws things up for all the hardworking good cops that are out there. Again they are in a position of having to reestablish trust with the community when they themselves have done nothing which deserves the lose of that trust. As for the kid in that video, I would have slammed him into the wall too.
  14. I just came on here to say the same thing. Brad is spilling the beans about the idiotic management decisions at WGR and the horrible grammer of the guy in charge of writing the advertising copy. ( I was just on... Tim in Amherst ) Great stuff. Brad is insinuating that we will soon be hearing some of our favorite folks from GR on WECK. The Brad Riter Radio Network is taking over the world!!!!
  15. Scott... you appeared on a local radio station and got to talk about your (our) board. There are probably a number of people who have come on for the first time after hearing you speak. To bad that they are seeing that the people posting in this thread now seem to represent the kind of people that "run" this board. Mods, is this Fark.com or TBD? Do we allow threads that have a sole purpose of belittling someone who is not here to defend themselves simply because it entertains the lowest common denominator? There was a time when that wasn't the crowd that this board catered to. This thread being part of TSW is an embarassment. You can harrass me all you want for taking a position on this, but I will hold my head up high for feeling this way. If you tell me you are just as proud of yourselves for being mean spirited asswipes, then more power to you. I think my opinion gives people an idea of the kind of person I am in "real life" not just this internet world, I'm sure your opinion offers the same insight into the types of people you are as well.
  16. Not a preacher. Merely someone who always found laughing AT other people to be highly distasteful. Humor to some is cruelty to others. Unfortunately there are many who don't see the difference. As I was growing up it knew a couple of kids who were picked on mercilessly for their appearance. At first I participated as well, but when I saw the hurt that they felt, I had to stop. The others showed no such mercy. How is this any different. Because we can't see the person's reaction its OK? As you all have every right to display your cruelty like a metal, I have the right to disagree.
  17. Why bother??? Its his RIGHT to continue to make an ass of himself. God bless America. Through her history 100s of thousands have died for the rights of idiots to say whatever they want no matter how stupid it makes them seem... USA! USA! USA!
  18. I should start a thread making fun of idiots like you that think the First Amendment has ANYTHING to do with private speech. The 1st Amendment places restriction on the GOVERNMENT in its attempts to block speech. Idiots yell "free speech!", "FREE SPEECH!" whenever they want to say something stupid out loud and confuse the people pointing out their stupidity with people (or the government) trying to stop them from saying it. Feel free to continue making an ass of yourself. I wouldn't want to infringe on your "rights".
  19. This is wrong on so many levels. First off, the fact that the overall intellect of the world seems to be declining, does not mean we all have a responsibility to become more stupid. You CAN make a choice to rise above what is around you instead of sinking into it. Second, Bush put himself out there in the public and any ridicule that comes his way is expected/deserved. This woman was hit by a car. Are you saying that if she didn't want to be ridiculed she should have NOT been hit?
  20. There are too few honerable voices left to converse with... For many of us, the visits here become fewer and far between
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