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Everything posted by theesir

  1. This info was in the Buffalo News from the getgo.... I said the same thing. "oppositional defiant disorder, which caused him to defy all authority figures"(!!!!) My kid had this. Then I gave him a hard slap on the ass and it went away. The headline in Saturdays News had a comment from the Aunt asking if the cop who shot him "needed to use deadly force". Are you kidding!!! as opposed to what? Slap him and ask him to stop? Maybe dive to the ground and try to shot him in the leg. When you put a gun to someone's head (and who the hell cares that it was a BB gun, that should excuse the kid somehow? How would the person with the gun to their head know what kind of gun it was), you assume the risk of getting shot in return. Case Closed!!!
  2. It'll get kicked out of here, but....
  3. That 44 yard kick with 3 minutes left was huge. Giving SD the ball back with 3 minutes only down by 6 could have made that a different game. Over the past 3 years Lindell has been clutch. He's kicking at over 86% and is perfect over the past 3 years inside 40. Is there anyone else on this team that has been playing such a huge role that gets so little attention?
  4. Home games are in HD on DTV, away games are not. MSG does not broadcast the away games in HD yet on any carrier.
  5. Again, I know you are a Sabres fan, FIOS does not offer MSG in HD.... if that's important to you, you may want to consider that.
  6. You know with Fios you will lose the Sabres home games in HD. I hope they told you that before you signed up. Only DirecTv and TW offer home MSG games in HD.... and TW has no WIVB...... so.....
  7. NOt only the last, but shortened to boot. Only 13 episodes. 2 Episodes ago, Denny and Allen were ribbing on it in their end of show cigar scene. Something like Denny- This is our last season? Allen- Yeah, they ran out of timeslots for us.
  8. Tremendous show, one of only 2 "every weekers" for the wife and me (the other is House). Really bummed that this is its last season.
  9. La Pequena Hillary Clinton http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_VHQS5q6je0
  10. So he shouldn't complain about it being a pansy league where you are no longer allowed to hit people because he makes too much money?
  11. Oh My God!! Think about how much it would have sucked if we got TG for a 3rd and John McCargo and then after the parade welcoming Gonzalez to town and all the new jersey buying, the trade got canceled because McCargo failed his physical!!!
  12. Read the article Lori posted.... To him, this was for his family.... his teammates. I'm not saying its not twisted, but it meant something to this guy to be able to be on that field.
  13. Thanks Lori, that was a great read and gave me a different perspective of the whole incident.
  14. I don't think I was "straightening you out" I was simply explaining to anyone reading the thread that "your results may very" depending upon how you watch the game.
  15. This would be true if you had Center Ice and did not live in the Buffalo area. Those CI games (opponent feed) I believe are blacked out here as MSG has exclusive regional broadcast rights.
  16. Its this kind of logic and rational thinking that seems to be lost by the "its my right to drink til I puke on you" crowd. As with R.Rich I enjoyed going to games, having a few (and sometimes a few too many) drinks, but I always knew that my behavior should affect me and not all of those around me. There is a new (lower) class of fan that seems to becoming more and more prevalent. And this new fan seems proud of themselves and their "right" to ruin the experience for others so long as they are having a good time. ME ME ME And don't give me there have always been fans like this crap. There may have been, but the number was smaller and the ridicule of those fans was greater.
  17. This is not a DirecTv thing, but rather an MSG thing. You would not be getting the away games in HD on cable either (I don't believe MSG HD is available at all on Fios or Dish). The Sabres have said "maybe next year" for away games in HD
  18. What I find hilarious here are two things: 1). People who say, don't go to the game if you don't expect to encounter obscenely drunk, violent people, vomiting and urinating in the stands, throwing things at opposing fans and screaming obscenities at insane volumes. 2). People who say if you are subjected specifically to the behavior mentioned above, you shouldn't have shown up wearing the wrong color shirt. The argument that kids/other fans/non drunks/people with some self dignity are not welcome at the stadium because the drunks rule the roost is sickening to me. I have been to a number of other stadiums, none of which I would refuse to go back to, however, I live in Buffalo and am a former season ticket holder, yet I no longer go to games at the Ralph. Your purchase of a $60 ticket, to me, does not give you or ANYONE the right to assault other people, physically or verbally, regardless of the color shirt they are wearing (as an aside how many of these RWS thugs would be up here screaming for the death penalty if a friend of theirs was injured in a "gang assualt"). You also do not have the RIGHT to piss in front of me, throw up on me or fall on top of me in the stands from 2 rows up because you are too drunk to stand. At this point, the game itself is no longer enough motivation to counter the quality of many of the people I am there watching it with.
  19. Thanks for the feedback Dave. I have to lose about 30 pounds. I do exercise regularly (2 mile walk with the dog each day, Karate twice a week) but my eating habits are terrible. I think a program like NS may be the forced caloric discipline that I need. The biggest complaints I see about the program come from women who think the food is bad, yet guys never seem to mind it. I'll make my decision later this week.
  20. Title corrected, thanks for the help
  21. I really need a jump start on losing some weight. Has anyone here ever tried Nutrisystem? I mean... it worked for Chris Berman, why not me?
  22. My boss had the nerve to tell me I'm spending too much time on the internet!!!
  23. BAck in those days, even if you had cable, it was in black and white.
  24. If I offended, I apologize. I like to consider myself a (usually) polite poster. I can understand how this whole WIVB thing would have TWC customers very upset. You can have all your people come over to my house and watch the game.
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