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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Its Purple Monkey Dishwasher... its a nonsense phrase.... see below. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...mp;defid=757572
  2. I teared up reading that post. Thank you for being a beam of light in a sea of darkness.
  3. Was this on the front page of Fox News??? If not it can't be true.
  4. Even better: Theesir says "I am against, in all circumstances, against anything that would be beneficial for child pornographers!" Other party campaign commercial...... Theesir supports child pornographers... here's the quote "I am....in all circumstances...for child pornographers" Do you want to vote for a child pornographer??
  5. I think her "tone" was similar, but the questions were so much more "media generated" and one sided. Her first question to McCain was "Acorn tried to register Mickey Mouse to vote, Obama worked for Acorn, what do you think of Obama's relationship with Acorn?" She gave him the first question as a chance to tear apart his opponent, not talk about himself. Do you think even 5% of the population even understands what Marxism is? Do you think the interviewer did? It's a buzz word with tremendously negative connotations. Most peoples belief Obama's a Marxist had that idea given to them by pundits. When pressed, I many could actually define what it means. My point is, an informed electorate needs to get beyond what is being propagandized to them by both sides and use some critical thought to decide what is real. Repeating what you were told as fact is not critical thinking.
  6. I think the problem is an unintellectual electorate that thinks because it is on a News channel or a news program it must be unbiased. There is a whole majority of Americans who have NO critical thinking skills and merely think what they are told. Its truly embarassing to try and hold a political conversation with some people (and quite frustrating) as ALL they can add to the conversation is "buzz words" and "talking points" that their "news" channel of choice has chosen to grace us with.
  7. What I refuse to see is how knocking down the opponent somehow boosts the..."knocker". I worked at a company 10 years ago. I still have that listed on my resume. The company failed during the tech crash in 2002. Does that mean I should not mention that work I did because I did not plant seeds there that have grown to be big strong trees. I am not even an Obama supporter, merely someone who holds myself to an intellectual standard that is offended by lines of thinking like yours.
  8. More word association I see..... Obama....... transformational figure transformational figure......... everything he touches should be touched by god. murder's in Chicago aren't going for it........ OBAMA'S A FRAUD!!!!! I again cannot understand why intelligent people make their decisions based on crazy rhetoric, buzz words and irrational arguments like the one above. If you feel people are voting for Obama because of misplaced impressions of him, make a real argument, don't spew rhetoric that lowers you to their level of intelligence. Your posts make it sound like you are upset that people are inspired by Obama for whatever reason, valid or not, where maybe what you should really be upset about is that fact that the other candidate has NOT been able to inspire in the same way.
  9. Actually, you so often just post nonsense that there are probably many people who don't bother to read your posts. I guess we were caught off guard when you posted something real.
  10. But that wasn't the point of the original post. Are we playing word association..... Murder.......Dead Dead..... Gun Gun....... OBAMA WANTS TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!
  11. I know I'm quoting myself, but when I saw this article it was a glowing example of what I said above
  12. This is the kind of silly rational I see from smart people when it comes to politics. It makes as much sense as me saying what has McCain done for Arizona? There are illegal aliens filling every corner parking lot looking for day work. Why doesn't he take care of the immigrant problem in Arizona before he takes on the country's problems. I think it a ridiculous comment to make, but is just as ridiculous as yours. Elections should be about issues and as I said, even intelligent people seem to lose track of that in the vigor of expressing their support for one candidate over another. A US Senator does not affect the murder rate of a city in the state he represents.
  13. I feel bad for her after reading the article (I am a "Bleeding Heart Liberal" you know). The thing is she came face-to-face, from the inside with something good, intelligent people on the outside have seen for years. Politics is about ripping the other guy down to further your own ambitions. Its pathetic, but both sides do it. The fact that she was SOOOO disgusted with what her side has done that she decided to change sides (well, she went Independent, but will vote McCain) only proves that she is not much of a critical thinker. For each atrocity(my word) that the Obama campaign committed that was against their core "beliefs" the other side has performed character assasinations and misled with equal vigor. Is it wrong for the Dems to do it because they're supposed to be above it, but not for the Reps because we expect that of them? If she truly was to stand by her beliefs, she would not be voting for either candidate and would be holding them both to the same standard, one neither of them seems to have met.
  14. Bengals: Houshmandzadeh says Benglas will win ... twice 10/29/08 12:53 PM THE NEWS Bengals wide receiver T.J. Houshmandzadeh made a bold guarantee on Wednesday, according to NFL.com. He said not only would Cincinnati not go 0-16, but that they will win at least two games. Our View Houshmandzadeh must have a lot of confidence in his squad if he is predicting all of two wins. Still, he's one of the few players you can't blame for the mess in Cincinnati, as he has performed to the tune of 54 catches for 512 yards and three scores. He remains a solid fantasy option, despite his team's awfulness.
  15. Like you can't believe!!! I was at a family party this past weekend, and the presidential race came up amongst a number of us outside over a couple of beers. It was a good conversation with people discussing both candidates pros and cons. Then one member of the family walks up, hears what we are talking about and in all seriousness starts yelling "Bill Ayers!, Bill Ayers!". He then proceeded to yell us (I mean yell not tell) how Obama is a terrorist, terrorist sympothiser, muslim, his father can't be found, he is not a citizen, if he is, where's his birth certificate... and it went on. I walked away amazed that the only qualification for voting in this country is not dying before your 18th birthday.
  16. You're not allowed to complain because lying to get elected is the American way. Only people on the receiving end of the lie are allowed to be mad, to the other side its OK, because you deserve it anyway. USA! USA!! USA!!!
  17. I'm an Obama supporter and would have hidden Biden a month ago. He can't seem to think before he speaks. About 1/3 of what he says comes out the way he wants it to. Of course Palin seems to have lost control of whether what comes out of her mouth is true or not and doesn't seem to care. She said yesterday that Obama is planning to change the constitution so that the government can seize private property and give it to other people. I want to campaign! It seems like you can just make up anything you want about the opponent, anyone listening will assume you are telling the truth and the other candidate can't do a thing about it! What a great way to choose the leader of our land.
  18. Because the "Left wing Hollywood elite" are not getting front page headlines on Fox NEWS(!!!) channel's website making foreign policy judgements. I do see the comments, but on Entertainment tonight, or Drudge. Fox is a NEWS network and they are giving this... excuse me... nobody plumber the same validity and force of thought as their own political analysts who are more familiar with these issues and the candidates positions on them than anyone. If "Joe" had a Myspace page, or was posting YouTube videos, fine, he has the right to express his limited knowledge-based opinion, but for Fox to parade him out there as a rational voice that should be listened to in deciding who our next president should be??? Rather pathetic.
  19. I believe any credibility that Fox News had disappeared when they started including political analysis from "Joe the Plumber" in their broadcasts. I have to think that there are real live journalists at that station that must be pulling their hair out as "Joe" gets the airtime, telling the voters of the American right what they should think. Do they truly believe that the people who watch their station are so Mind-numb that it doesn't matter WHO the messenger is, it is to be taken seriously and believed? I heard Hannity and Colmes are going to have the crazy "Obama is an Arab" lady on tonight to talk NAFTA. Tune in!!!
  20. That's merely an opinion. What's the problem with that?
  21. Holy crap! I am generally a WGR supporter, but today's show is beyond ridiculous. Schopp is indignant with any caller expressing any negative opinion about the game. Even asking out loud, why do we bother taking calls? He even criticized the point made by a caller from Rochester PRAISING the team. He is, I am not kidding, basically asking people to turn off the radio and stop listening. The advertisers on the station must love the hosts actively trying to drive the listeners away. I honestly think Bulldog is flabergasted with Schopp but doesn't have the balls to stand up to him... Its sad
  22. Marshawn caught a pass on the first play of the game. Wouldn't that by default by make him the starter.
  23. This is heartbreaking. Best wishes to Will and his whole family. May God grant them the strength to deal with this. I can't even imagine.....
  24. Wow! This post is really something. Was this your nice way of saying "elect a Ni***r or allow them to be a candidate and you'll all get what you deserve!!! Ni***rs on the rampage!!! Then you'll be sorry!" I never come over to this forum, and this is the first post I read..... WOW!!! wow
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