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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I believe the contract still has to be finalized with the state, a formality, but that seems to be the case. In the article I read, it seems that there may be more talking going on between the parties. Here, I found the article.... http://www.buffalonews.com/145/story/492145.html?imw=Y
  2. The contractor could just walk away from their bid and would loose a couple 100k bond they had to post. They said the bid they submitted assumed they would be able to make as much on the scrap sale as on the contract and that is what made the job profitable to them. At current scrap price they would lose money on the job, thus it might be cheaper to forfeit the bond and walk away.... When planning for tearing down the aud original estimated from the city counted on bids to be around 4 million, most bids actually came in below 2 mil.
  3. After my initial 3 month subscription (free with my car ended) I told them I did not want to continue service, they offered me 3 more months for free, I took it. After another 3 months they offered me another 3 months for $5 a month when I called to cancel and the CSR seemed to be telling me that I was eligible for 1 more 3 months for $5 a month extention when this 3 month period comes to an end. I love the service while I am barely paying for it. I'm basically getting my first year for $30 and in addition to in my car, listen every day at my desk at work over the interwebs.
  4. You didn't think to search "girl giving handjob on mountainside during football game"???? Your interweb skills suck!
  5. Just put up a chain link fence... buy a "Bedazzler" and cover the fence with sparkly beeds and such. Problem Solved!! My work here is done.
  6. I agree with one exception... The Grateful Dead Channel which I now, FINALLY, have on XM channel 57!
  7. BUffalo News said a Buffalo Police spokesman said that there were "conflicting reports" as to how the accident happened. I hope to hell this does not mean that there are witnesses who said he was tripped or pushed by some idiot "prankster".
  8. I thought he was great in Stand by Me.
  9. Where is the Bias here???? The ABC morning show has been sending its anchors on a "surprise" trip each week and last week they sent the chick to Paris. How is asking if she did "work" while she was on the trip liberal bias.... I'm asking seriously, what am I missing here?
  10. I'm pretty sure he hasn't, maybe that's why he suddenly got "sick". I'm sorry Ralph, I can't pay you the other 60 Million I owe you because people aren't buying the overpriced tickets.... I mean because I'm sick and have to go to the hospital now, I'm not even CEO anymore, sorry, call back later.
  11. Jill Arrington.... http://www.sportshollywood.com/images/arrington/jillark3.jpg I'll be in my bunk.
  12. At a rally today, in keeping with the McCain/Pailin policy of just "making stuff up to make Obama look bad", Pailin said the Mr. Khalidi, a friend of Obama is a member of the PLO. A bold faced lie, but what does that matter. By the way reports are starting to circulate that McCain as head of some organization made a $440,000 donation to Khalidi (its not supporting terrorists when we do it, its Mavericky) In the last 2 days on the stump they have also stated that Obama wants to change the constitution to take away your personal property and give it to other people and that he, I love this so I'll quote it exactly... I really feel bad for true, honest Republicans who have been given THIS as their choice for president. McCain himself seems to have lost complete control of the people running his campaign and he has become a charictiture of his former self.... Their going to be writing books about how the McCain campaign screwed this up for years.
  13. You know, presidents have staffs that aid them in making those decisions.... I would guess you were a Bush supporter and what did he know about the military before he took office. As a matter of fact that group of people that he surrounded himself with to help him with those decisions didn't seem to have much of a clue either.
  14. This is exactly what I was talking about above. All I hear are desperate (yes desperate, I know hundreds of people, a couple are real scumbags, does that make me a scumbag?) attempts to discredit Obama, tell my we SHOULD NOT elect him, scare me into not voting for him, but in return I am offered no reasons that McCain deserves my vote either. Obama has come off point to deflect the criticism and then gets back to his message, which, like it or not, people are responding to. McCain's campaigns point has been to present the criticism and not much else. It seems evident that people are looking for a plan moving forward. And Obama's plan, flawed as it is is the only one that has been put before people since the last debate.
  15. Point well taken... than since he can't fire them he should give them a square kick in the nuts.
  16. McCain even brought him up again on Larry King last night after rambling something about release the tapes, I don't know whats on them, but release them. My wife looked at me and said...."What the hell is he talking about" as I'm sure 80% of the people listening did as well. If Joe the Plumber has not become an integral part of the McCain/Palin message than nothing has....
  17. What stuns me is that McCain's campaign has spent so much time in the past few weeks using all of their interview "air-time" tearing apart Obama that I could not even tell you what THEIR plan for our country is. Maybe the Dems are winning because they are using their time to actually offer ideas. People who won't vote for Obama still won't, but there is a huge independent and undecided block that is hearing "tear down" rhetoric from one side and ideas on how to improve(?) the country on the other. Is it any wonder why Independents are trending Dem this year? McCain should sue his campaign staff when this election is over.
  18. That was the headline to the link on Drudge
  19. I don't write the stories, I just link 'em
  20. Exxon Mobil Posts biggest quarterly profit ever. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/081030/earns_exxon_mobil.html
  21. We talked yesterday, jokingly about making stuff up on the stump. Today's quote is better then anything we made up yesterday..... be careful if you read this, you may catch "the Gay". You can disagree with someone and think their ideals will "ruin the country", but to make your point by just making up stuff and saying the candidate said it? Supporters of McCain agreeing with this tactic is like Bills fans who support fans who throw beer bottles at opposing fans in our stadium. The ridiculousness of what you are supporting is blinded by your allegiance. By the way, he said this while warming up the crowd for a Palin (who has a disabled son) speech.
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