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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I scrolled all the way through this thread just to get the answer to the chick in the avatar question.
  2. Not of Peter, Paul and Mary.... of Irv, Rick and Tom. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Travers_(journalist)
  3. I agree. He seems more interested in telling us who was involved and then getting to what the result was AFTER identifying the players. It kills the spontaneity of moment.
  4. I have to agree here. You are wasting your time calling TW. They can only broadcast what is provided to them by the local channel. You need to be calling your local Fox affiliate en masse. That is the only way you MAY be able to affect a change. Good Luck.
  5. My CO detector kept going off as well. I replaced the battery and it stopped. I think the low battery causes it to behave erratically.
  6. Shorts for pregame tailgate, Jeans for the game. Temp will drop through the evening and you will be MUCH more comfortable in the 4th with pair of jeans on.
  7. The Buffalo News is saying doubtful for what its worth.... http://www.buffalonews.com/258/story/799733.html
  8. I'm having trouble accessing my online checking account. Could someone send me their user name and password so I can see if its just my account having trouble... I'm kidding... I Kid. I think he is trying to see if his problem is with his computer or his slingbox. If he can access another box then the issue is his box and not his computer....
  9. This is dead on. I don't ever remember Sullivan throwing a fit like that column. My sympathy's for TO grow by the day. He truly is damned if he talks and now even damned if he doesn't. What can he possibly do that WON'T get him dragged over the coals?
  10. You do realize that it is talk radio and not a professional scouting service. There are many outlets for the type of information you are looking for, but ratings-based, sports talk radio really isn't it. I recognize that you want MORE from your local sports talk. But to expect them to be getting leaked information from people inside the team is something people like Peter King and Adam Schefter get, not Schoop and the Bulldog. That's just the way it is.
  11. I strongly believe that starting a thread should be a privilege, not a right.
  12. I think I had each of those thoughts as well. There is no way on Earth I thought Trent would make it through the game without getting killed. The draft is a waste of brain space. I can read the recap in the paper and get any info I need. I, and most hear dreaded the opener fearing another NE blowout. I couldn't sit all the way through a single preseason game, and by the way, the line (for the few series they played) did not look that great in the preseason. I don't know the things they were saying seemed pretty reasonable to me.
  13. I didn't think you could be sent back to the PS after you had been elevated to the active roster.
  14. THAT I agree with. I am just pointing out that anyone saying he is an idiot for not taking a knee in the endzone has to realize he thought that his momentum may have taken him there and kneeling down would have resulted in a safety. That is not in the quote, but he said that in his interview after the game.
  15. I heard Leodis say this after the game and here is the full quote in Peter King's article.. He seems to be saying he would take it out every time rather than risk the safety if his momentum had taken him into the end zone. I have not seen the second part of that quote in the paper or heard it on the radio. I think it is unfair to look at his "i'd do the same thing again" quote in isolation.
  16. I enjoy his columns quite a bit. Most in the league think we will get killed tonight, including him. I don't hold it against him for trying to be slightly positive on a hometown radio station. Seems like good business to me.
  17. I need to make a concerted effort to watch all the crap I have recorded on my 3 DVRs and THEN I can switch!
  18. A bit OT, but mildly relevent.... I have been a happy DTV customer for just over 7 years. I had it originally for ST, but due to cost and the number of games on "regular" tv, I dropped ST before last season. Fios was just installed in my neighborhood and I did switch over to their internet service which I love. The only thing that holds me back is No Sabres games in HD. Each month when I get my DTV bill (about $110, plus $46 for internet, plus $40 for telephone) I wonder, are 40 hockey games (probably only 20-25 I will watch) a valid reason for not switching. Hell the whole house DVR thing Fios offers makes me think it is worth it most of all. Signed, Member #2891
  19. I simply see "the President" being referenced as the person talking... "What is the President trying to tell me?", "What new ideas and actions is the president challenging me to think about?" I'm confused should they have referred to him as "the guy in the video" instead of the President?
  20. Am I missing some sarcasm here? I see a lesson plan asking kids to create posters and track goals that will help them to become more civic minded and make moves toward taking more personal responsibility. These have officially become the things we DON'T want to be encouraging out of our youth? When I was in Boy Scouts these things were preached to me all the time. It made me a better person and a better adult, yet now we find it disgusting that we would teach this to our children and ask them to follow through with a goal sheet to track their progress. Who should be giving a speech like this to kids if the president is not? Would it be Ok if some famous sports figure gave it? Some movie star? Don't give me the parents at home should be telling their kids this and no one else crap, because most parents don't. Positive messages should come to kids from EVERY direction. The only people I could understand being upset by this are people who want their kids to grow up self-centered, irresponsible and uncaring about society as a whole.
  21. SAbres Home games ARE in HD on DTV, just not on FIOS (or is that just locally in Buffalo and not on Center Ice?)
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