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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Ouch... I believe the proper internet term for this is PWNED!!!
  2. Duff's- Their big, crispy and just the right amount of sauce.
  3. Actor draft (do not want) Talking ad nauseum about the Bills and their terrible prospects for success, possible Mick Vick signing and Trent's new helmet- (Do not want that either) Talk Adam Mair being waived and picked up by no one or about bringing Marty back (Do not want) Even if they stuck to local sports- name a topic that could be discussed for more than an hour without becoming insanely boring. I'll listen to NPR thanks.
  4. Are you kidding! There's no way he could get health insurance. Most carriers would consider him being so far outside the height/weight norms for his age to be a preexisting condition and use it as an excuse to refuse him coverage.
  5. Proper ventilation allows for heat to escape from within the attic. The temperature buildups inside the attic can be tremendous and cause damage to the roofing material from underneath. Proper venting will allow the attic to cool in the summer and because there won't be heat build-up (heat being trapped) in the attic in the winter (from heat rising in the house) you don't get a lot of ice buildup in your gutters from snow on the roof melting from underneath.
  6. I think it should be clarified that what they are deciding is if Life in Prison without the possibility of parole is constitutional for a juvenile convicted of a non-homicide crime. It isn't about releasing these 2, but rather, whether or not they should ever be allowed to have their sentence reviewed. The one who was 13 at the time of the crime has been in jail for 21 years (for rape). I don't think anyone could argue that a 30, 40, or even 50 years sentence is justified, but he has been given what amounts to a death sentence. The other ( the 17 year old) was given life without parole for armed robbery. Again, the question is not should they be let go, but only that at some point they should be able to come before a parole board.
  7. I'm glad your results have been better. My most recent experiences had me in Orlando and Charlotte in the past couple of weeks. In Orlando, I rarely had 3g coverage and in Charlotte, I was fine in the city, but went to E network and finally spotty coverage at all only 20 mile north of the city outside of Moresville. As I travel a lot, my lack of coverage (or often lack of 3g coverage) is very noticeable when I am outside of the "city center".
  8. As an AT&T subscriber with an AT&T Fuze (no low end device here) all I can say is, what I normally end up saying when I travel, WHY THE HELL DON'T I HAVE SIGNAL, I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF *$*% MAJOR CITY AND I HAVE NO SIGNAL!!!!!
  9. That video clip is interesting. It states at the end that he would go in the first 50 picks, as did many draft guides. Why then did he fall so far? What was the hang up that caused him to fall out of favor with so many teams?
  10. I hope that information wasn't given to you by a Time Warner sales rep because its a bold face lie. I have DirecTv and have been watching Sabres home games in HD for 3 years. This year we will also receive 6 MSG road games in HD (as will TW customers). I also have the NFL Network in HD and all the extra games that will give me as well as NHL network in HD which broadcasts Hockey Night in Canada in HD every Saturday night.
  11. Southwest flies out of Fort Lauderdale and charges no fee to change flights, however you are responsible for any difference in the fare. THey also do not charge for luggage which lowers the fee compared to other airlines.
  12. This incident happened BEFORE the trade to the Jets. As a matter of fact its one of the reasons Cleveland decided to get rid of him. Do you actually believe the Jets were not aware of this incident before the trade?
  13. All those great choices and he selected the Pats!!! Sounds like he was too smart to be a Bill anyway.
  14. In an interview Banta Cain indicated that he was cut as a roster move to clear a roster spot(he does not have to clear waivers) and then will be re-signed by the Pats after the trade deadline. So, don't get too upset if the Bills make no attempt to sign him. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/...h-the-patriots/
  15. I have to agree with this. I am actually wondering, based on the homemade cookie post whether or not this whole thread is a hoax!
  16. I have now read this entire thread and it keeps becoming clearer and clearer to me that you are in love with this guy (red shirt) and can't accept his failure to return those feelings. I thought I was imagining it until the uber apology post, but the homemade cookies took it over the edge.
  17. Why do people keep quoting the original post? Its so annoying to have to scroll through it over and over.
  18. The frozen head of Ted Williams wants its tuna can back.
  19. I would add to #7 that Jarius Byrd is also good. He was the only player who stood out to me yesterday. He was flying around and really laid some hits on Jamal Lewis. The interception was nice as well. Again, the only player I could flat out say who was giving it everything he had.
  20. From the article it seems it was stolen twice....
  21. The Bills' told reporters there were never any plans for a ring ceremony at half time
  22. I bought Green Now, the green, pet safe/fertilizer spray you put on burned out spots on your lawn from the dog pi$$ing. 2 major FAILS in the product. First, the can says good for 400 applications. OK I knew I wouldn't get that many, but I didn't even make it through the 20-25 spots that I had on my lawn. Second, it sprayed on bright green and then faded over the course of the day to a slightly greener shade of the brown I already had. Don't waste your money on this one.
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