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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Newest Tweet from Nick Mendola NicholasMendola: An extremely unreliable source says Floyd Reese, Charlie Casserly, AJ Smith & Manute Bol playing strip poker for the #Bills job right now I'm rooting for Minute Bol.
  2. Bills to announce support for Fred Jackson after his "eye black" fine this week. To be serious though, I hate getting texts like this. Now I will get no work done as I keep refreshing every website trying to figure out what is going on at OBD
  3. Hoax http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...092jfkpic1.html
  4. I bought a PS3 for myself.... I mean my son for Christmas and one of the games we bought was Tiger 2010. The instructions for these games are pathetic. Is there a way to save a round of golf you are playing (not in a tournament, just a round of golf) and then pick up where you left off at some other time. There seems to be an autosave going on, but I cannot find a way to access the saved games. Thanks from a video game nOOb.
  5. What possible reason does this team give people to watch their games anymore. Byrd has been injured, but is playing and has been a bright spot on the team. Now they take him away AND ruin his chance to make/play in the pro bowl. Just put the whole damned team on IR and forfeit the last 2 games.
  6. Understanding that the band had just had a big blow up and this song kinda brings them back together is essential to understanding the emotion of the scene. That said.... completely one of my FAVORITE movies and scenes.
  7. He solves mysteries man!!! You would have figured that out if it weren't for those meddling kids!!
  8. This thread needs one of those "fix the subject" auto replies from a Mod. The Bills' haven't offered jack, this was just reported as what it might take to land him.
  9. How can you coach a team via twitter. You're limited to 144 characters at a time and that would be tough to get any message across. Additionally, the NFL's ban of tweeting during games would really put the Redskins at a disadvantage on gameday.
  10. I think it probably has to do with a diminished sense of loyalty due to the fact that they expect to lose their jobs.
  11. Please excuse me for not remembering who said it (Tim Graham, JW or someone else), but I read that people at OBD are expecting the ax to fall, possibly on them and for that reason, the level of "confidentiality" is disintegrating as people working there are telling anything they know to people (including press sources).
  12. I think the fear of career ending has a lot to do with the fact that this is a Compound fracture. With the bones tearing through the skin like that there is the possibility of nerve/ligament/tendon damage in area in addition to the 2 completely snapped bones. Additionally, His ability to do upper body strength work without being able to use his leg for leverage/support would be minimal. No, I'm not a trainer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  13. The look on his face when he was on the golf cart is the look he's had on his face ever since. Look at that pass he threw before he was hit. He was slinging them like that consistently before the hit. There was a reason this whole city was ready to believe we had a legit QB. After that hit though.... I agree, he has not been the same QB. sad
  14. NO problem. I think a link to the video is justified, but it being on that frame is what made me
  15. Scott, I don't mean to be argumentative, but I have the page open in my other browser window and there is a picture of Wood's leg broken on a 90 degree angle under the defenseman. Jesus, the red of his sock up near his knee is almost on the ground.
  16. This may be part of another thread but I don't care. That horrible picture DOES NOT need to be splashed on the front page. People of this board are pretty web savy, if they want to find the video and watch it themselves it is not a difficult search.
  17. An idea of what the position is would be helpful in identifying how SQL may relate and therefore offer some "what it is" information.
  18. The end of third quarter did result in a TD (after a 3rd down Pass Interference), but the 15 yard sack drive ended in a punt.
  19. I had the distinct pleasure of watching a "Locos" game the other night on TV. In the 15 minutes I watched I saw the following: JP on 2nd and 7 from his own 20 go waaayy back to pass, look down field, run to his left, but still toward the goal line, turn back to the line of scrimmage and with a defender still 3 or so yards away from him, fall to the turf and get touched down. 15 yard loss. Paul Maguire was going off about how a veteran QB NEEDS to get rid of the ball and not take a sack in a circumstance like that. Later in the game JP came to the line of scrimmage with 15 seconds or so left in the 3rd qtr, with well over 10 seconds left on the play clock and only 2 seconds left in the quarter, JP called time out. Fassel blew his top letting lose with a string of profanity that only could have been played on pay cable. Again the announcers were beside themselves as to why JP would call and WASTE a time out instead of just letting the period expire. JP hasn't and will not change. Even in the minor leagues his core faults are as glaring as ever.
  20. I think the OP should leave it up as evidence of his lack of understanding of the space time continuum.
  21. Try reading a little closer... The Shoebel quote was made after the game on Sunday not after Jauron was fired.
  22. We could give him the key to the city!!!
  23. Wow $250,000!!!! That's $125,000 a finger !!!!! Plus he came all the way to Buffalo to do it apparently... http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/national/0...Bud-Adams-Fined
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