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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Agreement reached. Back on the air.... http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/spor...agreement.html
  2. my thought is that you should read the board before posting a topic that is already being discussed
  3. Hi All, I bought these tickets about 6 months ago and now find out that I have to go to a trade show the day of the show. These are excellent seats, 3rd row Loge in the balcony in a great theater (UB Center for the Performing Arts). I have checked the Ticketmaster website and there seem to be no pairs of tickets left for the show. I paid $85 each (Plus all the bull **** Ticketmaster fees) but would be willing to sell them for the face value $170 for the pair. I know there are many of you on the Wall that love great guitar music, this is a show I am incredibly sad to be missing. Drop me a note if you are interested. Tim
  4. I just read this "scathing" article and by the time I got to the end I was asking the same question Florio did; why didn't FU correct his mechanics sooner??? Florio is right, if I were ANY school competing with FU for a QB recruit, I would be putting this right in their face.
  5. An extra 4% on top of the 35% that is already taken out. I DO NOT make $250K, but after taxes I have about 40% coming out of my check when you include state, FICA and all the rest. That's a damned big chunk of change to never see my pocket.
  6. From the Buffalo News http://www.buffalonews.com/258/story/961210.html Class guy. I wish him well.
  7. The Bills had the most players on Injured Reserve in the league last year. They hire a strength coach who has no pro experience, having only worked with young players, learning to shape their bodies out of high school. I think I can justify criticizing this....
  8. Speaking of decomposition and such. I drive to work on country roads and when the snow finally melted over the past week, it exposed a culvert (drainage ditch) that had been covered for a couple of months. At one spot along the road, in the ditch, where a deer carcus had been (since maybe September), there was now a completely perfect, white boned skeleton of he deer. kinda cool. My first thought was... Bambi
  9. Not really if you figure there was a ton of searching going on in the area after her disappearance and then you find a human skull. Seems like a pretty safe assumption to make.
  10. That story is from February of 2009... How did it turn out?
  11. I think he has said he doesn't want to talk to caller that don't have anything interesting to say. Folks who's opinion begins and ends with "Bills Suck, Fire the coach" generally do not make for very interesting radio.
  12. http://lightningstream.surfernetwork.com/M...n%201230%20WECK
  13. The fail of saying Tim Graham wrote this is almost as bad a the actual writer, Matt Mosley saying it was Tony Romo that got Chan Gailey fired in Dallas. The following emoticon does not slap hard enough to express my frustration with this thread (or the blog it links to)
  14. I just got a call from Chan Gailey asking me to buy season tix..... I kid
  15. My advice would be don't get sucked into buying the Official Playstation HDMI cable or some Monster Cable version. I bought a PS3.... for my son..... for Christmas. I bought it mostly for the BluRay and ability to stream netflix, but we really love Tiger Woods golf too. I bought an HDMI cable from Amazon for LESS THAN $4 and it serves the purpose as well as any more expensive one. Here is a link http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00123WZW...x_ya_oh_product
  16. http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2010...hab-mississippi A lot of years back I checked myself into Brylin to get over some lingering "dependency" issues. I along with many of the others, knowing we were surrounded by others with the same problem spent a lot of the time trying to score more drugs while we were there and even would try to hide our valuum and other drugs we were prescribed there. If that happens where people are treated for chemical dependency I can't even imagine what its like around this place when your finished with group theropy and making key chains. All night orgies. He's probably scoring more their then he did outside. As a matter of fact, I may try to check into one of these clinics myself.
  17. Who is Russ Brandon??? Its a name I hear often in relation to the Bills. I get the impression he is in a pretty important position, yet I don't ever remember hearing him speak at an important announcement by the Bills. I tend to believe he is some sort of "shadow" figure created by the organization as there seems to be no real evidence of his existence.
  18. My wife is slow too and it drive me nuts. Why is it that where ever we go, no matter how far the drive, when we get there she is NEVER ready to get out of the car. Makeup, check phone, purse, button coat. WHY DIDN'T YOU START DOING THAT SH*T WHEN YOU SAW WE WERE ALMOST THERE!!!!!!
  19. This post to be words which make hard read.
  20. If his source was credible and they announced it on the air, he would lose that source forever.
  21. I heard someplace it might be Nix, but can't remember where....
  22. I will too if it is Modrak. He deserved to be let go years ago. Just what we would need, a GM who works out of his home in Florida.
  23. From that page.... Nix is considered by some to be one of the top 5 talent evaluators in the NFL. The Chargers have won 4 out of the last 5 AFC West Titles with Nix as Assistant GM and Director of Player Personnel, in charge of college scouting and instrumental to the decision making process of their NFL drafts.
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