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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I read in an earlier article about this that it involved "sex toys and other fetishes"
  2. This is so true, but not because he's exhausted, but odds are whoever he plays can actually return a serve.
  3. I think if you look at all the internet tough guys that post in the comments section of the Buffalo News you would find this is indeed the most "virtually manly" city in America.
  4. Finally over 70-68. Who won? who cares.
  5. I just looked at the match stats. There have been 2 breaks in this whole match in only 16 opportunities. (In over 200 games!!!) I'm ready to stand up and say these guys both suck. They can do nothing but serve. This is a perfect storm of suckatude with these two pitted against each other.
  6. I agree, now 65-65. I'm ready to call Shannanagins!!! Its ace after ace. I think their trying not to win. In reality, neither seem to be able to return a serve, thus they each win their serve. Once one of them is broken it will end on the next game.
  7. I though this as well and then saw that these were 118 (and counting as it is now 63-63) full games. The whole love-15, 15-15, 30-15 etc. kind. Holy crap. Think about this, a normal 5 set match that goes 6-4 in each set would be 50 games. They have now played 126 in this one set, plus 45 in the previous 4 sets. Now it must be said that there have been over 200 aces. Both are serving over 120 miles an hour. Let some damned air out of the ball for god sake. Their just standing there blowing the ball by each other. I actually am at a point of thinking this is beyond ridiculous and they both should be kicked out
  8. Mark me as a third here. One sentence description. That's all I'm asking for.
  9. I think that it is going to play a role in how quickly or slowly first rounders (especially those near the top) are signed. I think that agents are going to push for more upfront money knowing their client is likely not to get paid at all next year and the teams are going to play hardball. Its just a hunch, but I think signings will be very slow.
  10. A big part of signing first rounders is the signing bonus and often these bonuses are paid over the first couple of years of the contract. I have to wonder how teams and agents are dealing with this when in all likelihood there will be no season next year. How do you plan out a contract with no guarantee of a "year 2". Plus, it would seem to me that the teams have a lot of leverage here, because if a player holds out, the team could (if they are willing to not have the player... a big if) just tell the player, "fine, sit out the year". What would the player do? Go back into the draft? Would there even be a draft next year if there is no season? The player stands a chance of not playing (or getting paid) for 2 years.
  11. There's a lot of thread here I don't feel like reading, so this one may be a repeat, but how about The "Up and Coming" Buffalo Bills O-line?
  12. Jay, my scenario is almost EXACTLY the same as yours. 12 YO boy, 4-5:30 home alone. We have the Chrome browser installed and the most frustrating thing is the "incognito browsing" option which generates no history and there is NO way to turn the feature off. I am also interested in a good "netnanny" type program some of you may have found effective. I'll do my best (as I'm sure Jay is) to filter through the snotty comments if any of you have something helpful to say.
  13. I say wait to see what the results of his visit to a foot specialist for supposed ligament damage. Why should the Bills jump to make a trade for a player who may have a chronic condition that keeps him off the field. The season does not start tomorrow. Let the injury side work out first. Then decide if this is the right move for the team.
  14. Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Bills Buffalo Bills, 40 times
  15. Some chick came on asking people how to do her homework and then everyone got all indignant and told her to go to Google..... or something like that.
  16. Spearmint Rhino--- Look it up. Some of the finest entertainment in Vegas. By the way I am also going to be in Vegas end of this week and into the weekend for work. I am going to see Santana at the Hard Rock Casino on Friday night.
  17. I just saw the whole ad, and I think it may not have been the big breasted woman that was the problem. The ad shows a woman putting on her sexy underwear, looking at a text from a guy saying he wants to meet her for lunch, then she puts on an overcoat over the underwear with nothing else. She then sexily looks back at the camera as she walks out the door, clearly implying what she intends for the "lunch" to include. Any chance ABC had an issue with the insinuation of a nooner being the issue and not the girl's size?
  18. No, I believe "willing blocker" means not afraid to stick your nose in there and HIT somebody, not afraid to initiate contact. As compared to a soft RB or WR who does all they can to avoid contact.
  19. I think it was a mistake. They were very cocky on FB and on the radio about the superior draft coverage they would have. They even remarked (on FB I believe) that WGR probably wouldn't even have someone at OBD. Well, they never went to the stadium and if I wanted to hear Buddy Nix talk about the Bill's pick I had to hear it on 550. I understand the excitement of the new addition to the team, but (and Brad I mean no disrespect), but if your gonna talk the talk.....
  20. I'm a big fan of Brad and the show, BUT I would have liked to have heard at least one report from One Bills Drive. They hyped it and I have not heard one call to Tim Graham or Allan Wilson.
  21. Thanks All!!! I am officially OVER 40 (41) it sucks to look up and realize the next milestone is the big 5-0.... Everyone have a beer today, they're on me!!!
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