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Everything posted by theesir

  1. I tried looking this up and find no real answer, but it looked like there were two different types/lengths of turf being used. Around midfield it looked longer and then moving toward the endzones it looked short (and a different color). Did anyone else notice this. Seemed like it would be hell on the players running from one height of grass surface to another.
  2. Was it a painting of Mickey Mouse getting his ass kicked by Bugs Bunny?
  3. You're doing your math wrong. The article said that they were... That sounds like about 16 hours of carnal delights as the article put it.
  4. My Wife and I eat there often, my company has all of our out of town visitors stay at his hotel and Russ and his crew have hosted out Christmas party the past 3 years. He runs a class establishment with great food. He is as much a local Icon as any sports hero. Thanks Russ! http://www.salvatoresgrand.com/
  5. - This was Moats in the article in today's Buffalo News. This is why I'm really starting to love this guy. Set your goals high and don't shy away from the work it takes to reach them
  6. Jim's self-written bio on Sportsnet.ca is a great read in its own right... http://www.sportsnet.ca/bios/kelley_jim/ Jim Harrington at the news also posted this link to Jim's 10 year retrospective article of "no goal". http://wnyh.presspublisher.us/blog/kelley-s-nhl-blog/game-6
  7. http://www.buffalonews.com/incoming/article270178.ece Cancer took him from us much too young. I was shocked to hear the news. I enjoyed reading and listening to him my entire adult life. May he rest in peace.
  8. How does Arizona go up two places after that HORRIBLE performance last night?
  9. Dr. Berlyn Aussieahshowna The story just keeps getting better (as if the name she used wasn't enough). Half way through, completely nonchalantly they say she was arrested in another state AS A MAN! I would have used a better name, like, Dr. Comona Wanafeelya
  10. The only game they get this year on channel 29 and they can't get the HD signal worked out? THIS IS BS!
  11. I agree... If it was anyone else I might care. I am one of the many who enjoyed seeing people throwing bottles at her at the Juggalo concert. She's an attention whore who deserves everything she gets.
  12. I know he had a calf injury that cause San Diego to put him on IR. Is there any article that even says he has recovered at this point?
  13. Send them an email at customer service about your account being suspended. They will look into it and if it was a mistake (which it usually is) they will reinstate your account. It happened to my son a couple of weeks ago and his account was available again within a day after he contacted them.
  14. What happened to Kraig Urbik?? I thought this was a guy they had rated up there with Levitre and Wood as the top three lineman (according to Buddy), they get him off Pittsburgh's practice squad earlier this year and now they start Howard?
  15. I loved him on Charlie's Angels- He was so "non-threatening" with those hot girls.
  16. +1 for the reason I and so many other users who used to spend great portions of our work days here (while working ) only poke in once in a while and usually leave after a few minutes. Its also the reason I, along with most ADULTS I know refuse to go to the stadium anymore. I wish I could say it was just Buffalo, but the generation of gimme gimme folks is everywhere.
  17. I bet BuffaloATL is the guy who types the Bills Twitter posts.
  18. The throw we NEVER see from Trent is the 15-18 yrd pass up the middle of the field. His entire repiture CONTINUES to be (and God knows I hoped this would change) short the the WR, TE or RD on the outside or overthrown bomb to the outside. Trent does not have the courage to throw in the middle.
  19. And, Stallworth WAS NOT coming home from a bar when this happened, he had been home (driven there by friends) slept a few hours and then left his house before dawn. Any alcohol in his system was residual from the night before, and if I remember correctly he was BARELY over the limit. An extra half hour of sleeping and the guy runs in front of him and this is a complete non issue. I feel pretty bad for Stallworth. He was in no way "evil" in this whole thing.
  20. Wow, I don;t know how true this is, but I just saw someone post on the Buffalo News site that ESPN said Fitz took the 2nd team snaps. If Brohm couldn't get ahead of Fitz on the depth chart, even with the extra work he got early in OTA's, this says alot about what the coaches think of him. I had high hopes for him (but then again being a Bills' fan is all about high hopes)
  21. I think the real bad sign for Brohm would be if Fitz is the one taking 2nd team reps. I'd be interested to hear who stepped under center after Trent.
  22. Buffalo News website I personally can't stand it. There is not longer an ability to "scan" the site. The stories are buried behind multiple links if they can be found at all. I STILL have not seen a single story about the Kovalchuk deal being nixed by the NHL, but if you go to NHL, the first story is Bucky's column complaining about the contract from Monday. The local section is now by specific city (once you go to the navigation) instead of by region (as the paper is). What once was an easy site to visit multiple times daily for a quick look at what's going on or what's new(s) during the day had become a frustrating site that I more likely than not will skip.
  23. Positive thoughts and prayers in your direction.
  24. Posthumous congratulations to your Grandfather for being an example to the younger generations... and best wishes to you and your family stl. Keep his memory alive. He deserved it.
  25. http://jezebel.com/5582562/clueless-secret...ce-email-thread This made me laugh out loud.
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