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Everything posted by theesir

  1. i have been to both and never understand the "best burger" awards for Rock Bottom. Grover's (bring cash, no CC's accepted) burgers blow them away.
  2. With a tongue like this i'm probably catching something when he's kissin' me. http://buffalolabclub.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=167452783
  3. We have watched the first 2 episodes as well and were not very impressed. The plot line is being advanced soooo slowly and the charecters are kind of annoying. Oh, and every 10 minutes there's a sword fight. I'm not exagerating when I say that, to me, the most interesting part of the second episode was the previews for the third episode.
  4. I feel like people who record video without turning their phone sideways deserve to be punched just like that guy. By the way... nice security presence.
  5. Hitting "Listen" from the website on my phone (iPhone) brings up the streaming player, which ends up playing dead air. I tried this during the preseason. The thing that suck is that I can not watch my flat screen and have an AM radio on a the same time, way too much interference on the radio. Its horrible that they do not have an FM simulcast.
  6. Well the NFL now SELLS for $30 per year a package where you can mobile stream NFL games on your portable devices, so I'm sure there is a connection there. There is however no excuse for not streaming the post game show and for the post game show not having any press conferences or "at the stadium" interviews.
  7. The bigger fail is that there was NO post game show available if you could not hear them on local radio. They did not stream the post game on their website or the WGR App. The post game also contained no post game press conferences or reports from the stadium. All we got was a 2 hour whiner line. This really sucks. No true post game show. And by the way WGR on twitter or facebook refuses to post a single message explaining the lack of streaming yesterday.
  8. I came into adulthood in the Super Bowl years and have been a fan all my life. My 14 yo son? The only way I can even get him in the ROOM while I'm watching a Bills game is to open a bag of potato chip.
  9. This doesn't make sense with such a thin receiving core and Stevie not at 100%
  10. I thought they did a pretty solid job and if you follow Mike Perarra on Twitter, his feedback was pretty positive as well. He even said that the push in the back was for sure a penalty. I actually liked the head ref, he was confident, clear and even laughed when one of the players ran into him during a call announcement. Did you know one of the big sticking point in the negotiation with the refs is the league want to be able to "sit down" refs who are doing a bad job at any point during the season... you know, hold them accountable. They cannot do this now and the refs are fighting to keep it that way. I say, until the refs give in on this NO BRAINER change, keep the replacements.
  11. Wait a minute.... They're actually talking about sports, but just not the right one?
  12. How about an hour talking about Ruvell Martin's role as a special teamer. I'd rather they draft cabbage recipes than listen to that crap.
  13. Hello caller, what do you want to talk about? caller: "yeah, how many touchdowns do you think Fitz'll have this year... I'll hang up and take your answer off the air". Wow, what a great question, lets talk about that for the next half hour. I say 23. Yeah, that's some compelling radio there.
  14. Holy Crap I get SOO SICK OF THIS. What the hell is there to talk about??? THey have not played a game yet!! Do you want to keep talking about roster moves? Should they have kept some undrafted FA? Is Fitz the answer? Will Mario get a sack? Will they blitz more. These same conversations have been going on for 6 months. They need to PLAY A GAME so that there is something to talk about! If any more than 5% of the listening audience wanted to hear them drone over those same topics constantly I'm sure they would be doing it, but I, along with the other 95% would turn off the radio.
  15. Thanks. This mobile site will be helpful. Its a longer drive from the Peace Bridge to NOTL, but it might be worth it.
  16. I am aware of the passport requirement, my wife and I both always travel with them. My real question was whether not folks are still encountering long wait times coming back into the states on the weekend.
  17. My wife and I used to regularly go to NOTL for a nice afternoon during the summer or fall. A few years back, traffic at the boarder became insane and after a 2 hour wait to come home once we gave up on going. Its been a while an we would like to go back, but are still living in fear of a possible huge wait at the border. Do any of you regularly head over to Canada anymore? Has the bridge time improved? Am I just being paranoid? I remember as a youngster heading over to Fort Erie just to have Chinese food and come home.... it seems so long ago.
  18. It would have been great if after all the years of work he put into that they would have showed more than one picture of it in the story. EDIT: Found them... http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/photo-gallery/RWS-Lego-Replica/0adba3a7-f500-43ff-a79a-215bdd0979c6#start
  19. One of the folks responsible for Flag day being celebrated in American and the Pledge of Allegiance said in schools is former Buffalo teacher Sara Hinson who died in 1926!
  20. Is there a statute of limitations on old news? This happened in 2001!!!!
  21. You did the thing that was most difficult for you, but showed the most love to your friend. Losing a pet is terrible. I hope you have peace in knowing he is not suffering.
  22. I read that she had Lung Cancer that she felt she contracted as a result of dust from the 9/11 attacks. I kid not.
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