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Everything posted by Nelius

  1. Right? Replace them with anybody. Why are the process drones okay with spending time and money on a historically bad team? Does anybody have faith in Daboll at this point? Get rid of him.
  2. Daboll has been terrible since day 1. We're halfway through the season. Terrible coordinators have been fired for less. Get rid of him.
  3. Somebody asked me who we should fire in the past thread but it got locked. I say start with Daboll and Castillo and go from there. This is awful. If there is an actual process and we're supposed to trust it then people need to be held accountable. Crossman needs to go too, screw it.
  4. If somebody doesn't get fired today I'm probably done for the season. Extra disappointing is the fact that nothing is happening after these disasters. Peterman is still on the damn team! Heads need to start rolling.
  5. My problem with this is that we seem to be betting the farm on a group that may just not be good. Getting destroyed like this this often is not normal, even for awful teams that need a rebuild.
  6. Yes, the process drones have parroted this for over a year now. I have no faith at this point that McBeane is going to make this team good at any point, but why the hell are members of this fanbase so fine with putting off winning? Stockholm syndrome or something? Why are we all satisfied with eating garbage and waiting three or four or five years?
  7. It's awful. My entire opinion has shifted over the last few weeks. Being this terrible is not normal, nor part of any process. There is no urgency with this regime, yet this team should be more hungry than just about any in professional sports. This is disgusting.
  8. This game is background noise at this point. I can't even root for this team. McBeane needs to go, this is awful. Screw "5 years from now" or whatever, we are a joke.
  9. Bit of a stretch to call a lack of knowledge concerning 1960's CFL football of all things "willfully dumb", eh? Chill, I had no idea either.
  10. I'd say about 75%. We'll knock off 25% for the ***** personnel decisions, the rest is on him. He's horrible.
  11. Kind of screwing everything up right? I'm with ya. Even if Allen turns into John Elway it's a goddamn shame that everybody seems content with letting everything that this defense is doing go to waste. We're going in circles, people. How about we win now for the first time ever instead of always planning for something that might happen six ***** years from now.
  12. I'm 100% on board. Testaverde's going to be looking up to him when he's done. People have raged out about this opinion as if Fitz and Peterman are interchangeable and I seriously can't even start to consider their opinion. If there's a savior out there, it's Fitz.
  13. Right? I would rather give the keys to Manziel than Peterman at this point. This is all so depressing...
  14. I guess I'm leaning this way now, but still hate the start Peterman part. At this point you can't bring anybody else in so we have to deal with reality. I cannot believe this regime did not sign anybody else this week. Peterman better have the ***** game of his life (ie only 2-3 interceptions) or else I hope everybody's head rolls from Beane on down.
  15. Seriously, WTF McBeane? Inman could have easily been Deonte Thompson from last year. At least! I do not understand what the hell is going on. This is getting borderline weird at this point.
  16. Bomani Jones going off right now about how there’s no way in hell that Anderson wants to start in this situation. Couldn’t agree more. Sign somebody Beane! I simply don’t get it.
  17. This season has been so effing miserable I can envision a scenario in which Derek Anderson quits halfway through the game after getting sacked for the eighth time. He was on vacation with his family two weeks ago and had to be talked into signing apparently, guarantee he doesn’t want to start for this mess right now. if Peterman is in uniform the football gods will ensure he sees the field somehow. Get him out of here and get somebody else in immediately.
  18. It’s only Tuesday afternoon. Put the bottle down, wrizzy.
  19. Couldn’t agree more, but was it McDermott or Beane? Somebody deserves credit for this defense and I feel like that’s largely McDermott, but somebody also deserves a s**t ton of blame for the state of this offense especially considering recent moves and I feel like that has to be Beane. Could be completely wrong of course, but I feel like we collectively always group the two together. What if one is okay and the other is completely out of his league?
  20. But why not just grab somebody waiting for a job if this is the scenario? Peterman might be the worst QB to ever suit up in the history of the NFL. That ain’t hyperbole, the stats support it. Why not ditch Peterman and grab anybody available for a spot start? Seriously Is this Stockolm Syndrome or something? How tf does anybody think Nate Peterman is a capable NFL QB at this point??! What more do you all need to see???
  21. I sincerely don’t get it. It’s really the #1 thing that makes me question this regime right now, and if this happens I may go into full blown “F the process” mode. Peterman does not belong in the NFL and I have to imagine that most teams would have dropped him long ago. To start him at this point is just insane. WTF are you trying to do McBeane? None of this should be about your ego’s at this point. If this truly happens, and fails again, then get them all out of here.
  22. Woods is the biggest loss to me, but to be fair Goodwin likely won’t do anything this year while chronically injured without Garapollo, Hogan has seemingly taken a step back (although he’ll probably go for like 170 in a playoff game because Patriots), and Sammy isn’t really even a #2 right now so I get it from a management perspective. Woods however is so legit. I see people talking about him being a dependable #2/#3 in their comparisons to Zay and I wonder where they’ve been the last two seasons. Bob Woods is Hines Ward light right now. Goff loves him. He’s one of the best legit #2’s in the league and is bordering on #1 status. Don’t sleep, we should have never let him go.
  23. You didnt answer. Convenient. Nobody in their right mind thinks Fitz and Peterpick are interchangeable, friend. Thanks for playing.
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