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Everything posted by Nelius

  1. Outside of Allen's passing yards I think that's pretty pessimistic all around. Beasley and/or Brown should definitely end up with more receiving yards. I mean who else is catching Allen's yards ESPN? The math doesn't check out, apparently there's another 1300 receiving yards or so somewhere on the roster that isn't worth mentioning. And I really think McCoy will do better than that this year. Wouldn't be surprised if Allen rushes for more as well.
  2. Oh wow this is fantastic news. Better extremely late than never I guess.
  3. Let’s not forget that Peterman has already made over 1 million so far for being terrible at his job. I think he’ll be okay if a few people make fun of him.
  4. Same arm talent as Cutler? Sure, he was incredibly talented, but to be like Cutler he'd have to be a lazy dbag so no of course not. Cutler had no heart. I prefer the Stafford and Plummer comparisons.
  5. I don't think it's nonsense. I'm a huge Robert Foster fan and hope he goes on to magically be the #1 that every fanbase has always dreamed about, I'm just sensing a logjam and wonder if he could end up being the odd man out if he doesn't show the ***** up this preseason. He's happened to just drift down the depth chart during the preseason two years in a row now. I don't think it's crazy to question with the current WR depth if he could be the odd man out.
  6. Yeah completely agree. Coach seems to love both RayRay and McKenzie, but hey I guess that's the culture. McKenzie would get the nod right now from me. Agree on Roberts too, they brought him here for a reason. Just throwing him out there as a curveball really since they seem to have so many quick, shifty dudes right now. Assuming Roberts and McKenzie both make it then Foster has got to be the most at risk, it would seem to me. Maybe McKenzie is the natural odd man out and I'm overrating him, but damn he just seems to always make plays.
  7. Man I'm pulling for Duke too but he's seemingly even more fringe at this point. Unless they roll with him strictly for his size? Allen is tall but can they really keep Beasley--RayRay?-McKenzie? I guess he's only an inch taller than Zay but damn Zay seems so much smaller to me. Maybe the big will be Tommy Sweeney.
  8. McKenzie looked great tonight. Wondering how this all shakes out. Could Andre Roberts end up being the spare part? Would love to see Christian Wade return a few kicks now.
  9. Didn't he deal with similar issues last year? Sloppy play, bad routes, etc. I vaguely remember him kind of falling out of favor at one point pretty early last season. Loved him late last season but man, wide receiver is getting interesting. McKenzie has only made plays since he got here and I think he's going to dark horse his way on to the roster. I didn't think that months ago so am really interested to see how this all shakes out.
  10. 11/1/93 Redskins at Buffalo Bills win 24-10 I remember tons of snow, and I was freezing. Granted it was only November 1st so it probably wasn't that bad but I was pretty young and I remember it being really cold. Also remember Andre Reed's TD. I just checked his game log and he went off for 7-159-1 in this game. Beast.
  11. Completely agree, I don't get it either. Feels like Vlad has been a completely lost turnstyle for years now.
  12. Jarron Jones if the current roster is accurate. That's the new new kid from Rochester, right? Was a great block.
  13. I agree with the voice complaints though. MALL-tie media journalist.
  14. Absolutely. When I was about 19 and a completely self-absorbed POS. You're showing your cards, dude.
  15. Or perhaps he was trying to show some restraint because anything more could have resulted in his immediate death? Had he pile drived that cop his partner would have killed him
  16. It's an awful take but let's stop giving this guy any credit by calling this journalism. This is some kid in his sweatpants on Twitter.
  17. I love the ironman Gore narrative but it's really hard to believe. Hell it's unprecedented at his age. I'd put money on Singletary leading the team in rushing this year, presumably piling up most yards after one of the old dudes gets hurt.
  18. Good for him. Is 29 considered old for long jumpers? I don't really know a thing about track and field but I know Usain Bolt and Justin Gatlin were sprinting in their 30's. It's got to be his last shot but I'm not sure if he's exactly over the hill and in a worse position than last time.
  19. Added: Cole Beasley, John Brown, Andre Roberts, Duke Williams, David Sills Lost: Kelvin Benjamin and Terrelle Pryor? You've lost me.
  20. LOL what? Dude if my wife had a voice that made me fly into an unconscious rage she probably wouldn't be my wife, and I'd probably need to be on more meds. I don't believe this is as common of a scenario as you think.
  21. And he's like the tallest guy on the football field. And he caught the quietest 7 td's in the league a couple of years ago. I think Kroft could really open some eyes this year if he stays healthy. I also like Sweeney and his fun uncle from the 80's look.
  22. Is it really about his "politics"? I think I'm on the same nebulous side as his politics and I'm pretty sure that the real argument against this guy is that he's an entitled little ***** that hasn't actually done anything yet. He didn't even handle this like a professional. Who is this dude? Holy hell did we ever draft the right Josh. Welcome to the division, little Josh.
  23. I've moved away and tune into WGR every once in awhile after games. I've listened to Schopp for years. Dude just does not come across as a happy individual in general, it's gotten worse over time to the point where "negative radio guy" really seems to be his lane right now. It's interesting radio if you enjoy listening to a guy who clearly doesn't really like what he's doing. Pure, open misery is definitely a bit different than what you normally find.
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