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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. So what's the name of the source. The original NPR article? That didn't name anyone. Over and over again he left rages on unsourced stories that end up being nothing but media click bait. But stay mad. Let the tds consume you. They need you angry till the election Anger tends to cloud judgment and makes people reactionary.
  2. *****. I told my doctor I wanted some valium for sleeping and testosterone for the gym. He said no. He said there are laws where he cannot give it to me simply cause I want it. Effing government restricting and regulating my body.
  3. Meh. Still an unamed source story that fits the usual narrative to trigger tds rage.
  4. Lol Another one She is in charge of the border.
  5. So no. No name as a source. Just not doing the same thing always does and you guys do what you do ... Not one name as a source.
  6. What's the name of the source? Npr? Lmao Any video? Recording? Reads like the usual tds bait. From the usual sources
  7. What is the MSM/troll farm calling reprehensible this time
  8. This doesn't actually happen. Right.
  9. Lol. The trolls are still pushing the grocery store gouging lie. They have lower margins than most sectors. Not a peep on the wall Street and investment groups pulling 10 to 50 percent profit.
  10. Just the fact the folks that call others a cult. Are acting really...... "Team blue no matter who". Lmao.
  11. That one will say absolutely anything for a reply and will always go with insults at the end.
  12. You ask for an opinion then just reply with insults. Nazi your not a troll that will say anything for a reply and adds absolutely nothing but division.
  13. Abortion in France is legal upon request until 14 weeks after conception (16 weeks after the pregnant woman's last menstrual period).[1][2][3] Abortions at later stages of pregnancy up until birth are allowed if two physicians certify that the abortion will be done to prevent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman; a risk to the life of the pregnant woman; or that the child will suffer from a particularly severe illness recognized as incurable State healthcare in France is not free. Healthcare costs are covered by both the state and through patient contributions. These are known as co-payments.
  14. Her base is so full of range and envy they don't grasp the implications.
  15. You didn't vote for her, she wasn't on the ticket. In any state. Now get back to making up those Nazi posters so you can claim to find them.
  16. They will as the president was set by previous admins. She will. She was calling him illegitimate the same day of the riot .
  17. They don't even try anymore. Pure dnc mouthpiece. And how dumb does one have to be say that and to believe unrealized gains are just propaganda rated taxes. What next. They gonna want my income and real estate tax for next year?
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