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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. How much per bike? Is this the fixing racism that was said to be built into the green infrastructure bill?
  2. Stealing elections have consequences. In some countries.
  3. Maze said something the other day that was good interesting. Said there were more pretty women than good women (morals) Said their are more good men than handsome men. Maybe he was onto something.
  4. Domestic migration shows people fleeing blue states and districts. So they are doing desperate things to keep their electoral. Attack the EC, promote federalism over states rights. It's all tied to the same fact. In the big picture it's nuts they want to force the nation into the policies people are fleeing from.
  5. It's crazy how the hard rights platform mirrors the Dems of Clinton years. Just saying
  6. Btw. The male suicide issue isn't new. It's trended that way for decades. Men cannot be victims.
  7. Dudes cannot be victims. They need to man up. Amirite.
  8. They lack the self awareness. Look at one link Brooklyn dad (a paid Dem activist that lies non stop)
  9. Will Germany be able to pull a France.
  10. Hypocrite. Her administrations actions put them there.
  11. Rage narrative to feed the tds. Vs the fact this regimes actions led to those deaths. And this regime was invited and chose not to show.
  12. But CNN and the troll farms said that's a hoax.
  13. This is a good thread of her saying one thing in public, and the details not matching the narrative
  14. They like to ignore things like reddit, discord, telegraph, mastaron are favorites of theirs and full of hate, and ignorance. But point at one tweet on x. Lol
  15. Lmao. Lefties still raging on this. So much tds It's like " he tried to take the wheel of the beast" Hutchinson story all over again
  16. Left is aggressively targeting the youth with LGBT and abortion topics. When it seems the economy is ***** that generation up.. Remember when they said the future was a retail economy that would work for all.
  17. Pretty much nails it. Proven by the fact it's triggering the woke.
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